The lurch files

 The Addams Family Mansion

Classic TV Series

The Addams Family ran from September 18, 1964 until May 21, 1966. The show immediately grabbed attention and fairly high ratings. The cancelation of its main competition, "The Munsters", created the opening ABC executives, needed to cancel the show after just two short Seasons. The reason given was "demographics".
The show would find new fans and great runs in syndication and has spawned cartoons,Movies, videos, and even a new Series.

  • 1-The Addams Family Goes to School

Pugsly and Wednesday are force to read fairy tales such as Hansel and Gretel at school. Morticia keeps them out. A truant officer come to the house to investigate why.

  • 2-Morticia and the Psychiatrist

Pugsly plays with a puppy, joins the Boy Scouts plays baseball, and helps an old lady cross the street. Morticia is horrified and asks psychiatrist Dr. Black for help.

  • 3-Fester's Punctured Romance

Uncle Fester looks for a wife by ads in the local newspaper. When a door-to-door cosmetics saleswoman comes, Fester thinks she is answering his ad.

  • 4-Gomez, the Politician

Gomez and Morticia have a disagreement over the local election. Gomez supports a candidate who promises to drain the local bogs that Morticia loves. Gomez tells her that all politicians do the opposite of their campaign promises.

  • 5-The Addams Family Tree

Pugsly and Wednesday are invited to neighbor Harold’s’ birthday party and bring a pet Tarantula as a gift. When Harold’s parents find out they bar the kids from playing with Harold due to their lack of breeding. The Addams Family hires a genealogist to trace their heritage.

  • 6-Morticia Joins the Ladies League

An escaped circus gorilla, Gorgo, comes to live with the Addams family. Morticia’s tea party is wrecked Pugsly teaches Gorgo to clean house which upsets Lurch.

  • 7-Halloween With the Addams Family

Two Bank robbers are mistaken as trick or treaters by the Addams clan. They intend to steal the family fortune, but they came to the house on the Addams Families’ favorite holiday...HALLOWEEN!

  • 8-Green-Eyed Gomez

The Addams Family hire a new maid, Mildred. Gomez becomes jealous when Morticia old boyfriend shows up, until he finds he is after Mildred and not Morticia. They soon find that he is a con-man after Mildreds’ money.

  • 9-New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family

Newlyweds are horrified to discover the Addams family living next door to their newly leased house. Uncle Fester enters their house through a tunnel and invites them over. They flee in terror at the sites seen in the mansion.

  • 10-Wednesday Leaves Home

(One of my favorites) When Wednesday plays with Uncle Festers dynamite instead of her own, she is given a stern talking to. Wednesday takes her pet spider and runs away. The Addams family goes to the police and file a missing person report. They so thoroughly frustrate the police officer that he decides its’ time to retire.

  • 11-The Addams Family Meets the VIPs

Officials of a hostile country, (presumably Russia)want to use the Addams Family in their anti American propaganda. After seeing the normal day- to -day operations in the Mansion, however. They believe they are in trouble if this is indeed the typical American family.

  • 12-Morticia, the Matchmaker

Morticia's cousin, Melancholia, wants to marry Clarence P. Harvey after most of her marital prospects have joined the Foreign Legion. Clarence is outmatched when Melancholia, Gomez and Morticia plan to win him over.

  • 13-Lurch Learns to Dance

Lurch learns to dance as each of the family teach him a different step. ‘Nuff said.

  • 14-Art and the Addams Family

When an art critic looks at Grandmama's paintings, the Addams Family looks for someone to teach her and Morticia to paint. Sam Picasso, comes and eats all their food and does his own painting but ignores the women. The art critic tells Gomez to "throw the Bum Out"

  • 15-The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik

When Rockland Cartright III, a beatnik, crashes his motorcycle into a tree he stays at the mansion to recuperate. Although leery at first, the Family learns to love him and treat him as one of the clan by putting him on the rack.

  • 16-The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man

Mr. Briggs, the postman, is hired by the government to investigate suspicions of coded radio messages being sent from the house.

  • 17-Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family

When Lurch's mother comes for a visit, the tables are turned as she demands that the family wait on Lurch as if slaves. Lurch loves it.

  • 18-Uncle Fester's Illness

When Uncle Fester loses his electrical power, who do you call; doctor or electrician? Morticia believes that porcupine mold and long exposures to moon rays are the answer.

  • 19-The Addams Family Splurges

The family tries to get up enough money for a vacation on the moon. Morticia wants to go to the racetrack to bet the money. Uncle Fester throws in $21.13.

  • 20-Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family

Cousin Itt is wants to be the curator of the local zoo and enlists Gomez’s’ help. Park Commissioner Fisk and but the zookeepers are convinced the Addams’s' cousin Itt should be in a cage rather than in charge of them.

  • 21-The Addams Family in Court

Grandmama sets up an illegal fortune-telling booth in the Addams’ foyer and is arrested. With Gomez as her attorney, could the trial became anything less than a circus?

  • 22-Amnesia in the Addams Family

Gomez get amnesia after hitting his head; Morticia becomes scary to him and he believes the house looks like a condemned museum. The Addams take turns hitting Gomez on the head trying to help him regain his memory.

  • 23-Thing Is Missing

Gomez conducts an investigation. Everyone is suspect.

  • 24-Crisis in the Addams Family

Uncle Fester gets a job as the insurance company that is canceling the Addams Family policy because Fester keeps blowing up things.

  • 25-Lurch and His Harpsichord

Lurch is devastated when Gomez gives away his harpsichord. Gomez and Morticia offer Lurch a balalaika and a set of drums. Lurch doesn’t like them. Gomez and Fester build a new harpsichord.

  • 26-Morticia, the Breadwinner

Hearing about a stock market crash, Morticia believes the family fortune is wiped out, and rallies the family to help make money. Morticia gives fencing and dancing lessons, Lurch and Fester run an escort service, Grandmama styles hair, and the kids run a poison drink stand.

  • 27-The Addams Family and the Spacemen

While enjoying a moonlight picnic and snail hunt, the Addams Family is mistaken for Martians by Mysterious Space Objects Headquarters personnel.

  • 28-My Son, the Chimp

When a monkey escapes from an organ grinder, Fester believes that Pugsly was turned into the monkey. The family treat the monkey as though he were Pugsly.

  • 29-Morticia's Favorite Charity

Morticia persuades her family to donate family heirlooms to an auction. Donations include Wednesday's headless doll, the old flogging table, a stuffed vulture and Uncle Fester's dynamite.

  • 30-Progress and the Addams Family

Gomez receives notices that the Mansion will be demolished to make room for the new highway. He ignores the notices until they come to blow up the house, Gomez is forced to consider moving the house.

  • 31-Uncle Fester's Toupee

Uncle Fester's tries on several wigs to change his looks for his pen pal, Madelyn, who is coming for a visit. He lied to her about being handsome and tries on various "modern" styles.

  • 32-Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor

(Another Favorite)
Gomez and Morticia pretend to have troubles in their marriage to make Cousin Itt a marriage counselor.

  • 33-Lurch, the Teenage Idol

Teenage girls invade the Mansion after hearing a recording of Lurch. Thinking the mob is hostile, Gomez, Morticia and Fester take battle stations. Lurch sings a song and plays the harpsichord to reward his new found fans.

  • 34-The Winning of Morticia Addams

The Addams clan tries to come up with a way to get Gomez and Morticia to fight due to a psychologists advice that the only happy marriages are ones in which the couples argue.

  • 35-My Fair Cousin Itt

Cousin Itt's is feeling down so Gomez hires the director, Eric Von Bissell, to make Cousin Itt the star of a production for Wednesdays Birthday. Soon, Itt starts to act as if he were a real Hollywood star.

  • 36-Morticia's Romance

(Part 1) Morticia tells the kids the story of how she and Gomez met as they celebrate their 13th wedding anniversary. This is the first time we see sister Ophelia.

  • 37-Morticia's Romance (Part 2)

Wednesday and Pugsly refuse to go to bed until they hear the rest of The tale of how Gomez and Morticia fell in love after the engagement with sister Ophelia.

Season Two

  • 38-Morticia Meets Royalty

Thing falls in love when princess (Aunt) Millicent comes for a visit with her handmaiden, Lady Fingers.

  • 39-Gomez, the People's Choice

The Addams family complains to city hall about how taxes are too low. After Mayor Henson offers them a refund, Gomez believes him incompetent and runs for his position using "Whizzo"; the new political campaign computer.

  • 40-Cousin Itt's Problem

Cousin Itt is losing his hair! Uncle Fester devises a hair growth lotion. Itt is skeptical on using it until Fester shows him it works by using it on a doorknob, Things box, and his own head.

  • 41-Halloween, Addams Style

The neighbors have upset the children by telling them there is no such thing as witches and to top it off this is Halloween. Morticia and Gomez plan to show them that witches DO exist and hold a seance to summon one.

  • 42-Morticia, the Writer

Tired of the terrible fairie tales in which the dragon is slain and the trolls pushed from their bridge, Morticia decides to write a new one. Gomez likes the story so much he thinks that if it is published, Morticia will be lost to him.

  • 43-Morticia, the Sculptress

Morticia creates her first sculpture; a three-eyed Gomez statue. When art critic, Bosley Swain sees it he tries to smash it with his cane. Gomez, not wanting Morticias feelings hurt hires art dealer, Sam Picasso to buy it.

  • 44-Gomez, the Reluctant Lover

When Pugsly copies an love letter written by Gomez and sends it to his teacher. The teacher believes Gomez wrote the letter and confesses that she has never found love like what is written. Morticia acts as a jealous wife to boost the teachers Ego.

  • 45-Feud in the Addams Family

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Courtney are invited to the Mansion for tea. They come due to the fact they want to meet Gomezs cousin, a well- to- do socialite.

  • 46-Gomez, the Cat Burglar

Morticia believes Gomez is the Burglar hitting the neighborhood lately after finding booty stashed in the storeroom. Plans are made to probe his subconscious for the reason he is robbing neighbors.

  • 47-Portrait of Gomez

Morticia's pet omnivorous plant, Cleopatra eats her favorite photo of Gomez from the family album. As the original photographer now works for the department of motor vehicles, Gomez, who doesnt drive, will have to get a license in order to have his picture retaken.

  • 48-Morticia's Dilemma

When a childhood chum from Spain comes to visit Gomez with his daughter Consuela. Morticia finds that Consuela is promised to Gomez since birth and has come to marry him.

  • 49-Christmas With the Addams Family

When the kids lose their faith in Santa, It is up to Fester to save the day by playing St. Nick. When he gets stuck up the chimney the kids find real confusion when everybody else dresses the part and substitute for Fester.

  • 50-Uncle Fester, Tycoon

Fester falls in love when he receives a photo of the Bearded Lady from the carnival. Morticia poses as the girls bearded mom to dissuade him from trying to marry her.

  • 51-Morticia and Gomez vs. Fester and Grandmama

When Morticia believes that Grandmama and Fester are spoiling the children, she hires a governess. Uncle Fester is insulted and paints a white line down the center of the Addams Mansion. The feud begins.

  • 52-Fester Goes on a Diet

When Uncle Festers pen pal Folies Bergere, plans a visit, Fester meets with TV muscleman Jack La Grann (played by actual muscleman, Jack LaLanne), Gomez and Morticia believe he is planning a television career. Fester just wants to go on a diet and exercise to impress Folies.

  • 53-The Great Treasure Hunt

When Morticia and Gomez find Grandfather Pegleg's treasure map, they meet with Captain Grimby. In hopes to charter his boat for the treasure hunt.

  • 54-Ophelia Finds Romance

Sister Ophelia Frump is madly in love with Horatio Bartholomew, Morticia, convinced that Horatio is a cad, tries to get Cousin Itt to rekindle his past romance with her sister.

  • 55-Pugslys Allowance

Pugsly believes he is grownup and wants to find his own job. He becomes medical assistant to Dr. Bird. and, with scalpel in hand, tries to help during an operation.

  • 56-Happy Birthday, Grandma Frump

Grandma Frump, (played by guest star Margaret Hamilton of Wizard of OZ fame) comes to the mistaken conclusion that her daughter, Morticia, and Gomez plan to send to the old folks home. Actually, they plan to send her to a beauty farm.

  • 57-Morticia, the Decorator

Wanting to sell the Addams family a new insurance policy, Joe Digby hires Morticia to redecorate his home. Morticia, grateful for the chance, gives the Digbys a present; a stuffed vulture.

  • 58-Ophelia Visits Morticia

When sister Ophelia talks Uncle Fester into joining the Peace Corps. the entire family agrees to help him study for the exam.

  • 59-Addams Cum Laude

Sam Hilliard, the truant officer from episode 1, now heads the private school that Pugsly and Wednesday go to. When Hilliard cannot take another day with the children, Gomez buys the school.

  • 60-Cat Addams

Dr. Marvin P. Gunderson is summoned to examine Kitty Kat, the ailing lion pet of the Addams Family. When Morticia sees the poor Doctor cringing in fear, she believes his confidence is lost. The entire family pretends to be sick so the Dr. Gunderson can cure them, and boost his confidence.

  • 61-Lurch's Little Helper

When Morticia believes Lurch is overworked, Gomez builds a robot to help him. Lurch feels he isnt needed anymore.

  • 62-The Addams Policy

Uncle Fester just burned up the stuffed bear... with a flame-thrower! When Morticia reports the accident to the insurance company. Mr. Digby (from episode 57) is sent out to investigate.

  • 63-Lurch's Grand Romance

When Lurch falls for Morticias actress-friend, Tiny Trivia, the family tries to help him by turning him into a macho Superstar.

  • 64-Ophelia's Career

Ophelia has lost her love. Morticia suggests a career as an alternative to marriage. She tries chemistry first then turns to opera. Cousin Itt is called upon to coach her.

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