The Lurch Files

The Addams Family Reunion


In 1998, Fox produced the third in the Addams Family movie series called Addams Family Reunion. With Raul Julias death and the older age of the children, a new cast had to be found. The decision was made early on that this would be a movie made for video release. In the meantime, Fox TV and The Family Channel joined together to create the Fox Family Channel on cable. With a little fanfare, the Fox Family channel aired the movie during its inauguration on August 15 1998 . Because there was little advertising, Most people never knew the show had been on. And thankfully so. Sadly, It seemed that the same problems that plagued the 1977 Halloween Reunion also reared its ugly head in this video sequel to the two successful films earlier in the decade.
Critics and fans both believed that this video should have been subtitled "Titanic II"
While the casting was filled with talented actors, the script seemed based more for the Munsters than the family. This video left most Addams family fans with a sour taste in their mouths for the future. Family related projects such as 1999's "The New Addams Family Series". Thankfully, most have realized that this video, sufferring from "Reunion Syndrom", should be set aside in the annals of Addams Family lore and have given the new series a chance.


Gomez Addams Tim Curry
Morticia Addams Daryl Hannah
Wednesday Addams Nicole Fugere
Pugsley Addams Jerry Messing
Uncle Fester Pat Thomas
Lurch Carel Struycken
Thing Christopher Hart
Granny Alice Ghostley
Grandpa Addams Kevin McCarthy
Grandma Addams Estelle Harris
Walter Adams Ray Walston
Phillip Adams Ed Begley, Jr.
Geoff Adams Rodger Halston
Melinda Adams Heidi Noelle Lenhart
Katherine Adams Hilary Shepard-Turner
Dolores Adams Diane Delano
Patrice Leigh Taylor Young
Herbert Conrad Janis
Gina Haylie Duff
Stevie Logan Robbins


Pubert, the infant from The Addams Family Values, is dropped from the cast,
Granny now has a new name, and is now a part of the other side of the family; Esmerelda Frump.
Lurch now has many family ties instead of just his mother.. ( his heart is an Addams... )
Gomez and Fester, whos Granmother used to be Granmama, now have new Grandparents, played by Kevin McCarthy and Estelle Harris


After barely escaping the family mailbox (which is apparently alive) the postman delivers to Gomez a package. A family meeting is called. Gomez presents to the family "The Complete and Unabridged Book of Addams"; a geneology book showing all past and present relatives brought together by teh publisher Family Tree Publications. Inside the book is a brocheur offering a family reunion with long lost relatives arranged for a low introductory price ($5,000). Gomez immediatly writes a check and sends it out.
Fester has been busy preparing a birthday present for Pugsley. He has created a new dog named Butcher (Butch for short) that, when the obscure command word " Good Boy" is uttered, turns into a demaon dog that jumps on and eats the hair off the top of the nearest head.
Gomez and Festers Grandparents pay the family a visit. The clan quickly notices problems in the way that Grandpa and Grandma Addams are acting. Grandpa asks for scores to Yankees games and mows the house grounds, while Grandma plants lovely flowers and suns herself. Both of them are enjoying dancing in their lovely white outfits.
Fester quickly diagnoses the problem.. Its Waltzheimers " a rare tendancy towards normal behavior and Ballroom dancing. It comes and goes but progressivley gets worse as age sets in and there is no known cure. The Family is beside themselves with worry.
Meanwhile, a mixup at Family Tree Publishers has sent Gomez the Reunion invitation to "The ADAMS family", And Gomezs' invitation to of one the ADAMS clan to attend the ADDAMS family reunion. Gomez, believing this is his reunion and that he might be able to find someone in the family who has dealt with and found a cure for Waltzheimers, packs the family up and heads out to meet The Adams Family.( Sans Granmama and Cousin Itt who stay behind to watch the mansion.)
The family is introduced to their "relatives", Deloris and Phillip Adams. Phillip is a psychiatrist which Gomez translates as "witch doctor". The Adams immediate family consists of the Patriarc Walter, his three children "Phillip, Geoffry, and Katherine" and their spouses and children. The family has no love for each other and are basically waiting for Walter to die so they can inherit his money. Phillip has evn started to poison his father.
Geoffry and his wife Melinda are the (un) fortunate recipients of the ADDAMS family Renuion invitation. They find themselves outside the family mansion when they get a flat tire. To make things worse, a storm has started. Geoffry and Melinda go into the mansion and become "guests" to Granmama and Cousin Itt until the storm passes. They must survive several falls, poisonings and electrocutions.
Back at the Primrose Resort, Wednesday and Pugsley are introduced to their "cousins"; Jenny and Stevie, the stuck up offspring of Deloris and Phillip, And Gina; the daughter of Kathleen who wears soda bottle glasses and has a collection of bugs. Pugsley is smitten with Gina.
Butch is hungry and Fester has nothing to feed him ( after all, hes bald). Fester goes out and starts scalping the resort guests. Walter Adams ends up with a mowhawk at the hands of Fester. Once Fester has enough hair he returns to find that Butcher has gone! Fester and Thing start to search the Resort.
The kids have taken over the childrens games in typical Addams fashion. Pugsley hits a croquet ball that goes astray and knocks Kathleen into the pool. Lurch saves her by giving mouth to mouth. From the sounds of her screams, this is not a pleasant experience.
Gomez tries to get Phillip to look at his parents affliction, however he is unwilling to cooperate. He challenges Gomez 10,000 dollars against free medical services to a game of darts. gomez wins of course. Phillip challenges him double or nothing to a game of Ping Pong with the same results. Finally Phillip challenges Gomez to a game of tennis for triple or nothing and includes his right arm.
The kids lose interest in games and fill one of the tennis balls with nitro glicerin. Phillip is once again blown away in this latest challenge.
Butcher finds his way into Katherines room and tries to take her brush. Katherine utters " good boy" and the chase is on with Katherines hair as the prize.
At the dinner party Phillip tries to kill Gomez but Gomez turns the tables.. that is until the cops show up. The family is arrested and taken to jail. Fester is administered shock treatment by Phillip which of course he thoroughly loves. The children are placed in Foster care with Deloris.
Walter Adams pays the families bail and helps them get the children back... It turns out he hates his own family.
Geoffry and Melinda carjack a mail carrier and escape Granny and Cousin Itt, only to crash when run off the road by the returning clan.
While no cure was found, Gomezs' grandparents are left with Deloris and Phillip Adams to enjoy their remaining years.

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The Cast of The Addams Family Reunion Promo photo
Lurch To the Rescue The Complete and Unabridged Book of Addams

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Addams Family Reunion... 1998

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