The Route
The other Namibia
The Ocean
The desert from above
The Moon
The Desert

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Nearly 2,000 miles of tar and gravel roads uncovered images that will forever remain etched in my mind and in my spirit.  Nothing I had read or seen on TV about Namibia prepared me for such magnificent vastness and beauty.

Sunset on the Namib Desert - Namibia

Namibia is often called the land between two deserts because it is located between the Namib and the Kalahari deserts.  As such, it is mostly rocky, sandy and arid.  But one can only marvel at the sight of the most colorful and varied wild flowers and plants that decorate this rough terrain.  Watching wildlife, vegetation and people live in this environment reminded me of Nature's wisdom and, especially, of the strength, tenacity and adaptability of all living things.

One of many desert flowers - Sossuvlei Camp, Namib Desert, Namibia (Wild sesame?)Other desert blossoms near Dune 17, Namib Desert, Namibia (tortoise berry?)



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Created in  December, 1999, and updated in May, 2001

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