Gou Hadouken (g/a)- QCF+P
Gou Shoryuken (g)- DP+P
Tatsumakisempukyaku (g/a)- QCB+K
Diving Demon Kick (a)- QCF+K
Ashura Warp (g)- DP+3P/3K or RDP+3P/3K
- +3P= Long Distance Warp
- +3K= Short Distance Warp


Your lack of power disgusts me!!

Messatsu Gou Shoryu (g)- QCF+2P
Messatsu Gou Hadou (g)- QCB+2P
Tenma Gou Zankuu (a)- QCF+2P
Shun Goku Satsu (g)- JP, JP,F,SK,FP
Tip: The trick to pulling this super off is to press JP twice, press forward and then SK immediately followed by FP. Press one button after another as fast as you can!

New Hyper Cancel Trick- Since Akuma's Messatsu Gou Hadou has a long startup delay, you would think that you cannot cancel into it after his Messatsu Gou Shoryu. However, I've found a way to make this possible! What you have to do is get your super meter to level 2 and start any basic combo leading to his Messatsu Gou Shoryu (i.e:C.Short, C.Forward XX Fierce Gou Hadouken XX Messatsu Gou Shoryu) and right after the first rising hit from the 3rd rotaion in the first super (Dragon Punch super), immediately cancel into the Messatsu Gou Hadou and your opponent will still be stunned in the air, and long enough for the next super to connect. The only problem is that the Messatsu Gou Hadou will only do little damage (and only about 5-7 hits). Either way, give it a try and see if you like it!!


Ground Magic:Zigzag
Air Magic:Zigzag
Super Jump Magic:Zigzag
Aerial Rave Launcher:C.FP
AC Finishers:
1)FP or RK
2)Gou Hadouken
4)Diving Demon Kick

Quick Jump:
1)Beginner Combos
2)Intermediate Combos


1)S.Jab, S.Short, S.Fierce XX Hadouken

2)J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward XX Tatsumakisempukyaku

A little bit like #1, except with the added jump-in. This should get you to practice on your jump-in combos!

3)J.Short, J.Strong XX Gou Hadouken

The Gou Hadouken should connect no matter how short or tall your opponent is, because it all takes place during a jump-in.

4)From afar:Jab Gou Hadouken, Messatsu Gou Hadou

This will work on every character except Juggernaut since he has that stupid shield that keeps him from reeling.

5)J.Short, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Fierce XX Messatsu Gou Shouryu

This is a lot of hits for a beginner combo, but it is still easy because the S.Fierce will set the super up perfectly. You may even add a fireball before this and it will still connect!

6)C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward XX AC Finisher

This is Akuma's basic air combo setup! The number of hits that will connect will depend on how big your opponent is, but I'm sure it will still connect on average sized characters like Cyclops and Gambit.

7)J.Short, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Fierce XX Fierce Hadouken XX Messatsu Gou Shouryu XX Messatsu Gou Hadou

This combo is pretty straight forward! Perform the jump-in followed by the ground chain and then cancel into a special move followed by the 2 supers. When cancelling the first super into the next, make sure your opponent is still stunned or else the second super will not connect.


8)J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.UP.Forward XX Strong Air Throw

This combo will get you to practice your throw combos! To perform the air throw in the middle of a combo, make sure you pause slightly after the SJ.UP.Forward and then hold forward or back and Strong Punch. If you don't pause, the throw will not register and you'll have a regular SJ.Strong come out. So do yourself a favor and pause!

9)J.Short, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward XX Roundhouse Diving Demon Kick

This combo should only be performed on characters as large as Zangief or Sabretooth. It will certainly connect against Juggernaut because he's the biggest character in the game.

10)In the corner and against Juggernaut: J.Short, J.Strong, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward XX Roundhouse Tatsumakisempukyaku XX Tenma Gou Zankuu

This combo will only connect against Juggernaut, so don't try it on anyone else. The super at the end doesn't really count because Akuma charges for a long time before he shoots those 19 fireballs. Instead, the super is used for chipping damage so use it if Juggernaut has little life energy and is about to die.

11)In the corner:J.Short, J.Strong, J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward XX Roundhouse Tatsumakisempukyaku, C.Short (OTG), C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward XX AC Finisher

Now this combo is a little tough to pull off, because you have to be quick when you otg the opponent after the roundhouse hurricane kick. Also, you should already know how to do the air combo part and the AC Finisher can be any move you want.

12)In the corner against Juggernaut only:Raging Demon,C.Short (OTG),C.Fierce /\ (straight up)SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.UP.Roundhouse (FS), SJ.UP.Roundhouse (on your way down), land and jump again with J.Jab, J.UP.Roundhouse

You can otg after his Raging Demon! Just hit low with a C.LK into the C.Fierce launcher and then super jump straight up. Now do the 3 hit air combo ending with SJ.UP.Roundhouse (you have to hold up) so that the Flying Screen effect is initiated. Now kill the flying screen by hitting Juggernaut with another SJ.UP.Roundhouse on your way down! The next combo is an advanced version of this one that I just explained.

Alternate jump-in for this combo is (13):J.Short, J.Strong XX Roundhouse Hurricane kick!
13)In the corner against Juggernaut only:J.Short, J.Strong, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Fierce /\ (straight up)SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.UP.Forward, SJ.UP.Roundhouse (FS), SJ.UP.Roundhouse (on your way down), land and jump again with J.Jab, J.UP.Roundhouse, land and otg with C.LK, C.MP, C.FP.

Well you know how the jump-in is done, right? If not,then don't even try this combo yet. For those of you who do know, launch Juggy into the air and super jump straight up so that when you end the 4 hit air combo ending with SJ.UP.Roundhouse, Juggy won't be knocked away from the corner. Now the first SJ.UP.Roundhouse will initiate the Flying Screen effect, kill it with another SJ.UP.Roundhouse on your way down to the ground. Now you will recover from everything you just did up there, so jump up again and do a J.Jab into J.UP.Roundhouse to knock Juggy to the ground so that you can otg him with the last 3 hit. Also, Akuma and Ryu have an alternate 3 hit otg chain that goes like this:C.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse, but I don't recommend using it!

This world is starting to lose it's appeal!

Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to the Legend & Definitions Page

If you're into Infinite Combos, go to:Shoryuken.com

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