I'll kick ya'ass!!
Secretly pursuing the movements of Shadowloo, the international smuggling operation, Chun-Li fights bravely, unmindful of personal danger. The memory of her father burns brightly in her life.


Kikouken (g)- HCF+P
Axe Kick (g)- HCB+K
Lightning Kick (g/a)- Tap K rapidly
Headstomp Kick (a)- D+FK
Note:This move can be done repeatedly durin the air!
Rising Bird Kick (g)- D-(charge)-U+K


Bison Sucks!!

Kikoushou (g)- QCF+2P
Senretsukyaku (g)- QCF+2K
Hazan Tenshoukyaku (g)- QCB+2K


Ground Magic:Zigzag
Air Magic:Zigzag
Super Jump Magic:Zigzag
Aerial Rave Launcher:S.RK
AC Finishers:
1)FP/RK or J.T.Roundhouse
2)Lightning Kicks
3)Stomp Kick

Kikoushou!! Note: The J.T.Roundhouse will only work as an AC Finisher if you're in the middle of the screen. In the corner, it is the perfect setup for her Headstomp infinite!

Quick Jump:
1)Beginner Combos
2)Intermediate Combos
3)Expert Combos


1)S.Jab, S.Short, C.Forward XX Rising Bird Kick

2)D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse xx Lightning Kicks

3)J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Forward XX Senretsukyaku or Hazan Tenshoukyaku.

Either super works as long as you dash in immediately after landing from the J.Fierce. Make it nice and snappy!

4)J.Short, J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, C.Short, C.Roundhouse XX Kikoushou

The C.Roundhouse should set the Kikoushou up perfectly, just make sure that you cancel into the super in time!

5)J.Roundhouse \/ Roundhouse Lightning Kicks

Since the J.Roundhouse gives you two free hits, press K as fast as you can an you'll get the Roundhouse Lightning Kicks to connect as well.

6)In the corner:J.Strong, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Fierce XX Senretsukyaku XX Kikoshou XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku

Basically a combo with the EX Cancels! No matter which button you use, the Senretsukyaku super will connect most of the time. But use the C.Fierce or S.Fierce to prevent your opponent from being able to block again. Also, you must perform the EX Cancels at the right time or else you'll get two separate combos.

7)S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward XX AC Finisher

This air comb is pretty easy and the AC Finisher can be whatever move you wish to use!


8)J.Fierce \/ S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward XX Forward Lightning Kicks

9)J.Fierce \/ S.Jab, S.Roundhouse XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku

Although this combo is considered an intermediate combo, it is still easy because the S.Roundhouse (which is her launcher) sets up the the super very well.

10)Get enemy in the corner:C.Roundhouse XX Kikoshou (OTG), C.Short (OTG) XX Senretsu Kyaku

I saw this combo in a very well developed X-Men vs. Street Fighter site! The odd thing is that this combo still works although there are two otg's in it. After the Kikoushou, otg the opponent with a C.Short and then cancel into the Senretsukyaku.

11)J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.T.Roundhouse

A more advanced combo, but similar to the one in #7! Use the SJ.T.Roundhouse as an AC Finisher to put some space between you and your opponent (its for your personal safety!).

12)In the corner:J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Fierce, SJ.T.Roundhouse XX Headstomp Kick x3

This is an even tougher combo in which you must perform in the corner for the whole thing to connect. The reason for this is that you don't want the SJ.T.Roundhouse to initiate the Flying Screen effect, so performing it in the corner will stop the FS effect and your opponent has nowhere to go. When this happens, hit'em with 3 repeatedly Headstomps!This may even evolve into an infinite!!!

13)Against wider opponents:J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.T.Roundhouse

Now this one is a kicker!Since Chun-Li's SJ.Jab and SJ.Short don't stick like Wolverine's during his air combos, she can combo them again for extra hits before the actuall AC Finisher!Perform the SJ.Jab and SJ. Short twice quickly, then jump again and perform the last part of the chain. This the is part of the combo that I use to for my Chun-Li Headstomp Infinite!

14)In the corner:J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Strong, C.Fierce XX Senretsukyaku XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku, C.Short (OTG), S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Fierce, SJ.T.Roundhouse XX Short Lightning Kicks

I don't know whether the Short Lightning Kicks will or will not connect after the SJ.T.Roundhouse, because there is little chance that you will get to press the Short Kick button fast enough before the opponent falls down. Well, try it anyways and see what you get.


15)In the corner & against wider characters:J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Strong, C.Fierce XX Senretsukyaku XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku, C.Short (OTG), S.Roundhouse XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku

This one is a little tough, because you have to be very close to your opponent no matter if they're big or gigantic. After the first Hazan Tenshoukyaku, otg the opponent and then launch them again and follow with another Hazan Tenshoukyaku.

16)In the corner & against Sabretooth or Juggernaut:J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku, C.Short (OTG), S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong, SJ.T.Roundhouse XX Roundhouse Lightning Kicks

Just like in combo #14, I am not really sure if the Roundhouse Lightning Kicks will connect after the SJ.T.Roundhouse because of the double jump super. It's odd too because when you otg after a super, the launcher tends to send your opponent slightly higher than it usually does.If you get it to work, then yay for you!!!

Note:In this combo, TJ=Triple jumping
17)Chun-Li Triple Jump combo on Juggernaut in corner:J.Fierce,J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, delay for 1/2 sec,SJ.Fierce, SJ.T.Roundhouse, then catch Juggernaut with SJ.Jab right afterwards /\ (double jump) DJ.Jab, DJ.Short, DJ.Fierce, DJ.T.Roundhouse, DJ.Jab /\ TJ.Jab, TJ.Short, TJ.Fierce, TJ.T.Roundhouse XX Headstomp (however many times you can do it!)

Now assuming that you have practiced all of the combos listed above a few times, I think you are ready to ty out my Chun-Li infinite that I discovered last weekend!But first let me tell you how it happened. It happens that I was bored of watching t.v. so I turned on the PSX and started practicing with Chun-Li. Then when I finally got to the training mode and selected Chun-Li, I figured I could try to pull off an infinite and I did! I don't know whether it was luck or not, but the fact is that I did it and I'm happy now. The only problem is that it only works on Juggernaut and I don't manage to pull it off all the time because its so damn difficult. So this is why I'm excluding this combo from the Expert Combos section.Well, I'll just cut to the chase and reveal my new Chun-Li Infinite.

In the corner & agains Juggernaut "ONLY":J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Fierce, SJ.T.Roundhouse XX Headstomp to Hell!!!

Well what do you know? Its Headstomp Hell!!! This will scare off Juggernaut users and you can be sure that you won't find anyone using him again in their life. This is a little bit like combo # 12, only 1000 times worse! Since you should be an expert by now, I'll just let you figure this one out by yourself. If you need help, go to Shoryuken.com

I have found a much easier infinite for Chun-Li! Some of the requirements are that you must have three levels of super meter available and have mastered the OTG technique.Also, you should also test this one on Juggernaut first before attempting it on the other characters.Here it goes!

In the corner:J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Strong, C.Fierce XX Senretsukyaku XX Kikoshou XX Hazan Tenshoukyaku, C.Short (OTG), S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.T.Roundhouse XX Infinity Headstomp

The reason why this one is much easier is because you don't have to double jump at all! Also, make sure that you perform the SJ.T.Roundhouse, not just the normal SJ.Roundhouse or else you won't be able to setup the Headstomp once you start to fall down again.I wish I had a video to show as an example.But if you're good enough to prove that you're a real Chun-Li player, then you should try the next infinite shown below!And remember, only try this one against Juggernaut because it will be a little easier.

In the corner:J.Fierce, J.T.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Jab, Short /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Fierce, SJ.T.Roundhouse XX Infinity Headstomp When you super jump, super jumper straight up so that you would end up right beside him. You won't miss any hits because the SJ.Jab and the Short will reach him. Also, don't pause between the first four hits or you'll really mess up the combo because Juggernaut is very heavy and he'll fall to the ground quickly. Afte the first four hits, jump again and do another Jab, Short and then a fierce followed by a J.T.Roundhouse. You want to hold forward when hitting the roundhouse button because it changes the way Chun-Li will kick. If you use the normal one, you won't be able to setup the infinit headstomps like the SJ.T.Roundhouse can. If you mess up during the infinite Headstomps, you can tell because the screen will move fast to the left or to the right (depending on which side of the screen you tried it)and Chun-Li will stop the Headstomp. Another thing you need to know is that sometimes the Headstomps will stop and continue every four hits. This is a good sign though because if you keep performing the Headstomps then you'll be able to get the entire combo right!!!

Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to the Legend & Definitions Page

If you're into Infinite Combos, go to:Shoryuken.com

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