We Now Live in an Unofficial Fascist Nation

Okay, so I called it way too early; the def. here is still valid.

All but few expectations dashed, and not even in executive order — using DHS, this administration dares declare its power dictatorial.  The root-form definition of Fascism: forcing groups, presiding over, a dictatorship.  It is to divide and conquer by, first, means of forcing people into groups.  (Has that happened, or what?  I can’t get anywhere just as myself!)  Then, forcing one’s hand by the current power.  [And that power persists for future administrations!]

A Moral Imperative.
What can I do when I know it’s too late, we’re past the point of becoming a fascist nation (we’re there, and beyond), and it’ll be evermore difficult to restore something that requires the people to be educated over indoctrinated.  Socialism, racism, corporatism — all tools that don’t necessarily apply to fascism, even though they all aspire in forcing people into groups — erode self-representation of the individual.

If you couldn’t already tell, I have no personal following.  This site could be “inexplicably” erased, disabled, or “disappeared,” or even left alone with my being targeted, murdered and/or detained indefinitely.  I will never abandon individual liberty, in case anything is “inexplicably” altered, as well.

The NDAA is enforced and is expected to be abused.  The media remain silent, excusing the story as partisanship or conspiracy theory — there’s no justification for their silence, let alone absolute complacency.
John McCain was the one who inserted the without due process provision.  And with the efforts to censor speech on the internet, like China, you could be killed or detained indefinitely without the ability to speak out about it.  You cannot rest on agreement, such as the targeting of Anwar al-Awlaki.  To not even be able to leave the country (yet it will be very difficult to get a passport, at the least) without loose justification of your targeting.  Also, it’s on or off the battlefield.  Read the law, speak truth to power.


HR 4646: 1% on all bank transactions.

As in the UK, waiting rooms will be on the sidewalks (hospitals full).  If you need a hip replacement, do it now.
It came down to Justice Roberts (from the Bush admin.), and it was 5-4.  The individual mandate survives, and (it) is allowed under the Constitution.  As a tax.  Roberts ends up being one of those judges that believe the people should suffer the consequences of their legislation... as if the public wants it, and laws should be so intrusive.  He essentially twists the language so a law is assuredly “found” constitutional.


Penalty!  Tax!  Pen— it’s a mandate enforced by the IRS.

House holds Eric Holder in contempt for failing to turn in documents on Fast & Furious. Holder says he stopped something that started during the Bush Admin., yet it actually started on his watch; the program was stopped at every point prior.  And then he shows us how much of a manipulative liar he is by saying, “the truth is evolving,” after all of the actions of a cover-up, launching an ”investigation” only after things started closing in on him.


The same tagged bear, found in tree, gets tranqued again.

New Islamist Egyptian President: “Koran as our constitution, Sharia as our guide.”

Highest debt-to-GDP since 1945, after WWII, from an above-average over 40% in 2008 to over 70% lately.

Give us your tired, your poor, your undocumented Democrats.
Yesterday, after the Supreme Court ruled that immigration judgment calls require police to call ICE, to add insult to injury, irony on top of irony, the Department of Homeland Security not only says they won’t respond to police officers, DHS sets up a “civil rights” hotline to rat out cops or anyone else that may rat out people who are here illegally.

Chris Matthews not only calls the conservatives on the Supreme Court racist (they would have not upheld the Civil Rights Act), but that the founders “wrote slavery into the Constitution, and it took a civil war to get it out.”

Pointless existence?

More facial nerve damage with the disease, into the lips.  And the bogus continuation of the “solution,” to start with the dentist, decisions attempted to be made for me again.  No one’s right, no one cares, and I am just going to die in my powerlessness, aloneness, in all of the unusual symptoms and pains, having exhausted the “right” to see a doctor, have no money for a primary care physician and can’t “practice medicine on myself.”

With a weak heart, half-numb face, full of infections (didn’t tell the clinician that), easily tired and feeling like fainting at any point.  And so forth.  (You don’t care, now do you, random reader?)


Since the “supposed end of the recession three years ago, 7.7 mn. have left the labor force.

Alex Trebek (Jeopardy!) now recovering from a mild heart attack.

Anne(?) Curry is done.

Little Big Horn celebration, Liz Warren tweet: “big news; Obama will be in town...work on my speech!”

Coming soon to a hospital near you, perhaps.
U.K. health system: diabetic woman w. diabetes dies when nurses fail to show/return.

The edited version of Bob Costas interview leads to an appeal—NBC may be responsible for an appeal for Jerry Sandusky.

Kill everybody else, but don’t kill the job.
James “Whitey” Bulger trial delayed 4 mos. because the lawyer is a public attorney.

The admin. will most likely do it anyway.
If the Supreme Court rules against the individual mandate, no change; if for, a tool.

The Court has upheld the part of SB1070 that allows police to check status (but with ICE) when a law has already been broken.


So what’s in it for a clerk to leak? says lawyer Stephen Miller, who worked for Justice Antonin Scalia.
Zero transparency, even of the courts, when the admin. hears all (but doesn’t really listen); the Supreme Court’s (WDC) decision on Affordable Care Act’s unconstitutional insurance mandate...on whether it’s unconstitutional, will be kept from the public for some time, acting as if it’s the public that’s out of control, not the administration.

Two freight trains collide in OK, billowing black smoke after a fire; 3 crew members missing.

Lanai, Hawaii depends on a wealthy owner.

Does this bikini make me look fat— Crap, crap, crap headlines.

Without any real Constitutional discussion, again

Both sides claim victory in court’s FCC decision.
Baptist Press news, Washington: the U.S. Supreme Court Thu. tossed out the FCC’s penalties against ABC and Fox for broadcasts that included expletives and brief nudity, saying the two networks were not given fair notice that “brief” moments of indecency could be fined under federal policy.

For the wrong reasons — First Amendment rights cannot be revoked by Congress/Congressionally approved institutions, such as the Federal Communications Commision.  The Soviet Union allowed people to do just about anything they wanted...with that major exception of interfering with the government.  Pot-smokers beware, as you burn your brain cells and responsibilities away.


The NDAA is enforced and is expected to be abused. History: enabled by law, the poisoning of alcohol during Prohibition lead to the deaths of hundreds to thousands of people. And recently, a 31-yr.-old mother was sentenced to a quarter-century due to being in the room when marijuana was “dealed.”

Jerry Sandusky, convicted pedophile, 45/48 counts, over 400 years, mandatory minimum.
With Sandusky on suicide watch, sentencing is scheduled 90 days from conviction.

The Bit Coin mesh network technology doesn’t require the internet.


Liz Warren is “for working families.”  More like the Working Families Party — Joel Rogers destruction of the Democrat Party for more union thuggery.

First in the Catholic church/ordinance: William L.(?), 61, convicted.

The corruption in the media, the cowardice: the Fast & Furious witch hunt — Eugene Robinson.
And Al Sharpton & Friends, of course, call it racism.  Always racism.  It’s beyond scandal when the govt. supplies guns to drug cartels and people die.  This is worse than the Watergate break-in.  And the Woodward and Bernsteins of today are toties to Dem. power...as they were during the Nixon admin.  Nothing has changed yet everything has changed.  What do you say to the families of the dead border agents?  You have no right, no right to even ask the govt.  Racists, the birth certificate — as they don’t have your blind vote, you’re illegitimate in their minds.

Take money away from whitey.  Attacks on Willard Romney’s wife, Ann, who has MS (but how dare $100K+ horses be bought with their own money to help her multiple sclerosis), and how Mitt wants 100% of the racist vote in America.  There you go on the quality of mainstream media today — only mainstream in the sense of readily available.  And closer to PRAVDA.

Curt Schilling fires a staff of 300 in RI over video-game firm’s loss.  And if this were a D, it wouldn’t be an outrage.

od28-6 news: translucency in 8bpp.


Illegal votes wanted: Rick Scott moves to clean voter rolls, gets blocked.

Commerce secy. to step down after reported seizure, car accident.

John Kerry, relative to 5 mansions, each with an SUV, and private jets, gave an hour lecture on Global Warming.


15:08 sunlight.  Summer heat, with lows in the 90s.  And another toll hike.

Adds dependence, and adds to the deficit: politicians have been paying states to promote food stamps.

Joe Biden rallies the crowd, screws taxpayers: You provide...We own you!

Great education semester costs: $300-400 for illegal immigrants, $8K for everyone else.

First day of summer, temperatures in the 90s and 100s: Good Humor reports ice cream shortfalls.

Matt Groening finishes “Life in Hell” comic strip.

Liz Warren’s 63rd birthday on a Fri.

23-to-17, holding Eric Holder in contempt.  Some call it “partisan theater,” all Rs and Ds fully for and against, none really understanding the corruption in the Justice Dept.

In the ’90s, Alec Baldwin called Horse carriage (driver) a ‘fa---t.’
An assault charge follows the New York Daily news photographer attack the other day.
Baldwin tweets, “Every since then this English Queen...” — referring to editor Colin, formerly from one of Murdoch’s papers.  He’s sure celebrating diversity, one gay slur at a time.

Bras make breasts droopy and cancerous, on Coast to Coast AM

Messaging and acceptance, disease rates are increasing in countries that didn’t previously have women wearing bras, shoes, etc.—all have toxic chemicals.  You should wear socks: a common form of skin cancer is on the bottom of the foot.

The tonsillectomy is a multi-billion industry that removes a pro-biotic function.  Said to stop sore throats...only said to.

There is a link bet. pesticides and obesity.


Syria, Iran playing war games.  Obama: Iran and Cuba — they’re tiny, compared to the Soviet Union.

Hosni Mubarak, 84, is reported clinically dead.  And the Muslim Brotherhood victory rages on, with rockets fired in Israel.

With a limited release of documents, Eric Holder deceptively says there was no intent to deceive.

Onto Cambridge: banning large soft drinks in all restaurants.  Can’t eat meat either.

While still under British house arrest, Julian Assange is appearing at the...

Data shows stiffest financial hit to young adults in a long time, having to rent or stay with parents.

On behalf of extremists/illiterate: Korans in a garbage fire, involved (low-ranking) soldiers to be punished.

Alec Baldwin has another meltdown, this time punching out of news photographer.

It took over a decade to get past the threats and the cover-up: psychologists in the Sandusky trial make Sandusky’s sexually abusive psychopathy some ‘social-complex disorder.’  He smirks, walking, fearless.  One of the victims said he screamed for help in the basement.

Three Cherokees go to try and meet Liz Warren...she still refuses to show up, yet is still “proud of her heritage.”  This is just a distraction— Scott Walker gets money from Wall Street!  Warren receives (not makes) far more money than Walker.  It’s the evil rich billionaires!  Yeah, like — George Soros, raising money for Warren.  Is the money laundered— I’m sorry, philanthropist-ed this time?

Like 1974, to 1984, someone gets fired over the editing of George Zimmerman responding to the 911 responder (is he white?), but no one in the corrupt media learns any lesson at all.  And government is good — we’re not burning books...we’re just clearing and drowning them out, and ramping up the FBI and Homeland Security tracking what you read.
The teacher wrote ‘potatoe’, not Dan Quayle, but Bush and ‘barcoder’, not Clinton and... you look it up — I’m tired of all of this.

Andrea Mitchell ran carefully cut-up audio (three cuts).  And she was a KWY reporter who knows the place!  She doesn’t apologize the next day, but extends the out-of-context clip into the federal govt., and bolts for immigration politics.  Chris Matthews couldn’t get his guffaw in this time (he was one of the people laughing).  They don’t even try to hide it anymore — Mika B. said ‘yes’ when it came to Obama winning with the blame Bush tactic.

Gov. Rendell planned to ambush and harass Mitt, but Mitt got news of it and went to the other Wa-Wa.  Mitt Romney set up an example, with 33-page federal forms for getting a paycheck, and Wa-Wa (Native American name), a spotlessly clean place, like Cumberland Farms on steroids.

Civics is being replaced with Political Science, which is an oxymoron — one is about measuring reality, the other about manipulation.  This sets the standard from genuinely helping each other to Animal Farm.

Special favor-land: It’s okay, my brother works for the dept. or I know someone to make this go away.
A Cambridge police officer forced to give up his car?...Not taking the breathalyzer.  This time the police did act stupidly, giving one a free pass too many until a DUI caused damage.  If they started taking their pensions away, you would be seeing a lot more police DUI stories popping up.

House of corrections, the old “toothpaste defense”: in one case, the vehicle hit hard enough to engrave the license plate.  In another story, a state Senator was caught outside a bar, literally hanging from a lamp post to keep from falling down...largely ignored, given a ride home.  Another person given a ride home.


All of the “Stimulus” money went to the unions; non-union companies got nothing.

Waste of time and money: Henry Waxman’s Roger Clemmons trial...acquittal.  There you go.

$316K/yr., and still not satisfied—Michelle Obama’s story, agitprop.

George W. Bush golfed 24 times in all eight years...Barack Obama, and not until taking office, over 100—three years.


...hypnotic com-pu-ters.  We/You rely on Your/Our protection, Yet you feel its Lies from the tablecloth.  Ev-erybody’s going to the-party, have a-real good time. ...blowing up the sunshine.  Blast off, it’s party time, if we don’t live an a Fascist Nation.  Blast off, it’s party time.  And Where  the F--k  are You?! ... Why-don’t-the-Presidents fight the wars, why-do-they always send the poor?...Why-do-they always send the poor? ... revealing your intentions... in oil, crying ‘FREEDOM!!’

In —Away We Go...

Obama did, in a way, make Gitmo a thing of the past — you are to be sent to a lesser-known prison from now on.  If you’re from a country that tortures... Good luck.

Rodney King found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool.

Fat bastar— I am not fit at all!  Bluer —if not varicose— veins ...Wh- What about my responsibility?
What can I do?  What can I do when I have no power and have little choice in the darkness (and Democracy always limits choices) — and not the power over people, the power wake them up, let alone the power to live my own life.  I am not others, I choose not to manipulate my way into pretending I’m just like you, and I don’t resort to insane support systems over my insecurities.  (I’m not Hitler.)

I know I have no excuse, but...there you go.  I am the example that disproves individualism, and I will not give up.  I may be killed or fired but I will not give in.

I dare you to think about what’s going on, and, deliberately, there are no sponsors, I have no donors, no Soros money, no Koch money (even though the Kochs have been busy promoting Thomas Jefferson!).  And that somehow makes me less credible, in the eyes of this corrupted world...

Even the Kim Komando show becomes useless when it’s all Windows 8, hyper-useless tech junk (in the real world).  Hypnotic computers...  There didn’t used to be this absolute silence around me, physically, electronically.  Darwinian CapitalismEvil.  Being a believer in actual credit, as opposed to money/debt, I die with my honesty.

The President tries to rally black voters, and when that fails, turns around, and says, screw you, I’m going for a ‘new’ voting bloc, a very particular age group of illegal immigrants...where it’s even difficult to verify the age.


Downright...: the press make the dictatorial move on Friday about immigration, not about the move.  Partly because “the ends justify the means,” and they refuse to think for themselves, not to mention making everything about money...to not have a soul, may be the expression to use.  The love of money is the root of all evil.

Zero (n.): the entity or number consisting of no value; a neutral surplus or deficit.
2. Floating-Point: an infinitesimal, representing both neutrality and underflow.


Canada does have a conservative news outlet: SunNewsNetwork.ca.

Can’t get the Dream Act passed (since it was brought up in official form, c. 2010), do it anyway.  Say hello to Dictator Barack Obama.  To target a specific demographic: coming here bef. age 16, and currently under 30.  The silence in “respected journalism” on this and the Kill List, is deafening.  There is no justification whatsoever.  It is immoral, hands-down, what is happening— downright evil, without question, and all the hacks can do is go, “where were you under [fill-in-the-blank]?”  And that’s if they get a single thing you’re saying.

F.D.R. never went this far, would never have wanted to because it’s unjustified and unworkable.
It’s a war zone at the border, yet Janet Napolitano says the border is now better than it’s ever been.  Once again, the Progressives come up with something to fudge the numbers: “spillover violence” is used to discount violence outside of a narrow definition.

‘Unconstitutional:’ Egyptian high court orders parliament dissolved.

TheBlaze.com: Will GMO labeling just add lawsuits, cost?  How effective/accurate will it be?

Atheists’ latest ‘victory’: 60-yr. Santa Monica nativity & religious display tradition banned.

‘God Hates Everything’: Westburough Baptist Church pickets against Rev. Billy Graham.

A moral, economic and political crisis: Jim Wallis and Richard Land, 140 “Christian” leaders, Mass push for their form of immigration reform (amnesty for votes).

Barack Obama only signs the bills and makes orders

I haven’t read the book The Manchurian President — and that’s because, again, I have no money — but the title is true.  He does not come up with the ideas, he refuses to take responsibility on anything, and has a fall-guy 100% of the time, especially Congress.  He was nowhere to be seen in the promotion of the legislation, fall guys/gals like Nancy Pelosi took the heat.  He doesn’t even bother to pay the restaurant bill — and to use it in a speech, telling the brainwashed supporters how it’s the other guy(s) doing it, and then with military vets.

George Washington was the most honest President and Barack Obama is the most irresponsible President.  And with the absolute misunderstanding of the term ‘responsibility,’ a bigger dictator will emerge, the Progressive way paving more national crises, where the centralization of government is always the solution.  A solution against all historical fact (it doesn’t work).


It’s true: a Bum Bill of Rights has been formed.

How about this: in dollars, we’re raising debt nearly four times the rate of the European Union.  Over $15 trillion from 11, compared to a number still well under ten.

Extreme left and right candidates: now they’ve each elected new socialist ‘leaders’ that will end the austerity measures, putting the debt fast-track back on line.

NJ child porn suspect Maksym Shynkarenko, 33, faces 32 counts.

Bloomberg: you gotta watch the intake of milk.

FamilySecurityMatters.org: From Russia with Death by Ralph Peters (ret. Army officer).
What makes Watergate look trivial, a hot mic reveals Obama will do anything in the support of an ideology stuck in 1912 and the days of the Cold War.  He told Russia’s then-president Dimitry Medvedev (now PM) to relay to Vladimir Putin a request for patience, while Russia’s low-precision attack helicopters are used for maximum destruction in Syria against civilians, and Russia’s own “Tea parties” endure beatings, arrests, imprisonment, constant harassment, the loss of jobs, eviction, and denied access to education.  These are courageous human beings struggling against a cynical regime with the odds stacked terribly against them.

In the Heartless: they’re actually protesting lemonade stands for the homeless!

A rural family is still fighting the Federal govt. on...the license to reproduce livestock — rabbits, fining children $90K.

The latest way for illegal aliens to abuse the system, and now fine citizens for not having health insurance: over $270 mn. is going to undocumented(s) and “other,” amounting to nearly $1 mn. a day.

Man of the people...really Man of the top 1%

The Obama camp trying to raise money anyway, anywhere, with Anna Wintour, and a celebrity raffle.  If you didn’t know, Wintour is the “Devil” in The Devil Wears Prada, and the woman that called obese people in a southern state/region little houses.


Sacramento Pastor Linda Snyder(?), after a long battle with flesh-eating bacteria, from the common little cut.


Europe is imploding, as people make runs on the banks (and plans for runs on the banks).  Italy is closing their banks to stop the complete hemorrhaging and collapse.

Smoking (completely banned), salt, large sodas, popcorn — Out of control, Michael Bloomberg: We can’t have people thinking they can [just] go anywhere, liking the idea of having drones flying above NYC.  ConsumerFreedom[dot]com can’t help you now.

Katherine Grieg (pron. Gregg) gets 8 years in prison as an accomplice to Whitey Bulger.

“Obama-Girl” refuses to endorse Obama, says she was paid to do 2008 ad.


Bag of Bones is a hateful and empty movie that shows us how bad Stephen King has gotten, writing the lead character (“Pierce” Brosnan) as an arrogant drunk that puts his wife’s “Accu-” pregnancy test in the toilet after her death, urinates on it, and gets away with “justifiable murder” — he’s there when the police arrive.  The evil rich old guy is a blend of Bill Gates, Dick Cheney and any homicidal racist character you can come up with that rapes and kills a black female singer...she has more than enough time before death to put a curse on all of the men’s offspring-down.  And guess how the curse is broken?  (Hint: it’s in the phrase “Lie Still, Bag of Bones.”)  The total running time is over two hours, yet it has the substance of an episode or two of Tales From the Crypt.  I think I nailed that.  Grade: D.


Richard Dawson, 79, complications of esophageal cancer.


Median home income networth falls to 1992 levels.  Housing bubble blamed, not the fed... the origin of the bubbles!  Proven to be a complete scam, time and time again, will anything change?

Judge rules against Atheist family suing to remove In God We Trust.

U.S. officials say Russia’s sending attack helicopters to Syria.
More Russia news: police raid homes of those that criticize the Kremlin, new anti-Putin protests emerge, and are expected to be stamped out.

Top of the Yahoo! News: Could ruling make ‘single payer’ easier?
How the Supreme Court could strike Obamacare and ensure national health care would be legal.

Wow, that’s not corrupt.  Even the cover photo depends on CitizensUnitedForChange, another taxpayer-exempt progressive group, where conservatives are outnumbered and overpowered, yet are blamed for everything.

Govt. out of control.
Eric Holder calls contempt charges against him a “constitutional crisis.”
It may cost you to use profanity in Middleborough, MA.
Teachers Union has only one goal: making sure nothing changes, as new ones are fired for the top to get paid...same old taxpayer money-changing.

Proud Sore-loserdom, at Netroots: Howard Dean reenacts his scream that cost him any chance in 2004.
Worse: Young farmers are turning from food...to wind..  Nothing like people starving to death, with an excuse of wind turbines, right?

These films instill Western philosophy.  Islamic political science professor (dead giveaway): Neoconservatism is spread through…Tom and Jerry cartoons.

You know someone’s dangerous when Van Jones endorses them.
Not the most popular politician, but the most popular human being: Elizabeth Warren.  Yeah, popular in the bad sense — she’s a pathological liar, like many lawyers.

Church of England formally objects to govt.’s proposal to legalize gay marriage.
...scaremongering, exaggerating the effects of same-sex marriage and advocating legal discrimination...

Current TV’s last great hope: Joy Behar?  Why did she get canned at HLN?
And to show how (virtually) far to the left ABC News is, Van Jones and Ann Coulter clash on ABC News This Week.

Another dead-end

The new monitor, that came with the new computer, is inexplicably failing.  One monitor has an exhausted CFL backlighting, and the other is a bad model that says Setting Not Optimal, at or below said resolution.  You can’t have it all, and I can’t have anything.


Yes, I’m doing movie reviews again, and cross my fingers that it gets uploaded...or read.
A wild adventure from the perspective of the cameras, Chronicle may be the most violent movie I’ve seen with a PG-13 rating, tossing bodies like bean-bags, blood left to primarily only nosebleeds.

It’s every teenager’s fantasy these days, having the power of telekinesis...and, of course, it goes bad, as “Andrew”, the most introverted of the group of friends, deals with his insecurity issues (his father is abusive, the bullies at school tease him on stealing his new camera, and the neighbors appear to deal drugs) by tossing cars into buildings, spinning and tossing his father out of the hospital building, tossing the “thugs” to steal their money for medication for his dying mother, with blood on the pavement — only mouth and nose-bleeds, and yelling about becoming the new alpha of the species.  Did I mention it may be the most violent movie I’ve seen with a PG-13 rating?  Little care went into the lighting of the CG baseball.

My Grade: B.


We don’t have kings and queens anymore, we have commissioners.

Fired OR “Teacher of the Year” praises Obama, declares Si Se Puede at commencement.

Concussion: Lady GaGa struck by pole during New Zealand concert performance.

“Mumbles” Menino can’t even stand up, running for office again.

Networks refuse to cover 164 rallies across the country, tens of thousands of people, over Obamacare and abortion.  And this is from 5.30 to earlier this month.  Did you know that it happened?  The networks couldn’t demonize the crowd as they did with the Tea parties.


Tuesday is election day in AZ for fmr. Rep. Gabby Giffords’ replacement.


EU implosion: Spain may request bank aid tomorrow.

Google wins partial repeal of Swiss privacy ruling.

Hundreds demonstrate against military candidate Ahmed Shafik in Tahrir Square.

Iraq war PTSD suicides outpace non-suicide deaths.


White House seeks leaker for punishment: the Admin. ordered the virus on Iran’s nuclear facility.

E. coli outbreak in six states: mysterious food poisoning in people’s back yard.

Appeals court rejects waste storage at nuclear plants.

NASA kills X-ray telescope, blames project’s cost.

Five pieces of tsunami debris found so far.

Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar arrested.

AFSCME divided over political spending.

Maxine Waters investigation advances.  I have not violated any House rules.

Alan Grayson is back, on Al Sharpton’s show.

NPR to stick w. reruns — Car Talk hosts Tom and Ray Magliozzi retiring.

Since May 7th: Orlando man gets threatening calls, discovers no. for new cell was George Zimmerman’s.

New England:

Navy says heat source that got sucked into vacuum likely ignited (nuclear) submarine fire.

ME Senate primary race: only three have spotless driving records.

Black bear removed fm. NJ office complex.

Out-of-state, w. govt. funds: Portland police buys quarter-million dollar military vehicle.  Where did these weapons go?, ask the organization involved, missing stuff.


Frank Cady, age 96.  COD undisclosed.  Co-star of shows like The Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres, especially as “Sam Drucker”.  His wife, Shirley, died in 2008.  Often not credited in early (movie) roles, his mark spanned many television series.


Chris Rock: we forgive the white debt of Obama.  We ignore the President’s whiteness.

Syria: U.N. monitors shot at, blocked from seeing site where protesters were shot, homes burned.

AP: Greek Neo-Nazi beats up a Communist woman for asking a question, people ignore it.

Senior Saddam Hussein aide executed in Iraq.

China forbids, indefinitely, intl. tourism to Tibet.

IED jammers worth $23 mn. stuck in Pakistani customs.

Passwords for ID theft, SPAM: the same LinkedIn hackers did eHarmony.  Update passwords regularly.

KY: tour bus overturns, injuring dozens.

IN refinery workers find dead monkeys in crate.

Manhattan: Enterprise space shuttle arrives.

NJ: Fugees/Foogees singer Lauryn Hill faces federal back tax charges — $1.8 mn.

San Francisco, CA: erosion uncovers tombstones on Ocean Beach.

Vast lands: TX to be first to allow 85-MPH speed limit.

87-yr.-old George H.W. Bush could be seen skydiving just two years ago, but now he can no longer walk without assistance.

To attack anyone who pointed it out, of course.
In 1996, Barack Obama was a member of the “New Party,” a Joel Rogers group that called for “peaceful” revolution, with the goal of transforming America European socialist.

“We’ll just have to force you to understand.”
Michelle Obama talks about doing things on a local level,... by way of the federal Moving Cities, basically making it the fedl. govt. telling cities what they can and can’t do.

China: police bust over 100 gangs suspected of selling exam cheating equipment, rounding up 1,500 people.  How tough are the exams?  ...“high-flyer” rooms, nannies and even intravenous drips among the tools for success.  9 mn. students, numerous suicides among Chinese work.

Fooling 911 operators into sending emergency teams: a number of conservative bloggers allege harassment tactics for their posts, including “SWAT-ting.”  A Senator asks the...DoJ to investigate, as if they’re not politically selective under Eric Holder & friends.


Bob Welch, of Fleetwood Mac, of an apparent suicide.


The Federal Reserve is doing QE-3.  $2,200/oz. gold expected, and it’s in the 1,600s now.

Hacker posts 6.4 mn. LinkedIn passwords.

Prince Philip hospitalized over bladder infection.

Metal stakes driven through hearts: hundreds of vampire graves found in Bulgaria.

Amanda Bines arrested on a DUI charge, asks Obama to fire the cop that arrested her.

First Governor to survive a recall election.  With 119% (voter fraud or older, smaller nos. used) turn-out in Madison, “outspent” 56-to-4 (presented 34-to-4 as the press makes it about money — just need more money).  Rachel Maddow and Michael Moore remind the voters just how important this race is.  And after the recall failed?  Death threats.  “I wanna kill Walker so f---ing bad and the Democrat that voted for him.”  They take away SSI, I’ll kill Walker myself.  Die in a fire.  I might have to kill Scott Walker, and take that charge.  A woman moonbat “supporter” slaps Barret for losing.

CNN broke away from the WI election to cover the end of the English Queen’s jubilee.  Footage taped earlier, competing with Sky News — the global reach.

Sore loser coverage (very little)?  NBC Today Show went with the Miley Cyrus engagement.
Globe Online...nothing.

The same crap in a different box. ... Do not allow them to shape shift, so you can go back to sleep.

Check your dead relatives.
The DoJ is trying to stop the cleanup of the voter roles in Florida.

When you removed the fact that she was evil, she’s great.  How to get rid of the undesirables.
One of the doctors who lead the death camps endorsed Margret Sanger.

Bill Press is embarrassed every time the National Anthem is played.  A War of 1812 song, that to him, if it promotes us, of course, that means diminishing everyone else.

It’s for the children, the biggest lie.
When it came to choosing between pay cuts and letting the lowest teachers go, guess what they chose?  Letting go the teachers.  It’s all about getting as much as they can get.


Ray Bradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451, dies at 91.


Running out of taxpayers to milk.

The Pakistani vision of Sesame Street ends due to corruption in the local puppet theater...

Keith Olbermann fired from current?  No?  Well, he reported Walker was to be indicted, and special Ed picked it [up].  And they don’t care whether or not it’s true.  (It’s not.)

EPA knowingly going in and shutting down coal plants.  A gas standard, more pollution as a result.  “It would shut down these communities.  We can’t do that, but we did it anyway.”

Dead people already registered in Wisconsin, the DoJ on the case to make sure the D wins.
The intimidation tactics and threats, in a generation that 2/3 of the union membership has dropped ’cause it’s not worth it, and fewer are state-wide required to join one?  Scott Walker has a 95% chance if the voters turn out.  Jesse Jackson says the fight against the recall is the same as lynching.  Cheapening the term ‘lynching’ by promoting a lynch mob — going after the voters for what they believe in.  A nut’s view on someone asking a question, and Scott Walker: Who are you?!  ... This is a criminal!  They don’t care that they got to keep their jobs.

A fact-check paper with no facts, [just] opinion and hearsay.
Associate Press does a 1,355-word thing on how the claim that Obama is a socialist is really just due to “liberal losing its shock value.”  It’s just an anti-Obama slur.  They can’t change the language because we know what the terms mean.  Anything but socialist, and the low standard of asking socialists whether they like the President versus the high probability of forced support and votes.


What a way to only force people out of the state, and grow the black market.

Next step in out-of-control NY bans, with Bloomberg: hamburgers.

With ice, 54 oz. restaurant glasses of soda actually makes 23 oz. of soda.

Accused of being a part of the salt industry — those that try to run your lives are all political, and tend to be socialist.  It’s nobody’s business.  Not only does Bloomberg eat a lot of salt himself, the studies on salt are very conflicting.  In other words, there is no solid science behind it raising the risk of heart problems, cardiovascular disease or diabetes.  Some studies even show the opposite of what’s professed, in all political insanity.  Having too much of anything in your blood is deadly, even water.  That should tell you just how extreme the lengths are in all of these areas.  We continue to watch the control freaks take measure against stupidity, as if the general public are as stupid as the control freaks.

Scott Walker’s leadership has resulted in a surplus and 6.7% (lower) unemployment.
Not asking the unions to do anything, and they’re still benefiting.


Hosni Mubarak found guilty, sentenced to life.

The destruction of Rome in the book of Revelation, on Coast To Coast AM

The figure of Rome doesn’t have to be literal...then again, Soros has his hand in all Catholic orgs. that are pro-abortion.
At the end of the 13th month, the world as we know it will come to an end, and the Roman authority, which took all the power, with its central authority and central bank, would be destroyed.

Bath salt ‘epidemic’ — people bringing it to work.  Available in headshops.
Another story: thieves stealing everything in Columbia by blowing a catatonic state-inducing powder in people’s faces, where the victims don’t remember anything.


Dick Fields, voice of Gumby and the...kid in the ‘plop, plop, fizz, fizz’ commercial, dies at 85.

President of France just going ahead and capping CEO salaries.

U.N. gave Tourism award to Robert Mugabe.

Social Justice is not blind.
George Zimmerman’s bail has been revoked because he has $150K his wife doesn’t know about and a second passport.  So fearful that he wanted to be in jail, away from the violent people who buy into the lies of the media.

Charlie Rose turns to Bill Plant...whoops, that was put on the cutting room floor. 
“Why do the Republicans want to beat Obama with such passion?”  Response: anti-Obama right-wingers, with a bit of the Birthers and racists, people calling him a socialist.

Liz Warren, hypocrite and fraud: flipping houses.  99%...yeah, she’s been buying foreclosed homes. And now she’s saying she’s proud of her supposed native American heritage again.  So divisive — my parents eloped, married...in a parish church.  Creating sensational, conflicting stories.  Who lies about the history of his/her parents?  It’s getting weird — lying when and where she doesn’t have to.  only a compulsive liar continues on so many angles, and new ones, proven false.  And used to getting away with it, like Obama.  1/32 black wouldn’t fly, 1/32 “Hispanic” wouldn’t fly (Zimmerman’s is more than 1/32 Latino, but the corrupt press that adopt the PC racism call him mostly white).  Card: they want the money... people claiming to be Native American.  An actual Cherokee and genealogist finds Warren to be completely Caucasian.  A lawyer, as if in court a room, defending the indefensible. A vote for Marissa DeFranco(?) is a vote for Scott Brown.  Tenured: the MA Democrats don’t want a primary.

The only thing remarkable about Men In Black 3 is the resemblance bet. Tommy Lee Jones and his younger self...played by the guy who did Jonah Hex, a movie maybe as bad is this one.

90% of the oxygen we breath comes from the ocean

This percentage was lower, but continues to increase, as the rest are from the trees...deforested.

Even though there are aims for accuracy here, only trust original sources.