The Freshman's Guide to Surviving Marching Band

Don�t be worried about the first day of band camp. You don�t do anything anyway. It�s the second day you have to watch out for.

Don�t freak out when you get your drill charts. Your band director will explain all of the numbers soon.

If a drum major plays the same instrument that you do, you have nothing to be afraid of. Just don�t practice in front of them.

Expect many freshman jokes. You will learn to ignore them in time.

It�s ok to ask for help when you first start drills. But follow this easy chart just in case:
1-5 time asking: anyone
5-15 time asking: section leader or good friend. Drum majors will roll their eyes & have some nasty comment about freshmen.
15 & up: either a good friend or a nice junior, though those are rare. If you�re lucky, you might even get a section leader that has manners.

If you play a brass instrument, be prepared to not like the flutes. (& Vise versa)

If you mess up at practices, only tell a freshmen, that nice junior that gives out hugs, or the sophomore that openly admits that they don�t care about marching.

If you get to where you can figure out spots like that, go back & help your friends. The least you can do is save them from the wrath of the drum majors.

Always stay on the correct foot. While you think people don�t notice, they do. Also, ALWAYS start on the left foot. If you don�t, you will have people after you.

Avoid the piccolos at all costs. It will cause your eardrums to rupture.

When you�re leading about half of your band from one side of the field to the other in only 28 counts, it�s ok to go slower at practices. But be prepared to run like hell on game nights.

It is okay to make jokes about the sluttish ways of the cheerleaders or the stupidity of the football players. The rest of the band will agree.

If you do not wear black socks, you will feel the almighty wrath of your director.

You will love the band mom that gives out water. She is the equivalent of god to you. Worship her.

If you're the only one in your section, you always do/sound good.

And most importantly, keep in mind that you outnumber juniors & seniors. Maybe not sophomores, but you could take them anyway.

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I played Henry (baritone) during marching seasonAll graphics are copywrite (c) to The Euphmegami (Dan-yell).
Do not take without permission.