Dragon Scrawl
...the pen is mightier than the sword
Before I wanted to dance, or even knew I could, I was a musician and a writer.  This whole cybernetic idiocy got its start because it had been so long since I wrote anything substantial.  My high hope is to elevate beyond the idiocy and plunge headlong into foolishness and dingbattery.
Aside from the nonesense on this site, I'd last written something of interest in the form of my mother's epic poem for her surprise 60th birthday party.  That was back in 2000.  I wrote it in ten minutes while totally shitfaced after I realized that I had not yet acquired mom's gift.  My sister Lynne was totally disgusted.  Not that I was drunk, but that I finished the damn thing in ten minutes sans editing.  That's not true.  I threw out two whole verses that sucked.  Hopefully, it hasn't gone the way of the great Library of Alexandria.
the easy list
In the past I've written a variety of short stories, poems, and essays.  I'm going to try (in my spare time - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) to develop some of the things I have in mind, as well as edit some existing works.  Betcha can't wait for Steven's College Survival Guide.  I've decided to call it "'If You Weighted it Right and Put Wings on it, the Suburban Would Fly' and Other Things My Mother Told Me."  She honestly believes this, and frankly, it explains a lot.  The other options are "Stop That" and "Hey Y'all, Watch This!"  I now have excerpts from "Body Alterations" and "You Know Who You Look Like?" on the site.
Body Alterations and higher education; You Know Who You Look Like? (other than yourself, dumbass).

Fairy Tale full of Imagery and Silliness (not to mention a lot of Capitalization for unnecessary emphasis).

Travel advice for gays and lesbians.

Tiger Westcott, my alter ego, prefers to rant
I'm now getting practice at Homolatte - come see me on June 14th!
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