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In the last year of the second Millennium, five hundred years before the rule of the most benevolent Emperor Karl Franz, there fell a time unlike any other. Just as they had before the birth of divine Sigmar, the wings of fire in the sky again heralded the coming of great things - the coming of Plague, the coming of War, the coming of Pestilence and Hunger.

Though its unholy name is now stricken from the records of the Great Library at Altdorf, and its ruins razed by Magnus the Saviour of the Empire, I would tell you the tale of the cursed city, brought low by the wrath of gods.

I would tell you the tale of...


� Mordheim, City of the Damned, a terrible place of nightmarish ruins where death awaits in every shadow. Here, hardbitten warriors stalk through the crumbling palaces and twisting streets, fighting and dying for the promise of riches and fame.

Mordheim is a tabletop skirmish game where you take control of a small band of warriors battling rival warbands across the desolated wasteland of the city of Mordheim. Whether you choose to lead one of the Human Mercenary Bands or the mutated and completely vile Skaven, how you assemble and equip your warband is entirely up to you. The Mordheim Rulebook provides rules for eight different warbands, including: The Skaven, Human Mercenaries (Reiklanders, Middenheimers, and Marienburgers), The Cult of the Possessed, Witch Hunters, Undead, and the Sisters of Sigmar.

Warbands:� Reiklanders,� Middenheimers,� Skaven,� Sisters,� Marienburgers,� Witch hunters,� Possesed,� Undead

"You want to know what kinds of warriors you'll find in the city? Well, you wouldn't believe me if I told ya, so grab your gear and we'll see if we can find a few of the locals for me to point out to ya."

mordheim"Ah, the Reiklanders, finest of men. I'm from there in fact. The mercenary warriors who come from Reikland fight in the name of Sigmar, Prince Siegfried and the Grand Theogonist of the Empire. Stalwart, brave and well-disciplined, Reiklanders will stay and fight when others might run away. Warriors of Reikland are also powerful archers and can kill man or beast at a hundred paces! Reiklanders are wise in the ways of war and disdain more 'fashionable ' attire for practical and sturdy clothing which holds up well during combat. You can see a Reiklander Captain to your right."

mordheim"On your left you can see a Reiklander Champion. Drawn from the biggest, bravest and most powerful mercenaries who join up under their Captain, these ugly mugs usually can be found at the thick of the fight. Since they tend to fight the hardest, Champions also get the first pick of the loot and often end up using more expensive weapons like two-handed swords, morning stars and the like."

mordheim"Now, see that young bravo over there on the right, he's a Reiklander Youngblood. They're the youngest and most inexperienced fighters in the warband, those boys may not know much about scrappin', but they more than make up for it in their enthusiasm to get stuck in. If they survive long enough they often go on to become some of the best fighters in the warband."

There's others of course, like the sharp-eyed Archers, grim Warriors and expert Swordsmen just like all mercenary warbands. Enough of me own kind of warriors, let's take this shortcut here and check out old Wolfrik One-Eye's camp. Ye haven't seen wild warriors until you've seen the Middenheimers!




mordheim"Now, what we have here are those brute berserkers known as Middenheimers. These nutters come from a city on the top of a mountain surrounded by thick forests in the center of Middenland. Where they come from, Ulric, god of wolves and winter is venerated instead of Sigmar. Reiklanders don't get along with Middenheimers very well as their count, Mannfred Todbringer is vying for the Emperor's throne along with Siegfried and Lady Magritta of Marienburg. Big, strong and often unwashed, warriors like the Middenheimer Captain over there on the right can use their enormous strength to break lesser warriors in two! See that cloak he's wearing? He killed that wolf with his bare hands as a sign of manhood!"

mordheim"Middenheimer Champions are just as bad as you can see from that arf-berserked veteran over there on the left. Just as strong as their Captains and almost as ugly, they are amongst the most powerful fighters in the Middenheimer warbands. You'll notice that the veteran warriors like to wear beards or big mustachios. This has led to them being called 'hairy heads' by some of the other warbands. However, I don't recommend calling them that to their faces!"

mordheim"The woman you see over on the right is a Middenheimer Youngblood. Don't be fooled by the fact that she's a female. She'll take those hammers she's hefting and stave your skull in just as well as any mercenary. Middenheimers seem to have a preference for large two-handed hammers for crushing their enemies. They must like the feel of their opponent's bones being smashed when they strike!"

Like other mercenary warbands, Middenheimers also have the usual vicious collection of Marksmen, Swordsmen, and Warriors to pummel their enemies into submission. Now then, ye've heard the tales told about rats that walk like men and murder those who stray into the dark, right? Well keep yer trap shut and follow me down this sewer entrance. If ye're quiet and keep behind me, we might just see the ratmen known as the Skaven.




mordheim"Right lads, now hunker down and keep quiet, these monsters will kill us as soon as scratch a flea! Tales tell that the Skaven infest the entire Empire and maybe even the whole Old World. Normally backstabbing creatures who live in underground tunnels and warrens, they're more than willing to come to the surface for a good slaughter. I've heard that the Skaven in Mordheim all come from the same clan, Eshin it is. Supposedly from the lands around Cathay, they're master killers who are as ferocious as they are agile. That big fella over on the left is one of their Assassin Adepts. They move like lightning and can cut ye in two before ye know what happened. They lead the warbands."

mordheim"Over there on the right is a Black Skaven. Other than the leaders, they're the biggest and strongest fighters. These Skaven that have been hangin' around here are different from the others that I've fought. They use weird weapons like throwing stars and fighting claws. I even saw one hit a Middenheimer once with nothing but its bare paw, an e' just fell over, stone dead!"

mordheim"The rat with the staff on the left is one of their Eshin Sorcerers. Those warpstone... huh? Yeh, they call it warpstone, not wyrdstone, quit interrupting. Now as I was sayin', those warpstone-crazed lunatics are masters of the rat-men's vile magic. They can summon Giant Rats, cast balls of green flame or even turn into giant rat monsters when they're in combat!"

mordheim"Night Runners like that smaller one over on the right are basically like the Youngbloods of the Skaven. Although they aren't as strong or the best fighters, if they get the proper trainin' they'll become as deadly as any Assassin Adept!

There are also other warriors the Skaven use to murder other warbands in the city, like Verminkin soldiers and Giant Rats. There are even tales of some kind of mutant monsters Skaven sometimes use that combine a rat and a gigantic Ogre. I don't even want to think about meeting one o' them. Thinking about it keeps me awake at night with me hand on me sword.

All right, let's get back up to the surface, if we stay here any longer, you whelps are gonna give us away and it will be curtains for all of us! Whew, that was a close one. Right then, let's continue the tour.




"Whew, that was a fair climb now, wasn't it lads! Up ahead is probably the safest building in all of Mordheim, the fortress of Sigmar's Rock. That looming pile o' stones is home to the pious ladies of the Sisters of Sigmar. When the big one hit the city, the Sisterhood locked themselves into their fortress and prayed for deliverance from Sigmar's wrath. They must've been in touch with something, because of all the buildings in the city, only Sigmar's Rock survived unscathed. Bow yer head in reverence as we enter, for this is holy ground."

mordheim"You see that frau over there on the left leading the other Sisters through a combat drill? She's one of the twelve Matriarchs of the Sisterhood. Each of them leads warbands into the city on a quest to purge the ruins of evil. Rumors tell that they are actually trying to save others from the folly of wyrdstone. Whatever their reasons, they are mighty warriors and one look at the steel in their eyes can turn the toughest Middenheimer's guts to water!"

mordheim"The priestess on the right who's fighting the three novices is a Sister Superior of the order. They're responsible for keeping the fervor of the church instilled in the less experienced sisters as well as providing an example for any untrained initiates. As you can see, those ladies are no slouch in combat as her flail-wielding demonstrates."

mordheim"The bulk of the order's warbands are made up of Sigmarite Sisters like the nun with the hammer on the left. It is said that the Sisterhood is shamed in the eyes of their lord and that they have sworn to conquer the evils within Mordheim to redeem themselves. I don't know what they do to them, but I seen those Sigmarite warhammers they wield blast evil critters like Zombies to pieces when they strike!"

mordheim"What's that lad? No, that lady over on the right isn't one of the penitents from the city looking for mercy. She's one of them Sigmarite Augurs. While they are physically blind, they've been blessed by Sigmar himself. They can see as well as you or I. I swear it's true! Sisters marked in this way are very rare and they're greatly revered by the order."

mordheim"Few know that by tradition, all of the recruits in the Sisters of Sigmar are drawn from only the most noble families of the Empire. Novices like that lass over on the left spend many years here in Sigmar's Rock learning the traditions and the combat skills they need to survive on their deadly missions into Mordheim. All of them strive to become handmaidens of Sigmar and they are often some of the most zealous warriors that the Sisterhood has to offer."

"Well now, all of ye managed to conduct yerselves with honor while we visited the good sisters of the temple. The Sisters of Sigmar are not to be taken lightly as they do much good for the unappreciative wretches who populate Mordheim. By collecting and storing any wyrdstone they can find, they attempt to keep that foul rock from infecting any more people of the Empire with its insanity."

"Let's continue on our way, there are even more miraculous sights ahead."





"Watch your head there lads, we're about to enter Yak Bakshir's Trading Bazaar. This is the area where the Marienburgers like to prowl when they're not testing their bravery in the ruins. Just remember, in this place, if ye break it, ye bought it. Now, see that warrior on the right looking at the imported Bretonnian perfumes... he's a Marienburger Captain. Don't stare at him too long as the Marienburgers are known for their willingness to engage in duels. As well as being master swordsmen and leaders of men, Marienburger Captain possess only the finest clothes and armor and use the highest quality weapons. Ye can see why they're called "Pretty Boys", but never to their faces!"

mordheim"That fresh-faced youth over on yer left is a Marienburger Youngblood. Those young bravos come from the rich families of Marienburg to prove their manhood in Mordheim. Those that survive more than five minutes actually become pretty good warriors as well."

mordheim"The tough-looking rogue eyeing up that Elvish Longsword over on the right is a Marienburger Champion. Literally festooned with blades 'e is. Like all of the mercenary groups here in Mordheim, Marienburgers choose their best fighters to be Champions. While most of the time, this means being the biggest and the strongest, the Marienburgers' mastery of swordplay, poisoning and their utter ruthlessness gives them a different but no less deadly set of qualifications.

Marienburgers also employ the usual collection of motley scum that they conscript from their docks like sharp-eyed Archers, grim Warriors and expert Swordsmen. Let's get ourselves gone from this place, I'm starting to feel almost civilized. The tour of the City of the Damned continues this way.





"Watch what you say around here. Could land us in a big pile of trouble. That group of hard-looking individuals by the bonfire are Witch Hunters and they're prone to setting folk they don't like on fire. See that one on the right with the long dark hair and the bloodied head in his hands? That be the Witch Hunter Captain, as for the head, I don't know who he is. Armed with the best weapons and armor, them guys are a terror to even the most hideous of mutants! He keeps this whole group of madmen together by rantin' on and on about burnin' things and Chaos is bad. You know, stuff we know is tru anyway. Well his followers just eat that up, spurring 'em into crazed fits and holy visions and such. No! Don't stare at him fool! Quick, look over here."

mordheim"Those men in the heavy cloaks on the left are the Captain's best and most trusted men, they're his Witch Hunters. They brandish sword and pistol alike, whichever suits their task. Always spoutin' off about holy vindication, they're powerful opponents in combat who despise all magic and its practitioners.

With the Captain, they combine to form the main thrust of any Witch Hunter assault. I've had the misfortune of being hunted by men like this for reasons ... let's just say I didn't do it. Anyway I barely got away and that was because a three-headed freak stumbled into me! Needless to say, I knocked that sucker out for them to burn in my stead and ran like Daemons were at my heels!"

mordheim"Hey man, put that mackerel sandwich away! Don't ye see them Warhounds on your right!?! Pay attention ye half wit!!! Those dogs are massive, as you can plainly see, and will not hesitate to tear yer miserable throat out. The Witch Hunters use these beasts to track down deviants and disgusting Chaos types. In battle they hit the enemy first, selecting targets that seem weak and easy to prey upon. I have personally seen a pack of those hounds shred a man to bloody pieces and then gnaw on his bones! Keep movin' along, dogs make me nervous."

mordheim"Over here on he left in the white robes is a Warrior Priest. They say he can control certain powers through prayers to Sigmar. Tales tell of these men healing near dead warriors by merely touching their hand to the wounds. Another thing I hear these men can do is blast the followers of the dark gods with magical flames! I wouldn't dare eventhink bad thoughts around these powerful men of the church, they are jsut as suspicious as them Witch Hunter fellas are. Hear that racket aroudn the corner? C'mon and follow me and don't lag behind lads."

mordheim"All that yellin' is a buncha nonsense. Hear it from the right side of the bazaar here? See that fella up on the crate, he's a Flagellant! Those jokers are insane! Always sayin' the world's gonna end and fire's goin' to rain down on us all. Yes, I know that a comet hit Mordheim, shaddup!"

"Bah! Buncha madmen, but look how people gather to hear them yell. In a fight though, these lunatics can crush you like cheap chair under an Ogre. They wield heavy flails and morning stars with the strength of... well, madmen I guess. I ain't seem 'em fear nothing, as they've no sense left in their skulls. Look there, among the common fools listetning to him going on and on. See that group of men on the left?"

mordheim"Those brutes are known as Zealots. They're made up of men who have lost everything and blame everyone for their troubles. Now they hate anything which deals with the dark gods and have devoted their lives to eradicating their servants. However, they ain't the best of fighters, but they make up for it with spirit. Anyhow, they're always fighting and never run, so I guess they're of some use."

"Now follow me into one of the most dangerous areas of the city. The tour continues and the horror is about to grow tenfold me hapless lads!"




"We're now in the area where that meteor actually hit the city. Watch your step now, this place is full o' stuff ye don't want to mess with. Quiet down! Hear those footsteps? If we get spotted it's the end of this tour for sure! Tales tell of madmen and renegades that took to worshippin' the powers of darkness. They crawl around the ruins of the city looking for victims to sacrifice to their dark master - the Shadowlord. Rumor tells that he was some kind o' Chaos god or somethin' that was trapped in the meteor when it hit. I dunno. What I do know is that being caught by them promises to be a fate worse than death!"

mordheim"See those horrible-looking freaks? Those are the Bretheren of the Possessed. I'm sure they'll lead us to the rest of their foul companions. See how they're all wrapped up? That's 'cause there's some serious ugly under there. Seems hanging around this area will do that to ye. I've heard rumors of these warriors with tentacles or even claws. They make up the bulk of the Possessed warbands. You do not want to be captured by these abominations, as it's a fate worse than death!"

mordheim"Look sharp now! Coming up the way there is one of those mutated freaks known as Darksouls. Tales are told of the Darksouls' fearlessness and inhuman strength. It's said that a Daemon once possessed their bodies and then departed, leaving them quite insane. Now they are stuck in the belief that they're Daemons! They certainly fight like unholy monstrosities and their rage is incredible to witness! Hear that bestial braying? Let's see what's up ahead!"

mordheim"We must be close to their unholy meeting place now, for the sounds of Beastmen are in the air! Yes, look to the right of that ruin. A Beastman approaches. Do you see the muscles on that monster? I've had the misfortune of seeing these savage creatures tear the arms from a man and then beat him to death with them. They're also notoriously tough! One good hit just won't do it, it almost always takes a warrior hacking them down to gore and gristle to do away with them! What's that? They don't look so tough? All right, you ain't seen nothing yet."

mordheimSee that ruined shanty on the left and the tall feller coming out of it? That's the Possessed Magister! He leads this group of degenerates and beasts through the streets in search of Wyrdstone and captives. These are supposedly taken to some ancient evil that lives at the center of the Pit. See how he reads from that crumbling book? That's his spellbook and the power of Chaos is taught to him through it! The forces of darkness he commands have the power to do things that would instantly drive men insane. You can hear him now, muttering foul incantations... no, not that! Avert yer eyes me lads, we've gone too far!!!"

mordheimFrom the shadows of that ruined building on the right, you can see it! The ultimate blasphemy! Shaped from the very stuff of Chaos itself, a Possessed! Those abominations are bursting with dark power and strength. Ferocious and nearly unstoppable in combat, I have seen entire warbands shredded and mangled by one of those hellish creatures."

There are an unlimited number of shapes and sizes that those monsters can take and each one is more hideous than the next. The best advice I can give you when facing one of these horrors is run! In fact, that's what we need to do now! Up and go lads! Go!

Phew! That was too close... hey, where's that little fella with the hat? Oh well, not everyone can run fast enough. Quiet down, we aren't going back there so quit yer cryin'. I know where to find all the real sites, so follow me to one of the last warband camps on our tour...



Undead Warband

From the dark crypts and tombs of the lands of Sylvania, the horrific minions of the vampiric Von Carstein family - the Undead, assault the City of Damned in a search for Wyrdstone shards to return to their masters. Even the Vampire Lords of Sylvania are not immune to the lure of power that Mordheim casts on the landscape and on moonless nights they arrive in black coaches to wreak terror upon the alleyways.

Nigh-unstoppable Vampires command evil Necromancers and piteous creatures known as Dregs to do their bidding. Even the dead are not immune to the siren call of the Vampire's will as putrescent Zombies, bloodthirsty Dire Wolves and cannabalistic Ghouls prey upon any enemy warbands and poor citizens they encounter in order to sate their unnatural hunger.

"All right, that's enough for now. Why don't we camp down here for the night and start off again later. You lads are doing all right for your first trip through the City of the Damned and I think you're ready to see some of the more dangerous warbands who travel around here. So, as soon as I've had a bit of a rest, I'll show you the tormented souls and walking corpses known as the Undead"

There you have it brave adventurers, ol' Luthor will be ready to start up the tour of Mordheim again for the second leg of the journey soon. In the meantime, make sure that you get in some games of Mordheim and start building your warbands.



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