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Warhammer 40,000 Universe Rumours

Brief Tyranid Rumours Posted August 7, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- A few quick rumours for all 'nid players to check out. Tyranids will apparently never get an invulnerable save, nor will we ever see official rules for transports for them, although further Forge World Tyranid vehicle releases are of course still possible.

New Rhino Posted August 7, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- One source tells me that the long rumoured New Rhino is now complete in 3-up form and will be on display at this years first ever Canadaian Games Day that takes place at the end of the month.

Chaos Marine Plastics Posted August 7, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Well the rumours about future plastics have been flying recently. There've been rumours of plastic Daemons and Cadians (although both have also been discounted by a few different sources at the same time so who knows). However the latest rumour I've received indicates that as part of this big return to form for Chaos next year we'll be seeing a few Chaos Marine plastics including Thousand Suns, Undivided Marines, Plague Marines, NEW Khorne Berzerkers, and Noise Marines.

New Predator In The Works? Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- One source tells me that a new Predator is in the works at GW Central. It will apparently be bigger than the old one since, as my source put it, "that thing could never really hold that many marines and still have an engine". (Update: Note to self, no more late night rumour updates, Predators don't carry troops you idiot, you should remember that :) )

Inquisitor Scale Games Day Display Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Well, following the rumour that we might not be seeing a massive display at Games Day as normal, it seems as if there may at least be something on display, although it probably won't be as big as in previous years. One source tells me that UK GW stores are currently converting up large numbers of Inquisitor scale Space Marines for the UK display. The Nottingham store has apparently already converted 1 heavy bolter, 1 missile launcher, 1 plasma gun and 1 sergeant as well as others. Should be interesting to see how these converted Inquisitor miniatures are put to use if this rumour is indeed true.

New Forge World Models Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- They're apparently working on more BFG ships (Eldar freighters, heavy
freighters for the Imperium) and something really "HUGE" for an undisclosed race.

- The Tau Hammerhead chassis is apparently going to receive the same "tender care" (as my source put it) as the Leman Russ, presumably meaning it'll be super detailed and get some varient kits from Forge World.

- Epic 40k will see the Marauder Bomber and Destroyer scaled down and
there will also be a Salamander scout vehicle in the near future.

- A Chaos Dreadclaw assault boat is in the works. No word on a release date yet though. Update: Release date = now :)

- There will be more Imperial Guard vehicles to help out the Emperor's
forces. The Shadowsword will get an upgrade that gives it an Earthshaker Cannon as opposed to a Volcano Cannon.

No New 40K? Ever? Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Well, this is an interesting, if rather unconfirmed, rumour. One of the Studio guys at the Canadian GT apparently stated that they would never redo 40K again, only the army books. Sounds like a good idea to me :)

New Necron News Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- The Necron codex is apparently slated for a May release

- I'm told it will include about 6-9 new troop types, many with undeadish names, such as "Wraiths".

- Necrons will apparently be getting at least one vehicle which I'm told is is a giant floating monolith that shoots 'death rays' according to my source, strange though that may sound. Even stranger, it can also apparently teleport Necron squads using a portal on it.

- The Necrons will also be getting a plastic warrior boxset that will come with plastic Scarabs (like the rippers in the Tyranid warrior box). The Necrons wil also apparently be getting plastic Destroyers.

- The leaders of the Necrons are the "Star Gods", the C'Tan. It'll be interesting to finally hear more about this mysterious race if this is indeed true.

The Reign of Chaos Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- One of my sources tells me that judging by what he heard and saw at the Canadian GT, 2002 will very much be The Year of Chaos.

- We'll apparently see a lot of Chaos re-releases in both game systems (Warhammer and 40K), plastic demons (!) and a re-work of most rules and minis. �As my source put it, it sounds like they'll be pushing
Chaos very hard to bring it back to its former glory next year!

- I'm also told by another source that the new Codex Chaos will make Chaos a much better army with a lot more depth than before.

"New" 40K Posted July 24, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- The 40K Fourth Edition, long assumed to be an inevitable release, is better described as 40K 3.1 according to one of my sources. Apparently it's going to simply be the Third Edition 40K rules with Chapter Approved articles added and the armylists in the back removed as well as few fixed typos and unclear spots. My source also tells me that it will likely include new artwork. While this is just a rumour it seems fair enough to me - there really isn't much they can do to change/improve 40K now.

40K Future Posted July 17, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- More on the future of 40K, although this time the rumours are a little less, um, wild. :)

- My source tells me that this information comes from a seminar he attended at Games Day US. Firstly, there will not be a new 40K boxed game anytime soon.

- Codex Horus Heresy has apparently been put on the back burner for at least a couple of years.

- Plastic Cadians have been confirmed (again) although no time frame was mentioned.

- As follow ons to City Fight there will be a book covering jungles, arid landscapes (i.e. deserts), possibly arctic battles, and also yes the previously rumoured airless battles book (if this is indeed happening I'd really like to know how on earth (or, in this case, not on earth) it's going to work).

- I'm also told Sisters of Battle will be updated in Codex: Chapter Approved. They will probably not get a codex of their own because not enough people play it and they don't have a diverse enough troop selection to really fill a Codex.

- The obligatory question on what's happening with the Squats apparently got a "no comment", although I suspect that was just to avoid the follow up questions of "Why not?!" that results from the usual GW answer of "No, no more Squats, ever, give up, please".

- Necrons are also getting a codex of their own with lots of "nifty new gadgets" as my source put it.

- Finally, there will apparently be a boxed set for every Codex Astartes article in White Dwarf. They had one on display and it was a White Scars biker squad. Each set will have a single squad in it. There will be new Noise Marines and Emporers Children Marines for their boxed set. That means there will be 18 boxed sets, each with a squad of ten if this interesting rumour turns out to be accurate.

City Fight Scoop Posted July 9, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Here are a few rumours I've been sent about City Fight:

- It's apparently written by Andy Chambers, Pete Haines and Jervis Johnson and inside you'll find the Core Rules which are generally a simplification of the standard 40k ones. For example, 4" unit coherency in buildings, Line of Sight can pass through 6" of building terrain. Regarding Assault rules, at least one model must get into base to base contact, while all other models that are within 6" of enemy count as being in base to base. Things like this are intended to make moving models around the city a little easier. That's also why you don't use templates in Cityfight - instead, flame and ordnance weapons score d6 hits, blast weapons d3 and each model may be hit only once.

- Movement is apparently quite simple too. In buildings everybody (well almost - jetbikes and such cannot enter buildings of course) moves like in difficult ground, but is able to move horizontally and vertically. For example if a squad rolls a "5", then every model may move 5" forward AND then move 5" up or down.

- Cover saves are different depending on buildings and enemy weapons.
Normally it is 4+ in buildings, but can be further modified. You get +1 if hiding in heavy constructed building, -1 if hit by ordnance etcetera.

- You can also get some height advantages - if you are at least 8" above
your target and there arent any buildings within 8" of it, it gets -1 to its save, while vehicles not further than 18" from the attacking shooter count as being hit in their top armour (treat as rear).

- There are also apparently going to be Codex Modifications, most of which I'm told will only be minor changes and clarifications. For example the IG are allowed to split infantry into
5-man squads and spore mines are capable o moving over buildings rather than into them.

- Further in the book are 7 missions (similar to these in 40K rulebook),
Attacker's and Defender's armory (both players get additional points to spend on bunkers, mines, jammers, turrets and so on), a color battlereport, couple of pages about building cityscape and some fluff about different kinds of cities (Eldar Craftworlds, Hive Cities, Deamon Cities and such) and famous sieges (Battle of Vogen for example).

- So, all in all, the current word on this little book seems to indicate that it will be a pretty neat addition to the 40K rule set.

40K Story Progression Posted July 5, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- I was just got sent this rather interesting piece of information that apparently came from a conversation someone had with one of the Studio developers. Firstly, one conception that it seems GW is intent on dispelling is that the Imperium is this huge, unbreachable, unchangable rock of an empire. For example, one interesting possibility mentioned was that Ultramar could break away from the Imperium (the Imperium just isn't clean and good enough for the boys in Blue Armour I guess). There is also the intention in the studio to branch out into storylines that aren't rooted in the past (as the Horus Heresy is). So, we have the new threats such as the Tyranids and Tau, as well as the mysterious Necrons. The Tau are also apparently not the last new race planned by a long shot. Oh, and on the subject of story line progression, apparently when asked if Blood Angels would turn to Chaos next year one of the developers at Games Day this year responded only with a "No Comment". Read into that what you will, but the safest interpretation of "No Comment" is, as ever, that it's still a possibility if nothing else.

Update: Well, apparently my source was a little off here. I'm told by numerous people who were at Games Day US that the developer mentioned above (I won't mention their name, it doesn't seem the right thing to do in a rumour) in fact categorically stated that they would not be turning to Chaos. So, unlikely though it always was, those Blood Angels players who were none the less worried can now breathe a sigh of relief.

- It seems there are currently no plans for a new edition of 40K (yay!). Instead, the focus will apparently be on updates and suplements. Some of these will take the form of Cityfight Codex is out in August. It will be the first in a series of BattleZone books, the first of which is City Fight (apparently due out in August). Others under consideration include Chaos Worlds, Revised Jungle Fighting Rules, and even Airless and no/altered gravity fighting, which could be very interesting, although I'm not sure that particular odd concept will make it beyond testing, if that.

Tau, Tau and More Tau Posted July 5, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Well, they're a completely new race, what do you expect, of course there are going to be lots of rumours about them. And of course US Games Day just finished. Anyway, here are some rumours and also some confirmations.

- The basic Tau gun, held by Pathfinders, is apparently strength 5 and range 30, but will be AP 4 and assault 2 instead of rapid fire. The Tau Hammerhead tank will have either an Ion Cannon, or a Railgun (strength 10, AP1, +2D6 penetration against vehicles, or a lower strength multiple shot version).

- The Tau Battlesuits will also apparently be able to wield huge amounts of firepower - my source mentioned that some will even be able to carry to Railguns (although I assume they'd be scaled down from the tank version) and some sort of Rocket Launcher that doesn't even need line of sight! To balance things out nicely, the Tau will, to put it bluntly, suck in combat as has been rumoured before. WS 2, I 2. 'nuff said.

- The Tau are apparently an enthusiastic and optimistic (if slightly naive) race who are more interested in co-operating with nearby races and peacefully incorporating them into the Empire rather than conquering them. An example of their way of thinking is that they will, I'm told, solve problems they encounter with technology which they invent on the spot, rather than rely on information passed down through the generations (and thus not fully understood) as is the case with the Imperium.

How Now Tau Ox Posted June 28, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Well, maybe someone'll get the obscure play on words in the title. One source emailed me to confirm that there are indeed Kroot Ox and Hound models. The way he explained it was kind of interesting - apparently their evolution has come to a few dead-ends, after which evolution
"took a step back" and tried something else. Strange, but that's sci-fi for you so who knows.

- As is their way these days the Kroot sprue will apparently come with a nice assortment of extras with which you can customise your models.

- The Kroot Shaper that we have heard of before will be the UK Games Day model, as I'm sure it will be for the US one and, I seem to recall, has been for others. Rumour has it we may even be able to get models before Games Day UK.

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