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Warhammer Fantasy Universe Rumours

Lords of Ulthuan Posted August 7, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Swordmasters will apparently not have the Killing Blow ability now. Instead they will strike in Initiative order, deflect arrows, and have a high WS.

- White Lions will lose all of the abilities they used to have (Lion Claw, Lion Rampant etcetera). They will apparently be stubborn if they are led by the Armies General and they are able to move through woods without penalty. Reavers are a basic skirmish unit as are the Shadow Warriors who skirmish and hate Dark Elves.

- All High Elves are immune to panic when fighting Dark Elves.

- As previously rumoured (nothing like a little confirmation now and again) Phoenix Guard cause fear.

- There is a special section tentatively called Battle Honors. This lets you upgrade your general or heroes with various abilities such as Killing Blow and I'm told you'll also be able to make your Hero a Swordmaster White Lion or Phoenix Guard. My source didn't know what any of these options mean rules wise though.

- The full range of High Elf miniatures other than the White Lions and Sword Masters has apparently been redone.

Army Book Release Order Posted August 7, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Well, I'm sure we'll hear a fair few variations on the following list over the coming months, but nonetheless one souce tells me that the next lot of Warhammer Army Books will be released in the following order - High Elves, Skaven, Chaos, (the previous three have of course been confirmed on the GW rumours page) Khemri, Bretonnian.

More on Lord of the Rings Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- After a few dribs and drabs of LotR rumours, here is a sizable LotR rumour for you to sink your teeth into:

- The game will apparently be based mostly around scenarios; recreating scenes from the movie, or the movie's history, rather the usual "your army and his army have a big fight". A scenario might involve the Company of the Ring trying to get through a part of Mordor, for example, or being attacked by Ringwraiths at Weathertop.

- The heroes will be significantly more powerful than the villains and the scenario conditions will be used as a balancing factor. �For example, the villains' objective might only be to cause one wound to Frodo. �As an n example given of relative power, were Aragorn to fight forty Orcs the Orcs would last about three rounds depending on where they stood.

- Fighting skills determine how many dice you can roll. �Shooting is simply a to-hit and an armor save; hand-to-hand is an opposed roll, followed by a to-hit and an armor save. �(In effect, it's assumed that every hit causes a wound.) �Furthermore, the losers are 'pushed back' out of hand-to-hand. �Heroes can use 'might points' to alter die rolls, turning losses into victories.

- In a significant departure for GW, the game uses a move/move/shoot/shoot/fight" sequence of play like Vor did, rather than the usual "move/shoot/fight/move/shoot/fight".

- The original release will consist of the "Fellowship of the Ring" boxed set, the boxed game, a "Warriors of Middle-Earth" boxed set, and a paint set. �The FotR boxed set will contain nine metal miniatures of the main characters. �The boxed game has the rules and game equipment, along with the first set of plastic sprues. �These plastics will be "Swordsmen of Gondor", "Elf Warriors of Lothlorien", and "Orcs of Moria". �Four sprues (about forty miniatures) will be in the boxed game, and two sprues will be in the 'Warriors' boxed sets.

- The main boxed set will apparently be something like forty dollars, the FotR box and the scenario kits will be thirty dollars each.�Blisters will follow GW's usual pricing levels.

Chaos Theory Posted August 1, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- The Fantasy Chaos armies will apparently be published in about three books. �The first is Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos. �This book will focus on the Chaos Warriors combined with the Marauders. The beastment will also apparently be put in one of the Chaos books and won't receive their own army book. �One of the other two books will be called 'Champions of Chaos' just like the old book and my source suspects that the third will be Daemons (as do I) but that's nothing more than a theory at this time, it isn't even a rumour. Update: Someone kindly reminded me that the GW rumours page mentioned this a while back and there will in fact be two books, Warriors and Beastmen, with daemons instead included in the Warriors of Chaos book. My mistake, I must be getting old. ;)

- The same source who sent me the above rumour also mentioned that chaos Dwarves WILL get a new release, but they're being reworked. Firstly, no more silly hats, although there was no word on what will instead make them look unique. Secondly, their background will get a bit of a reworking - they're the makers of the Chaos blacksmiths and gunsmiths basically. They make the Chaos siege engines and all the Chaos weapons and armor. �In addition they also create artillery for Chaos so in the Warriors of Chaos book the Warriors will get some artillery. �In the Chaos Dwarves list however the artillery and war engine aspect will be greatly emphasized.

High Elf Snippets Posted July 24, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- More on the Elves of Ulthaun.

- Apparently Maidenguard will not be available in the new list.

- The Special characters are, predictably, Teclis, Tyrion and probably Imrik (although my source was only certain that it was a Dragon mounted character.)

- Gary Morley is apparently sculpting Tyrion and is also part of the team that is working on new Phoenix Guard and Dragon Princes.

- The Dragon Princes are said to be not as stylistically over the top as the were before but are still suitably ornate.

Steam Tank Posted July 5, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Here's a quick update on everyones favourite invention of Leonardo da Miragliano. As has long been rumoured it is getting a new model. It is indeed bigger than the previous one and retains the front mounted gun, although one interesting detail concerns, well, the detail. Apparently the inside will be fully detailed just like the Land Raider, although I assume on a smaller scale. It will also this time have some sort of turret gun too apparently.

High Elves At Games Day US Posted July 5, 2001 by Cavan Lungren

- Apparently, the Lothern Sea Guard will remain in the new book, unlike the Dark Elf City Guard, but will be limited to 0-1.

- My source also mentioned that there is also going to be some sort of greater distinction between the Silver Helms and Dragon Princes. Apparently the Silver Helms will be limited to Light Armor only.

- There will be 3 plastic sets for High Elves - Archers, Spearmen, and Silver Helms, and you can of course make Sea Guard by combining Spearmen and Archers.

- High Elves will also apparently be getting cheaper magic items to show their long mastery of magic, although hopefully this doesn't interfere with the game balance too much by overly beefing up characters again.

- I'm told the new Bolt Thrower is a horizontal version of the Dark Elf model, but with only a single bow there.

- My source also mentioned that the current GW US release schedule apparently shows the High Elf army book as due in January. Wether this means the UK will see it then too or that we'll instead get it a month earlier in December as previously thought is anyones guess.

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