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*	PRIORITY LEVEL	������. Blue
*	TRANSMITTED FROM ���.� Planet Carsis III, Segmentum Obscuras    
*	TRANSMITTER ���.����. Astropath Prime Arturas
*	AUTHOR ����..������. Inquisitor Merus Ceptus
********************** UPLOADING TRANSMISSION ********************

I bring this information in the name of the Emperor on the subject of Inquisitor
Crassus and his suspected alien allies. Prepare for upload of requested files�

**********TRANSMISSION ENDS*********

*	PRIORITY LEVEL	�������� Blue
*	TRANSMITTED FROM ������ Terra    
*	TRANSMITTER ���������. Astropath Terminus Argon
*	AUTHOR ������������. Inquisitor Crixus

********************** UPLOADING TRANSMISSION ********************

Inquisitor Crassus:
"Over five hundred years ago a ship carrying one of the newest Space Marine 
chapters, the Imperial Swords crash landed on a remote world which was 
considered uninhabited.  No contact was made with the world since then and it 
was assumed to be no survivors. Somehow a small number of the brothers survived 
and discovered a small population of humans.  Over the thousands of years since 
being populated by humans, the village inhabitants steadily grew to enormous 
size.  This has been partly been explained by the need for size to survive 
against the massive predators of the planet. The Space marines were found by the 
giant inhabitants and taken into their society where they became leaders due to 
their immense size and strength.  These people lived generally untouched by 
humans and so were fast to ally with a small alien population of Tau.  
	"Four-hundred-fifty-seven years after the destruction of the Imperial Swords, 
rumours arose that there were survivors of the Imperial Swords on the large 
death-world known as Abatus II.  I immediately headed to this planet to 
investigate the rumours.  Upon reaching the planet I discovered a small town 
untouched by the Imperium in over a thousand years.  The inhabitants were 
incredibly huge, nearly the size of the Space Marines I was looking for!  I 
ordered them to take me to their leader, hoping to find out the truth about the 
Imperial Fists.  I was taken to a large decorated building which was obviously a 
command post of some sort. Once inside I discovered the walls lined with 
artefacts from the downed Sword of the Emperor (the Imperial Swords flagship) 
also behind glass walls was one suit of well-preserved power armour bearing the 
Imperial Sword logo (a flaming rock).  I was taken to Crassus, a local hero 
because his intelligence and physical size and strength.  After weeks of sorting 
local legends from fact I was able to root out the facts of the Imperial Sword's 
demise.  I also took Crassus as my apprentice after watching how he passed 
judgement on those under his power. I had sensed he had the ability to perceive 
the truth behind the words people said.
	"Crassus was under my teaching for forty-eight years before he was promoted to a 
full inquisitor."

	Report of Inquisitor Thyreus.

	"It was my tenth year after I became an Inquisitor when I headed of to Frozar 
Prime to discover the roots to a odd rumour.  This particular rumour was that 
there was a half-human, half-ork in the company of a disreputable rogue trader. 
I was extremely interested in this rumour, because ever since I was a child on 
Abatus II, I was brought up in the belief that some aliens can be beneficial to 
human society. I figured if this rumour proves to be correct I may be able to 
use the opportunity to have an ambassador to these aliens and stop the killing 
of the Emperor's men.
	"After finding the rouge traders ship I approached cautiously towards a man with 
a hunched back. As I neared him he must have noticed me for he spun on a heel 
and drew his crude looking weapon. I instinctively jumped behind near by crates 
in shock as I realised this 'man' was no man at all but an Ork in human 
clothing! By the time I drew my bolter he had disappeared up a hatchway in the 
ship cargo bay.  I waited. Within the next minute a man dressed remarkably 
similar stepped forward.  
	"In return for the personal protection of his Ork friend and himself from 
Imperial police and other Inquisitors, I had convinced the trader to be 
available when I needed them in my travels."       

	Report of Inquisitor Crassus.       

Eisenorc (Wargut Rotswig): 
	"Ever since he was a small ork, Wargut was known for his oddness.  He had an 
unusually high intelligence for level and the most human body structure of any 
Ork before.  He also had the slickest tongue I've known for talking himself out 
of even the most dangerous situations.  Most Ork warbands would not accept him 
in their armies for fear Gork and Mork would see and curse them for bringing 
such a weird creature to battle.
Wargut's introduction to human society started with his discovery of a rouge 
traders ship in a crater near his warband's camp. Tired of the constant beatings 
his own kind gave him he decided to try out his luck in other planets.  He 
rushed back to his camp and some how talked the warboss in to letting him be the 
'trezerer' (a completely new concept for the Orks, which never took hold after 
this incident).  With the teef and guns he collected he bribed his way onto the 
rouge's ship�"
	"For those who find this tale to unbelievable I tell you it's true!  I never 
believed it myself until I saw him for myself."

	Account of Inquisitor Crassus

	"It was quickly turning evening on the third moon of Tallarn. I had sent my crew
out to find inhabitants worth trading with. I was sitting outside of the hatch of my 
ship's cargo bay and smoking a strange device that I had got from some odd alien 
species.  I made a quick scan of the crater walls when a glint of metal caught my 
eye. The thing was headed my way with alarming speed. I whipped out my pistol and 
took aim.  The moving mass of metal stopped, realising it had been seen, and dove 
behind a boulder. I kept my gun sighted not knowing what to expect next.  Then to my
disbelief a white flag was raised followed by the green hand of an ork! I nearly 
dropped my gun in shock as the strangest ork I had ever seen stepped out cautiously.
Almost human like in shape, besides the face and green skin of coarse, I decided I 
should at least give this amazing creature the chance to explain himself. Once he 
had approached to within twenty yards of me I commanded him to stop, for I knew how 
dangerous an Ork could be in close quarters, even one of his stature.  He was an 
amazing slick talker and caught me off guard with his hope of taking passage with 
me.  He identified himself an Eisenorc (and so his human name was born). The metal 
he was carrying turned out to be an assortment of guns and the orkish currency known
as teef.  He offered me all of the weapons in return for a ride on my ship to the 
next planet that had Orks in it. I wanted to say no at first but some how he talked 
me into saying yes. I can give no explanation for how this came to pass but it did.
On the next trip I had him locked in his quarters with three of my best men 
guarding him.   Twice a day I would venture into his quarters to bring his meals 
and try to discover his story. After two weeks of travelling we began to gain a 
trust for each other and he was allowed to venture around the ship (still under 
guard).  By the fifth week we had a friendship building between us something six 
weeks ago I would have thought ludicrous to say it was even possible.  Now, five 
years later, it has proven to be beneficial to have him along for not only has 
he "talked" particularly reluctant customers in to practically giving away prize 
objects, but he has also saved my life on multiple occasions."

	Account of Maxus Cerrus, Rouge Trader.     

Maxus Cerrus:
	"Maxus was raised in a rouge trader's family. His father was deeply involved in 
the black market.  As a boy Maxus learned the tricks of the trade including how 
to get a good deal. At the age of 18 he was put in control of his fathers 
secondary fleet. And at the age of 21 he owned the fleet.  He has spent his life 
trading with exotic species and worlds.  At the age of 29 he was searching for 
new planets to extend his trading monopoly. It was around this time he was on 
the third moon of Tallaran�"

	Account of Inquisitor Crassus.

 For further information see Eisenorc paragraph four.  

	"Marcus is part of a far branch of the Ecclesiarchy. He is mainly a witch hunter
and believes that aliens are not a problem as long as they leave the humans (the 
'perfect' race) alone.  Like all cultists he is a fan of the flamer and had one 
specially attached to his power fist. 
	"His fight against witches has taken him all around the galaxy until one 
particularly nasty riot his cult led on Heptus IV. In this riot most if not all of 
his cult was shot or crushed by the press of the crowd. He was one of the lone 
survivors of the cult and lost most of his lower left arm and took major wounds to 
his face. He later had a bionic power fist to replace the shredded stub (this was 
after he joined with me and was able to fund the repair).
	"I met him in the Imperial prison hospital to question him about the riot.  I 
offered to fund his repair in return for having him released and gaining his loyal 
service for ten years. He agreed to the deal and I had him fixed with some of the 
best equipment available on that secluded planet. I took him to my ship where I 
introduced him to the rest of my followers. He was quick to fight and try to kill 
Eisenorc until I stepped in because I knew he would get himself killed.  Marcus has 
been with me for 6 years now and says he will follow me to the death."

	Account of Inquisitor Crassus.

Gizgrot Gunslinga:
	"Gizgrot was the result of my first attempt at getting the Orks on our side.  
Naturally I went for a smaller Ork first in hope to teach him to fight for the 
Imperium.  After multiple wounds we finally have broken through. Praise is due once 
again to Eisenorc as his amazing ability with words some how confused the Ork enough
to at least listen to me and fight with us.  Gizgrot was a lone Ork we found on the 
second moon of Tallarn. I suspect he had only recently hatched out of his 
hibernation like state."    

	Account of Inquisitor Crassus.

"Gizgrot wuz a small ork when we found 'im.  He was almost sooisidal 'n ran right to
us 'n chop us to bitz. We used sum of Maxuses trankelizer darts to put him unconshus
unconscious. When he a woke he tried to attak us again but I was there and stopped 
'im (none to gently either).  The guyz left me wit' him and I gave 'im a good 
talkin' to. After dat he 'elped us with no more problems. Now Gizgrot is just like 

	Account of Eisenorc.

Morgut Cutfixa:

"Morgut was another Ork we found wondering around alone. Although I suspect the 
reason for his being kicked out of his clan had to do with an 'improvement' he 
tried to make on the Warboss (he claims it was the grots' fault). He like 
Gizgrot was reluctant to come but the presence of Eisenorc and Gizgrot helped to 
win him over. He has now become a field doctor for those foolish enough to let 
him get close. Only if I were guaranteed to die anyway would I risk letting him 
'fix' me.  I know we have a fear that once he gets started he will get over 
excited and try to give us 'extra specials' as he calls them.  As soon as I can 
get in touch with an Imperial surgeon in my confidence, I'll have him better 

	Account of Inquisitor Crassus.

**********TRANSMISSION ENDS*********

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