Full Name: Dee Eirlys Wong
Age: 15
Location: Northern California
Hobbies: Playing video games, reading, drawing, writing
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy 7
Favorite Book: Ender's Game
Favorite Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (though Fellowship isn't too far behind)
Favorite Song: Suteki Da Ne, with Simple and Clean right on its tail
Favorite actors: Elijah Wood, Haley Joel Osment, Jackie Chan
Hotties: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet). I call them "The Triumvirate of Dee-Land
Random and General Likes: Video games, sci-fi and fantasy books, drawing, kung-fu stuff at random, Latin (and *almost* everything else Roman), cattle prods.
Random and General Dislikes: Anything Russel Crowe (except Gladiator, but only because it's Roman), Spongebob and anybody who likes the little yellow sea-turd, little kids, stupid people (except my friends, 'cause they're a different kind of stupid).

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