Hello and welcome to the lysDexic Mirror. My name is Dark Valkyrie Wong, and this is my site. I am afraid this site will no longer be updated on a regular basis, but it still shall be updated. The links you want to go to for regular updates of my works are My DeviantART account and Immidion. Please enjoy your stay, and if you would like to use any of my artwork for you site simply contact me and you will most likely be allowed to use my stuff. Thankyou for your time, and please enjoy your stay.


::About Me::

people have passed through the mirror since February 8, 2003


6-23-04 Updated with 1 new poem, 5 new drawings, and 4 photos (none of the drawings have been posted on my deviantART account yet, don't you feel special!).
2-4-04 Hmm, so I've updated the site before my deviantART account! Interesting. Well, a few new artworks, enjoi!
2-1-04 Yes, it has been long since my last update. This is because I have been terribly busy with school and whatnot. Plus, I now have a DeviantART account which is a lot easier to update than a website. (Please don't hit me!) I'm so sorry for doing this to you all. But I have some new art up, and I think you'll see a drastic change for the better in its quality from the stuff you saw last year ^_^.
9-21-03 Hmm, almost a month since the last update. Sorry about that, since the schoolyear started I've been pretty bogged down with homework. I've only produced 5 pieces of artwork in these four weeks, and three of them I can't put up yet because we got a new scanner/printer but haven't hooked it up yet. Well, two new things in artwork. Hopefully that'll hold all you off 'till the next update (which may not be for a while...)
8-24-03 *sigh* 'Tis the last update before the start of the new schoolyear. Three new drawings in the artwork section.
8-21-03 So I DID forget to take it down yesterday! Well it's gone now (and the current banner now really IS 600 pixels tall)
8-19-03 Huzzah! Huzzah! Hark thee, all ye citizens, REJOICE! For 'tis today the celebration of the birth of the almighty lord, Cloud Strife! As you shall see, the great hall of the Mirror has been adorned with decorations in honor of the day's festivities. Now, go forth and spread the word! For 'tis the day to celebrate the almighty Cloud! Oh yea, minor update in the fanart section too ^^
8-9-03 Extremely small update, just one piece of artwork, but it took me a damn long time to do so be happy.
8-2-03 Another minor update in the fanart section, go check it out! Also, I updated my Triumvirate for hopefully the last time for a while to Cloud Sora and Jim. Dee out
7/21/03 Hmm, another update, small quickie. Two pieces of art, one in Fanart, one in Original.
7/17/03 So, HOW long has it been since I've last updated? Sorry to keep you waiting, I've been doing nothing but playing games all summer! The ultimate summer vacation, you know? Anyway, small update, six new fanarts, four in Games and two in Books. Enjoy!
6/11/03 Ho hum, small update, four new things in Artwork.
5/28/03 One new poem up. I wrote it today in English class for a shrink-lit assignment on a book we just finished. I hated the book, but the poem was really cool.
5/26/03 FINALLY DONE!!! Got all the picture pages made!! *celebrates*
5/26/03 Got picture pages up for two more sections, "Collaborative Arts" and "Gifts." One more section to go!!
5/25/03 Got picture pages up for two more sections, "Originals" and "Binder Doodles."
5/24/03 Nerngh, a MONTH since my last update?? *sigh* Well, summer is coming so maybe I'll have more updates then. Got three new things up in the artwork section, which got a makeover. I've also made pages for the drawings in the "Colored Works" and "Fanart" sections. I'm going to make pages for ALL the pictures on the site, but that will take a while. The third of the pictures that I've already done took a full five hours to make, so I'll have to spend a lot of time here in the next few weeks. O yea, one new poem up. Check it out.
4/25/03 Wow, been a while since the last update ^_^;;. Gots 7 new things up in the artwork section, four in game fanart, one in book fanart, and two in random.
4/4/03 One new fanart up of Seung Mina and Aeris. I've been wanting to do a pic of my two favorite female characters for a while so there we go. Also, since the beginning of time I've always "been" Mina and Momo has always "been" Aeris, and she's one of my best friends. There you go
3/29/03 I got ONE new thing up! A political cartoon that I drew for History. It may not make sense to you if you haven't played Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but then again maybe it will. All I know is that teachers really do NOT understand video game humor
3/23/03 Sorry for the wait! Got a buncha new artwork up. Oh yea, finally got the poetry section up.
3/1/03 FINALLY got to update! My scanner seems to be working, so it looks like I'm back in business ^_^. Got some new artwork up today, and I'll have my poetry section up soon.
2/14/03 Happy Valentines Day, or as I like to call it, Happy Singles Awareness Day. I hate V-Day, I never have a "significant other" to spend it with and people are always trying to give me candy even though they know the only sugar I eat are creampuffs and oreos. Morons. Anyway, ranting aside, I have two MORE "Got Milk" ads up. If you're wondering why I haven't put any drawings up in two weeks it's not because I haven't been drawing, it's 'cause my stupid scanner is broken. Oh yea, HJO and Frodo fuggin RULE.
2/07/03 Got two new things up in the artwork section. Hee, and yes, I am a big Haley Joel Osment fan ^_^.
2/02/03 Finally got my guestbook up!! Check it out
2/01/03 Damn, I think I'm getting the hang of this html stuff! Posted an assload of new art and a new sub-section on the Artwork page.
1/25/03 New artwork and the Links page is up.
1/17/03 The lysDexic Mirror is finally up! Rejoice!
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