

Summer Evenings

Silent footfalls upon cobblestone paths
A warm breeze alights upon my face
Carrying the scent of closing blossoms
Like sweet kisses from a tender mother
Who gently lays her child down for sleep

Amidst the hushed whisper of leaves
Swishing upon their boughs in the evening zephyr
Birds chatter happily
Flitting hither and thither amongst emerald leaves
And in the distance
The clipping of hooves across solid concrete
As olde tyme carriages carry their passengers

The sun's last golden rays
Sparkle through the tall trunks of trees
Standing, proud, like regal kings and queens of Neighborhood Park
The heavens burst with a gradience of color
In the East like the wine dark sea sprinkled with glittering gems
In the West like the golden halls of all mighty Jove
Day rests her saffron head
Behind stony white-capped mountains

Muffled footsteps carry me home
Through shadows stretching across the earth
On this lovely summer evening

Angel With No Wings--from Cloud's pov

She stared up to the milky ceiling
Locked in prayer she was kneeling
Her beauty divine, with goodness she shines
Her love the most wonderful feeling.
Her voice how it rings, the most beautiful of things,
My angel with no wings.

Her heart was pure, she held no evil.
Her light enough to fright the devil.
With mem'ries shared, for eachother we cared.
In her love I couldn't help but revel.
Her eyes how they gleamed, how emerald green,
My angel with no wings.

And suddenly all hell breaks loose.
As he's flying down, his sword it crus-
-ify's her, piercing heart, with bloody art.
I run forward, prepared to fight and will not take a truce.
My eyes, they sting as I weep and cling
To my angel with no wings.

The bell of rage in my heart pealing,
My emotions for the first time reeling.
I kill the monster left behind, with only her on my mind.
With her gone, I've an empty feeling.
My sword it swings in search of the things
That killed my angel with no wings.

I lay her to rest in this sacred pool.
Her features pale, her body cool.
I step back, hand by my heart as I feel it torn apart.
Why does fate have to be so cruel!
Our song no more sings as she joins the dead kings.
And now my angel has her wings.

Not Quite Human

Red eyes gleaming in the night
As this creature takes to flight.
A metal claw, a cape of red,
And footfall silent as the dead.
A walking blotched experiment,
A freakish mistake receives no lament.
There's a demon residing deep within
This man who is not quite human.
The silver moon is shining bright
As this creature walks the night.
His lusting fangs are gleaming white,
Tempting him for that first bloody bite.
Awakened after 30 year's slumber,
His soul is dancing to a hate-filled number.
His heart is tainted by vengeance and rage,
Mind marred by old enemies, sanity caged.
A Chaos demon inside him thrives,
Lusting for blood and innocent lives.
His victim falls with a muffled "thud"
As he quenches his thirst lessened only by blood.
But deep inside this tainted mind,
Mem'ries of love are left behind.
It was a love he could not save
Which led them both to untimely grave.
But death was not an option for he,
For a night-walking beast he was forced to be.
Forced to live without her love,
He languished as she watched from above.
Revenge he only lives for now,
Looking to make that wretch kowtow
for the treason he committed against love and life
And those innocent lives he's delved into strife.
He pities himself, red cape and red eyes,
His miserable life, riddled with lies.
He goes to her falls to again say goodbye
And balls his fists, cursing the sky.
Can't Death take two lives, both his and hers?
He thought to himself, "it's because of this curse."
And is reminded, again and again,
That he's cursed to live as an unwhole human.

Dimensia, Insanity, and the Master of Marionettes

I lay and on top of blood-soaked sheets
And hear my heart as it slowly beats.
The drapes and walls are splotched with red
As images dance inside my head.
Dimensia and Insanity are my only friends
In this hellish nightmare that doesn't have an end.
The doctors held fire up to my eyes.
But I did not blink to their surprise.
They said my mind is too far gone
And I become another pawn.
A minor player in this "asylum"
And perfect specimen of my demented phylum.
I slit my wrists in my insanity
And pound the door, trying to break free.
Flailing my arms, my blood stains the walls.
I hear pounding feet thundering through the halls.
They burst into my dark empty room.
Subdued by shackles I return to my gloom.
The guards bandage my wrists with old dirty gauze
But with my hands and my feet I break all their jaws.
I snap all their necks, they fall to the floor.
Then I casually walk over to go shut the door.
I think it fun to maybe make them marionettes.
I look at my settings; I'll have no regrets.
These dirty rags that serve as clothing
Can only add to my hate and loathing.
This cell's cold dirty dark concrete, filled with cobwebs but bare.
With no light my skin's pale, and limp is my hair.
I shrug it all off, thinking "oh what the hell,
Might as well have some fun in my cell."
As I string them up their blood drips down.
I look at the blood, shake my head and frown.
So you're still alive after all, I see.
Go on, stand up! Come play with me.
I have loads of fun with my marionettes.
And I know in my world, it's as good as it gets.
All the blood drains from their bodies, they die.
But I keep doing my puppet show, make them wave their souls goodbye.
Then when I'm done I hide them under my bed.
I'll play with them tomorrow, when they're completely dead.
I wipe up the blood before the stains can worsen
(It's amazing how much blood there is that comes inside a person)
I go to sleep, momentarily stifling my hate
And dream of Dimensia and Insanity, my only friends in my fate.

Now I Know My ABC's...

A is for Apathy, Anger, an apple fallen too far from the tree
B is for Bestial, Betrayal, a Benevolence only people who are whole can feel
C is for Chaos, Catastrophe, the Cross under which I lie
D is for Dogma, Death, the Dream I sleep perchance to have
E is for Enemy, Ecstacy, the Euphoria I'll never know
F is for Fear, Fog, Fading away into nothingness
G is for Gift, Garden, Guillotine waiting to fall
H is for Hate, Heartless, the Holes that can't be patched
I is for Incomplete, Illusion, Invisible like how I want to be
J is for Juvenile, Jerks, the Jump-start nobody ever cares to give
K is for Kill, Karma, the Kalaidoscope of anger and tears
L is for Lore, Lifeless, Left behind
M is for Mime, Mimick, Mockery of everything I strive for
N is for Narcissus, Notion, kNowing I'll Never excape this Net of torture
O is for Opaque, Oblivion, the circle-spiral I'm tumbling downward on
P is for Pleasantires, Peace, a Pierced heart in Pieces that aches for a reason to live on
Q is for Questions I'll never have the answer to, the Quiet that I seek
R is for Red, Relentless, Rage and Restlessness that I feel
S is for Sorrow, Stupidity, how Sobering the thought of death is
T is for Tales, Truth, a Trap only Death can open
U is for Underdog, Ultimatum, the Understanding of life only we clinically insane have
V is for Vehemence, Vengeance, how Vulgar this whole life-is-good idea is
W is for Waiting, Wondering, Why did it have to happen
X is for the Xplanation I'll never have for why things are so unfair
Y is for Years lost, and Yearning for that inner peace
Z is for Zenith, Zealot, the Z's I want to catch in eternal slumber as I leave this hollow place

Clouded Vision

Raindrops falling in the night
Pools of tears that blur my sight
Cool smooth glass against my cheek
A washed out future is weary and bleak
Rain on the window makes a shining cascade
Drowing the dreams who've begun to fade
I close my eyes to sob and weep
And wish to enter endless sleep
Rivers of tears stream down my face
To wash me away, leaving nary a trace
As rain outside obscured the stars in the skies
So all that I am is a facade of lies
Hidden beneath the layers of clouds
Truth and stars yearn to shed their shrouds
I can bear only to hide behind masks
"But why?" the seeker always asks
'Tis simple--this is the only way that I know
All I can do is put on a show
The raindrops outside fall pit pat on the ground
That and my weeping are the only sound
I can see no longer--there is only strife
The only road to clear skies is the departure of life
And then a phone rings in the distance somewhere
Shut up, go away! I really don't care
The machine picks it up and words start to flow
"Hey you, where ya been? We've missed you, y'know.
Well, call me back. Catch ya later!" the message dies
I stare in amazement and dry off my eyes
I scold myself for thinking of such possible life ends
If nothing to live for, there's always my friends
I need them all badly, they need my just as much
Ina world with no love we're eachothers only crutch
The fog then dispells, revealing my way
And I know I'll go on at least one more day

Don't Bother Me

It doesn't matter what I do
How hard I try or for how long
It's never good enough for you
To let me do things slightly wrong.
I move as if I'd like to die.
I know it's wrong, but why should I care?
Can't get it right even when I try
My will has fled to gods know where.
Forget what I tried and all that I've been
And never bother me again.

You were always better than me
At least six steps ahead.
It's so easy fo you that you fail to see
The tears of frustration I've shed.
You'll never know how hard I strive
To do things you find so simple.
When you are around no one know's I'm alive
Compared to you I'm a pitiful cripple.
And I can't wait until the day when
You'll never bother me again.

My soul's guiding light, my spirit's fire
Are extinguished, cold and gone.
Your ignorance fuels my inner ire.
I get it, you're better, you've won!
Get off my back, I'll never be
All that you wanted me to.
I'll live out my life contentedly
Walking in the shadow of you.
I might someday get it right, but until then
Don't ever bother me again.

Fleeing Wings

A weeping eye, a broken dream
A flight across the sea
A journey far on two clipped wings
Bound not to drift alee
Tormented past and shattered hope
Pluck bare the wings of light
An burn to ash the guiding rope
Which leads thee to what's right
A trap between cold hate and love
A fight to find thyself
Turn thy back on the stars above
Refusing any help
Torn from the sky an angel falls
To cold dark depths below
The weeping angel never calls
For the freedom she does not know

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