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Topic: A new Update... finally
Date: 8/29/03
By: Valix
Well, its been a while, but I've updated all the pages, will be adding another profile and have an entirly new section. A Fanfics section has been added, hopefully it will get bigger with time... Check it out here.

Topic: New stuff...
Date: 6/19/03
By: Valix
The RPG has now been moved back a bit. Its been restarted at the point where Valix and Krosan arrive on Earth. This is will be a lot easier to work in some of the new members into the storyline. To see the new member's profiles head over to the members page, some still need to be finished though.

Topic: Back Up and Running!
Date: 6/9/03
By: Valix
Man, it has been a while since I've updated this site, but we are back up. I've been modifying the plot a bit, improving it as well as giving it a bit more originality. There is a huge need for more players, check the list of needed characters on the members page for info on what characters we are in need of someone to play as.

Topic: Page Modifications
Date: 12/4/02
By: Valix
I've changed many of the site's pages, adding and changing info. New people, if your planning on joining and would rather not creat a new character, check out the members page for a list of characters that we need people to play as.

Topic: Grand Opening
Date: 11/9/02
By: Valix & Death
Welcome... to the last RPG you ever play..... just kidding... well anyways, we're the webmasters of the site. This RPG is going to be the best! Hurry and join, me need lots of members, so this RPG can improve beyond what it has become already. Check out the 'About' page and the 'Story' page for info.

¤Death Board
¤The Team

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