Navigational novelty:freestanding nude media

Forums. Music banned in over 3 African 3rd world nations If I had a nickle for every time I got kicked out of a theater, I'd have 37.333333 cents nag, nag, nagI don't play well with the way things are.
Writin' I really don't know what this stands for.
>>>Articles>>>Welcome to the SEWER!
Losers have one hope left to spoil the gene pool... The last vestage for weak, pathetic minds is to seek to destroy differing opinion and opposing literature through frivolous legal action. This action makes a mockery of all true matters of legal action.
Free below! A review for people who against reading and thinking. Prepackaged ideas for the consumerist culture!

Do you own what you look like? Some people think they do. Lets take the example of an unnamed person who runs an unnammed website recently sent a letter to a ordering him to remove a picture of her from his site or she would run and grab a lawyer and sue. If I see her coming down the street, I'll have to avert my eyes, because you can only look at her if she allows it. Just like the old emperors of Japan. (her picture in Figure 2.1, to the right, censored because no one may glance upon Medusa and live) You might think thats silly but its not. It's true. It was posed next to some opinions that the bitch lady might not have agreed with, that pertained to her. Instead of writing an editorial and dishing out the opposing opinion, the honorable thing, but showed what a dishonorable person slime semi-sentient filth. This is just one example of a disturbing and downwards trend. As whiny minorities discover lawyers and pondscum run to attourneys, the book

Remember me, I turned into a deformed woman while using a cell phone. burning begins. Everyone these days can get a lawyer, look, its all over everywhere: "Have you been hurt or killed in an auto wrech thats all your fault? Have you been offended by someone or something? Damn the Torpedoes! We'll collect!" This eagerness to go after any one who has done anything to you shows you are slightly less elolved than ornery ameobas. People used to call me names, "Long-haired girlie man" "huh-huh are you a girl or a boy, huh-huh (damned, I'm so funny, I matk.homo-erectus look like a computer programmer)" and so on. Did I run to the teacher, no! I fired back a few choice phrases of my own, and put them in thier place (besides, chicks dig long hair, I just started up a
conversation with thier girlfriends and...). Before I continue, a note: I don't get offended, I don't understand what it is even like, or why a simple thing like words or a picture could cause someones undergarments to bunch up enough to ignire a lawsuit. so I'm kinda biased against offended people. Back on a mission: Notice the man above, Figure 2.2, remember him? I used his picture to poke fun at cell phone reaserch. He may or may not sue me. He may be a person who "gets" the joke I used his image for, or, he might go after me for useing his image in a way that might be misinterpreted as fact by somw idiots and call it slander. Judging from his furrowed working-man brow and the thoughtful look on his face, he probably understands, and may even find it funny. Of course, he is not a minority. If he were, that would change everything. If he was gay, I would only be able to say "Notice the man above, Figure 2.2, remember him? I used his picture to poke fun at cell phone reaserch. He may or may not sue me. He may be a person who "gets" the joke I used his image for, or, he may be one cool mother fucker. He is probably both and an upstanding citizen" I woulden't want the Gay and Lesbian Armada Against Defamation (GLAAD) after me. They like to go after people who express anti-gay opinions. (Disclaimer: I'm not anti-gay, I'm anti-stupid, and it seems that most of the gay people I've met fit into the moron category. Nothing general, just personal) Most famously, they are going after Eminem, the crack-baby white rapper, who expresses opinion. Instead of hunting down every neo-nazi dung-beetle, they whine. Good one! Lets look at the name: G.L.A.A.D.
figure 2.3:
Gay: Kids who decided not to put the round peg in the round hole. Nothing against them.
Lesbian: Chicks with good taste in women. Exept for radical extremists, on the whole, nothing against them.
Alliance: hmmmm, they're trying to conjure up images of Star Wars, or the gay porn version anyway. They must really want to look like the good guys/girls/transvestites.
Against: Duh.
................................................ And now the kicker, where I start to make a point (pay attention!):
Defamation: Oh shit, my spidey sence is going mad! What is that exactly? Is a porely defined term worth sueing for? You bet your ass.
In a related news article Eminem is sueing her weak excuse for a son for "defamation of character" If she haden't pointed out that her son said bad things about her I would never have noticed. I'm anti-making fun of your mother, but come on.
How about the dumbshit who sued good ole' Ronald McDonald? She spilt coffee on herself and felt because of her idiocy, she deserved a settlement for "emotional distress" I'm a fucking teenager, If I got mucho de nero for every time I felt emotional distress, I could afford a bullet to put in a few people I don't think should breed. The court system is not a forum to get money for being retarted. If I tell you to kill yourself, and you listen to figure 2.5 like jump off building like jackie chan! yah!
me, me of all people, and you end up fatally wounding or killing yourself (as seen in figure 2.4, above) you should not sue me. You were the one who listened to me and tried to kill youself. Americans, I'm afraid, are beginning to think that lawsuits solve all problems(what ever happened to the day when violence solved everything?), and hard working, hard thinking Americans (like the one in figure 2.2, way above) are having to pay for this. This is another cog in the not-my-fault machine. The machine that produces such great lawsuits as the one about gun manufacturers being responcible for people killing other people, and did you hear the one about where an alcoholic sued the beer companies for "making" him that way? Or my favorite, the guy-who-started-smoking and now wants money from the tobbacco companies. Not that I'm for smoking, <sarcasm>nothing calms me like inhaling burning paper and tar into my lungs, mmmmmmhackmmmmcough</sarcasm> but you people need to take responcibility for your own actions. Its like crying wolf, any time anyone sues stupidly because someone looked at them funny, or because they took a joke to serious, or anythin stupid, it makes the real important cases, like REAL copyright infringment and other issue that deserve a serious will be taken lightly because of all the stupid shit people sue for. Either that or, if whatever is infecting people to make them like this spreads, it will be time to roll out the salamanders and give firemen a new job. Hopefully I'm just pessimistic instead of prophetic.

The End

Review time!
Incase you did not pay attention to, or did not understand the above article, Freestanding Nude Media is providing this review as a service to people who don't have the time to read full articles. Convieniently color coded in the colors of the likely users! Fairly self explainitory!
Thing that happened: Result: Conclusion you should invariably draw:
Lady sues Seanbaby because he used a picture of her. She looks stupid because she is. You don't own your physical presence in this world sorry kid, people can see you free of charge.
Kids made fun of me during middle school and 9th grade. I had sex with thier girlfriends. Sex solves self-esteem problems.
I talk about the cell phone guy with the beard. He's going to kick my ass for sure now. People with beards are bad-asses.
Eminem gets sued by his mother Eminem insults everyone. He gets his 15 minutes of fame, kills himself along with 300 Japanese businessmen. Noone misses him. Eminem is a pussy. Insulting everyone around you pointlessly so you can get money and sale records doesn't make you "hardcore". Neither does swearing actually, but I can't talk.
GLAAD get mad Gay people continue to look stupid. Joe will be chased by a homosexual lynch mob before he distracts them with Hostess(tm) brand fruit pie and excapes.
McDonalds sued by coffee drinker Man served vodka in bar because he put back to many expressos. Coffee is glue for the soul.
300 Japanese people commit suicide. Avarage world penis lenth jumps. Samurais were lethal and well-trained killers, but didn't get many groupies.
People don't take responcibility. End of the world as we know it. Everything goes down hill from here. The tarot card say you 'augt drop yo' man like turd from yo' hind side girl! Madam Foozpuzesea knows!
After reading a discussion on freespeech and music, Joe concludes people are stupid. Nothing changed. Joe speaks his mind in a smart way, useing profanity when usefull and not being unnessesarily mean.
Large part of review left empty Reader confused, angry. Doesn't have anyone to tell them how to think. (fill in the blanks)_____ __________ ___ _____ _______ _____ _______ _____ _____ _ _ ____
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