Please note, all comments expressed here are the expressed opinions of the creater of this site i.e. one Joe Morris, and do not reflect the views of anyone else, not YahooGeocities(tm), not the president if the USA, not your mama. Also, all opinions expressed are just that, they do not represent any type of fact, and should not be misconstued as such. If you dissagree or are offended by my opinions, stop reading them. This is a public forum also, I claim the 1st amendment bee-itch! This is intended for mature readers and people who demonstate basic thought process. It's a damn pity I have to do all this.
Now I have something tangible to blame for for my future brain cancer! Cell-phones cause cancer?! Yeah, right! Next they'll be sayin' cigarettes cause cancer! Are your children safe?
Losers have one hope left to spoil the gene pool... To many people are tattle-tale lawyer callin' mommy-wantin' PUSSIES. If you don't think so, I'll sue! Are your children safe?
Get it? Do 'ya? Huh? All RIGHT all ready! I crack me up. PETA wants to give animals rights. That's stupid, even us Americans don't get rights with out proper payment.
Retard your progress. People who speed chronically with no cause really suck. Article is short, fast, and easy to read. Are your children safe?
AWARD WINNING article that didn't win any awards. It's about certain awards though. Are your children safe? Journalistic lows!
Fuck you Joe! Why don't you have a back button? Wheres the damn Email!

Everything (exept the stuff that is not) Copyright Freestanding Nude Media. Questions, Comments? E-mail us.

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