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Forums. Music banned in over 3 African 3rd world nations If I had a nickle for every time I got kicked out of a theater, I'd have 37.333333 cents nag, nag, nagI don't play well with the way things are.
Writin' I really don't know what this stands for.
>>>Articles>>>Go fast?
  I'll make this short and sexy. Like a miniturized supermodel. And fast, like a slutty girl.
  As I was departing from school today, A funeral procession wormed its way by the school and vehicals halted their progress out of respect or something or the fact everyone else stopped. As I pulled out, I found to my joy that I would be travelling behind the funeral snake. As rolled casually along, I noticed a few things, as one tends to do when behind a funeral procession.  


People are really in a Big Fucking Hurry.
I don’t think they really had any where to go in such a haste. It was 2:43 or so, so the people who were creaping between the stopped cars probably weren’t headed for their pressing meeting beginning at 2:47. I’m sitting there, in park, wondering why exactly people are in such a hurry to go nowhere that they can't manage to waste 5 seconds of their day. In Ashville a guy sped past on my right side (that would be their left side, and the wrong side of the road) in an effort to get into a 24-hour Wall-mart. Maybe I’m just slow, but putting yourself and your car in danger to shave your shopping time down to a 3-digit number seems a bit foolish.
Vocabulary list:

1. Expurgate: verb, meaning: to remove from the record, to delete or strike out.

Hey kids! not only is tailgating "hip" and "fun", but if you hit someone from behind, even if its just a light tap, and its their fault they stopped (who in the world would slow to a stop at a stop sign while your peeking in their rear window?) the person in the rear of the collision is legally responcible. Besides, I noticed the people useually responcible for the tailgating drive petite cars, in a collision in one of those plastic shoeboxes could easily expurgate the driver from life. Besides, why are you people in such a hurry? Who do you think you are that you think you have to put the paint on the rear of my van in danger in such a hurry to get somewhere and do something insignificant?
...and you think you are in a hurry because you think if you miss your meeting/party/date/movie/shopping/whatever, then all is lost and the universe ends. I understand some people have to get to a meeting on time of they will be fired and flogged. A guy called Duke Redstar frequently said "leave early, leave often". If the meetings really that important, LEAVE EARLY! If there’s "just not enough time in the day" to leave early, then the meeting or whatevers apperently not all that imperative. Other people seem to be in a hurry for no apperant reason. I can’t think of a reason for such a pointlessly expeditious manner. It doesn’t make you look cool, it just makes you look like you’re too stupid to realize you don’t have to speed. Addendum: noone looks like a anarchistic rebel when they speed either, speeding in an attemp to show "the man" who’s the boss was pretty much dead with Smokey and the Bandit 3. Besides, everyone speeds, society is friendly to speeders, so people who speed certainly aren’t wild revolutionaries. I'm not telling you to poke along like an old grandmother, going 25 no matter where you are, parking lot or interstate, but don't go 110 no matter where you are either. Go the speedlimit, or just slightly above. Unless the road is empty, or your in montana, at which point you might as well floor it. Just don't drive like a fucking maniac or a damned racecar driver in traffic. P.S. Earnhart is dead! Ha-ha
We've got to get back to the mainpage, and fast! Write to me, and tell Earnhart he's dead!

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