going to the U.S, huh!

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  • The admission officers are looking for the you behind the exam marks, the GRE/GMAT scores. The you not revealed by the rest of the application. Try not the repeat information available in other parts of the application, unless you have a strong reason to.
  • An SOP can swing decisions. It can also help crystallize an impression of you that the faculty has developed after going through other parts of the application. So don't come out looking like a person lost.
  • What you write is indicative of you, of your judgment. Much time & thinking should go into your SOP (even weeks).
  • Be specific. So you want to be a Doctor. Why ? Give logical reasons. Explain the origin and growth of your interest. An application to Graduate School should emerge as a logical conclusion to your story.
  • Thoughtfulness: Show that you have not just got all the info about the college from the brochure. Don't get too abstract. Explain why a course means something to you.
  • One of the worst things that you can do is bore the committee. Be lively, fresh, articulate, different. Make yourself memorable.
  • Answer the questions:
    • "What's unique / impressive about your life story - family problems, history, people who changed your life and goals" ? What sets you apart from other applicants ?
    • When did you originally become interested in this field and what have you learnt about it (and yourself) that has further stimulated your interest ?
    • How have you learned about this field - classes, reading, work or people already in the field ?
    • What are your career goals ?
    • Have you overcome any hardships (economical, familial, physical) in your life ?
    • What personal characteristics of yours enhance your prospects for success in your field ?
    • What is the most compelling reason for them to take you ?


  • Don't include:
    • References to experiences in school unless v. relevant (after all that was so long ago, haven't you done anything better since then ?)
    • Potentially controversial topics
    • Political views

  • Hello friends,
    This is my compilation of the USEFI seminar on SOP

    Writing a Winning SOP

    SOP is the part of ur application which tells the
    admission officer who and what u are. It also
    demonstrates ur writing skills. Portray yourself as an
    interesting, committed student who will contribute
    immensely towards their program.

    * Purpose

    > To persuade the admissions committee to choose U.
    > U have the ability & motivation to succeed in ur
    > Experience ( if applicable ) in ur field.

    Explicitly state the purpose in the SOP.

    * Content

    Answer any direct questions fully. Analyze and answer
    all parts.

    eg : "What are ur strengths & weaknesses in setting
    and achieving goals and working thru people?" Here,
    there are 6 parts - strengths/weaknesses in setting
    goals, strengths/weaknesses in achieving goals,
    strengths/weaknesses in working thru people. Also
    instead of "thru" people it could be "with" people and
    your answer changes.

    Do proper research & homework for questions specific
    to the institution.

    Besides Purpose & Area of specialization (
    qualifications & preparedness ) u must also explain
    Problems & inconsistencies in ur records. Some special
    conditions not mentioned elsewhere can also be

    > What career have u chosen? What factors led to the
    > Justify Correctness of ur choice.( Also Why US, Why
    that Univ )

    Your SOP must explain the worth & significance of ur
    experiences wrt your field, future goals. Document ur
    concerns by linking them with specific instances.

    > Anything U have done that stands out? How did u
    achieve it?
    > Activities U have been involved in? What capacity?
    > Relevant work experience? What was the job? How did
    U carry it out?
    > Relevant publications? Workshops? Major Awards?
    (Forget Modesty but these should be recent ones)
    > Special fancy for another academic field?

    * What NOT to do

    Avoid Jargon ( could be misunderstood )
    Avoid obvious statements
    Do not exceed the stipulated pg/word limit
    Do not duplicate ur CV
    Proofread your work
    Avoid words like
    Significant, interesting, satisfying, challenging,
    rewarding, gratifying, meaningful, stimulating,
    incredible, invaluable, exciting, enjoyable, helpful,
    useful, remarkable, fascinating, etc.

Preparation for GRE: the GRE test; writing assessment; GRE software; Applying for us: higher studies; application procedure; F1 visa; aid &loan; help in SOPshortlisting of colleges; pre departure information; GRE help: links to other GRE website; GRE resources; General: software download; The hacking lab; feedback form.

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