Dragons Hockey

Dragons Player Interviews

Background: Newington, CT born and raised. Graduated

from Newington High in 1994, and UCONN in 2000.

Age: 26

Position(s): Winger / Goaltender

Left or Right Handed: Right Handed


(SI) Another in our series of interviews with the Dragons. This time we cornered current forward and sometime goalie, Doug Stewart.

(DS) As you know, I normally don't do interviews, but I have decided to give you the world exclusive. I hope the Dragon's website has enough power and bandwidth to handle the extreme overload of hits that will occur after this is posted.

(SI) Doug, What is your hockey background? Where did you cut your teeth?

(DS) Goofing around on the high school tennis courts after school is where I got my start. After a

while, we decided to get a team together for the first time in Bloomfield. We were awful, and we quickly disbanded, but I liked it so much I decided to begin my lucrative free agent career, and never looked back.

(SI) Favorite Movie?


(SI) You are one of the few single guys on the team, how is it that you don't have groupies attending your games?

(DS) When you sign on with the Dragon's you have to realize that between the Carter Boys and the Connors brothers, you are, at best, going to be fifth on the groupie totem pole. I can't count the number of times I've been pushed aside by a young lady who wants to get a better look at Dennis Connors. It's something I've learned to live with.

(SI) The Zoo has been around for a while but is currently on hiatus, do you see them returning to the deck anytime soon?

(DS) The disbanded members of the Zoo are all currently very happy with their new teams, but because we all like each other so much, and have such a good time together, I am sure The Zoo will be back and better than ever in the future.

(SI) Hockey Role Model:

(DS) Jim Gaglione

(SI) Most memorable Dragon moment

(DS) They're all good


(SI) You came to the Dragons as a goalie and are now a winger/part-time center, how did this happen?

(DS) Although I completely enjoyed my years as the Dragon's goalie, I got an itch that I just had to scratch. I asked management if I could take a shot at scoring some goals, and they were nice enough to give me a chance, and I hope that they are as happy with the result as I am.

(SI) You still mind the nets for one team; do you see your goalie days coming to an end anytime soon?

(DS) You can take the player out of the goal, but you can never completely take the goalie out of the player. 'Nough said.

(SI) You've played on many teams at PISA, which one has been the most fun or memorable to play on and why?

(DS) The first season when many of my Zoo teammates migrated the Dragons. That is when I had the best of both worlds, and win or lose, I was having a blast.


(SI) Finally, When can we expect to see you holding a book signing of your own hockey memoirs?

(DS) I don't have a book of hockey memoirs planned, but I do have a scathing tell-all book coming out about the completely corrupt inner workings of the Dragon franchise. From the merchandise price gouging scam of 1998, to the mysterious disappearance of a Dragons female intern in 2000, to the now infamous Carter Crackhouse Scandal, all will be revealed in my new book, "Blood, Sex, and Little Orange Balls: Tales of the Dek-Hockey Demons".


(SI) Well Doug where has the time gone? Thank you for this rare and candid look at one of the most enigmatic Dragons. Look for more Dragon Interviews coming soon.

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