My 1981 DMC DeLorean VIN# 2467
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After terrible experiences with mechanics destroying my Once Daily driver and spend tons of money in repairs thats only get worse, it is now A Project Car.  PROJECT DeLorean 2467 BEGINS
Check out my 1970 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Series Limo Project
My Car Is a 1981 July built DeLorean with 3speed automatic transmission and black leather interior.  When I first got the car (march 2000) Everything was good. She only had 32,000 Original Documented miles and everything worked just fine.  The only problem was a ticking sound from the passanger side Exhaust, BIG DEAL. other than that the car was flaw less. I was the happiest 16 year old in the world. Now before you think "oh hes a teenage punk thats gonna abuse this car" Let me tell you I have a deep respect and passion for cars. at the time I didnt know anything mechanical so even something simple I would have a mechanic do (THIS WAS MY BIG MISTAKE).  My first mistake was not doing enough reserch on the DeLorean, as I later faced SERIOUS transmission problems. Back to my story Its March of 2000 and Im getting off the school bus to see My DeLorean Parked in My driveway For the Very first time (I was so excited). Now its a week before my 16th birthday so all i could do is drive it around the driveway (even that was fun) then for some strange reason that night when i was putting her in the garage she just killed out and would start (like somthing out of BTTF). so im sittin there trying to start her up but she just wont start. finaly I killed the battery and went inside for dinner while she was on the charger. when I came out she still wouldnt start. so my dad decides STARTER FLUID will do the trick. well that was a BAD BAD idea. the plastic air filter case and airfilter caught fire. I quickly extinguished it and the next day she was off to my dads foreign car mechanic. The mechanic saw the DeLorean engine as VOLVO and constantly tried using volvo parts. he was also convinced that you could never buy a DeLorean part, This pissed me off "ITS A DELOREAN NOT A VOLVO, DELOREAN PARTS ARE STILL AVALIBLE" but he wouldn't listen. all the car need was a new airfilter housing but he could find one. when i mentioned DMC, TX or PJ Grady, he refused to call them saying he could find a volvo one. any way he would up just fixing the old melted and deformed one HALF ASSED but I was just glad to get the car back. anyway before you know it my tranny started slipping (never a good sign). then now this is wierd, when you fisrt start her up and drive It shifts 1,2,3 but once i stoped and would resume driving (like at a stop light) she wouldnt go back into first gear. this was a problem because on my way to school there was only 1 traffic light, and it was at the bottom of a hill. I had to wish for green but if i did get red I would go at snail speed. so my dad decides to have the tranny rebuilt. he sent it to a trusted mechanic whos worked on deloreans in the past but because he doesnt do transmission he sent it to aamco. Well my dad got pissed and I came home from school one day to see my car was gone (SURPRISE) and then I was pissed. anyway after 4 months of having the tranny rebuilt the car comes back with a busted anntenna and rear bumper damage. well i take it for a ride the day it came back and about 10 min into the drive the tranny CRAPS OUT. im stuck in 1st gear on the side a highway well I pull over and the engine over heated. so back to the shop it went for another 4 months. finally i get it back in the winter and everything seems ok but once warm weather came the tranny would act up. I wanted to drop a bomb on aamco. still under warranty the car went back. well 6 month yes 6 months later now winter again the car comes back with a cracked dash and front bumper damage. but now it doesnt even wait for warm weather to act up it just has to get warm. in between going in and out of the tranny shop I moved and the car was sent to PJ Grady for some work But thats a whole other story. so that where I am now I have a messed Tranny, a crack dash, a very rough running engine, both bumpers that need repainting and my speedometer stoped working (this is the only simple fix). so what are my plans? I spent so much money on the original powertrain and the damn thing just keeps getting worse and worse. I stoped going to mechanics and I have learned a lot more mechanical stuff since i got the car so I do most stuff now on my own. Now For DeLorean Project 2467!
A Little about my DeLorean:
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