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Welcome to Travel With Us World Map - Click your Destination

This site is dedicated to giving you the absolute truth on what to expect, the do's & do not's, where to go and the places to miss. This information is compiled from other travellers who have acutally done all this. Many would have been there a long time and now the score. They know the pitfalls of the area and the local scams, more importantly they know where all the bars with cheap drinks are. The hints and tips that make sure you go places that are actualy worth going to and not the places (travel) companies want you go. Visiting the great wall of China would be fantastic, but do you really need that guide??? We tell you how to get the relevant info you need and experience it all for yourself.

So where in the world do you go? The best thing to do is choose when and where you want to go and decide how long you plan to be away for. The best way to decide what places to go is ask friends who may have been there. Search on the net, there are many places with relevant info. But why not start here as mentioned this is brought to by actual people that have been there. so click on a link and away you go. Some will be relevant some will be of no interest at all, but what you'll get is the truth.

Good Luck!! :)

Copyright Dave Jones
Jones International Enterprise
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