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Regional Summaries

The Panel

The stories you read here is information told from fellow people like yourself. This could be you after your travels, as you too will have tales to tell and other people to pass info on to. If after your travels you want other people to share in your adventures then pop me line and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Which one is Vicky???


Vicky is a vibrant person and is always one to spring into action. Her idea of a good night is getting absolutely wasted. Currently she is in Sydney but soon after xmas 2002 she is bouncin of again over to Melbourne. If you see her try not to run her over. By the way vicky is the one wearing sunglasses!!

Dirty Dan


Now i know what your thinking, but don't worry he's been tested and results show that it's perfectly safe for the Animals. Dan is now in Australia in need of fresh meat and other animals to dominate.

Copyright Dave Jones
Jones International Enterprise
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