The Story So Far, Part 1


William and Reynaldo meet and set out for Charouse.

Enrique, and Valliere meet William and Reynaldo for the first time in an inn in Charouse.

The group is contacted by Anna and meets Lady Dominique, the Emperor's daughter who asks for their assistance. She needs to have a letter delivered to her husband, Montegue in Ussura.

Accosted by Musketeers in the Sewers, where they had met the lady. Barely escape back to the Inn.

Inn attacked by Captain Charles du Chevalier and his Musketeers in the early morning; the group flees over the rooftops. The innkeeper stalls the Musketeers as long as possible, earning himself a stay in prison.

Everyone but Enrique escapes by charging the city gates! Enrique is helped by Remy, a Castillian spy posing as a Montaigne, who kills a Musketeer. Remy takes Enrique to a "safe house".


Enrique escapes Charouse with the aid of Remy. William, Reynaldo, and Valliere flee south toward Manche, a port town where they are to get passage to Ussura.

Valliere and his servant, Laurent, splits from the group to go back to Charouse to enlist the aid of one of his noble friends to try and find Enrique and to see about getting the innkeeper's release.

William and Reynaldo are nearly killed (and in fact almost buried) after a run in with a snobby, but ver skilled noble swordsman who challenged them to a duel for fouling his lands with their presence. They overcome their would-be gravediggers and escape into the night, injured and near death.

William and Reynaldo are taken in and nursed back to health by Jacque and Margarete, the leaders of a group of highwaymen who call themselves rebels.

Enrique is accosted by a highwayman on his trip south but almost kills his assailant, wounding him severely. He is then captured by a group of highwaymen who later turn out to be the same ones that are nursing Reynaldo and William back to health.

William and Reynaldo speak in Enrique's defense and he is untied. William and Margarete spend the night together.

Margarete, who is an angry young woman, later calls Enrique out for a duel! Enrique foolishly toys with her, cutting open her bodice with his sword and she becomes furious. She manages to pull a knife and wound him in the shoulder before she is pulled off of him. He isn't too popular in the camp.

In the morning, William, Enrique, and Reynaldo are provisioned and sent on their way south towards Manche.

Valliere continues to search for Enrique and is told that he had left Charouse. Valliere works for the release of the innkeeper and later books passage to Manche aboard a merchant ship disguised as a servant of a powerful nobleman.

A full day after leaving the highwayman camp, Enrique, William, and Reynaldo arrive at a town where they notice several Musketeer horses. Instead of going around the town as quickly as possible, they rode through the middle and were confronted by Cpt. Charles du Chevalier the Musketeer captain.

William is captured but manages to cause enough confusion and damage to allow the others to escape.

Enrique and Reynaldo enlist the aid of a "witch" to heal their wounds. She gives them dire warning about their futures. They go back for William, and catching the few guards unawares, manage to overpower them and rescue William.

William in the meantime has had quite a chat with du Chevalier. Enrique leaves a letter for du Chevalier, taunting him.


The group makes it to Manche, ahead of Valliere. They meet Lia in a tavern by the docks. She introduces herself and, having overheard part of their conversation tells them that the ship she serves on will take on passengers and is leaving soon

Bjorgsen Fellhand, an old enemy of Reynaldo's family, accosts him. Fellhand mentions a debt and a heated discussion ensues. Fellhand drops Reynaldo and disappears into the night.

The group talks to the captain of the Sea Shoal and books passage up the river. They meet Reginald Coleson, an explorer and scholar, who is nearly thrown off the ship along with his cargo and supplies until they agree to pay his passage.

They ship leaves just as musketeers swarm the docks and a naval cutter tries to block their escape. They make their way upriver ahead of any pursuit. Unfortunately, Valliere and Laurent are not aboard.

A day later Valliere and Laurent get to Manche aboard the merchant ship Swift Endeavor and book passage on a large ship called The War Eagle. As they are getting settled in, and back to their normal roles as nobleman and servant again, they discover that du Chevalier had booked passage for he and his musketeers onboard the same ship! Deciding that to do otherwise would be too suspicious, Valliere decides to stay onboard as the ship sets out to try and catch the Sea Shoal.


The Sea Shoal fights a battle with a small Castillian naval vessel and wins, sending the vessel to the bottom. Enrique is outraged! The Sea Shoal puts in close to shore to repair the damage and change the name of the ship to the Mist Wind. They change captains as well!

While repairs are made, Enrique sneaks onshore to Occupied Castille and sets fire to a Montaigne outpost. He then returns to the ship with no one the wiser.

The Dechaine beast, a large river monster attacks the Mist Wind, crippling the ship. It devours Reynaldo after almost killing the others and then disappears beneath the surface. The crippled ship makes it to the shallows near the Eisen shore before finally sinking. The party mourns the loss of their friend.

A day later as the group discusses what to do next, The War Eagle catches up. Cannons blazing, the large ship attacks the people gathered on shore. As longboats full of musketeers debark, the group flees to the woods. A fight between the musketeers and the Wind's sailors ensues. Another longboat pulls away just as the War Eagle explodes! Valliere had sabotaged the powder room more effectively than he had intended.

Jeane, a sailor aboard the War Eagle is thrown from the ship. She clings to the masthead and passes out, washing up on shore later.


The Story So Far, Part 2

Return to Uncommon Valor


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