The VERY Basic Help Page


OKAY! I now have my page and my password, what do I do now? HELP!!!!!!

After having been in the Help Chat, I have realized that there are wonderful HELP and HOW TO pages in Geocities, but almost all of them assume some knowledge. THEREFORE - for those of you who just received your password and don't know what to do----


These instructions written for Netscape (and IE 4 should work also).

Have you checked your page and saw the infamous "Insert your name here" has not moved in yet? OKAY, let's get you moved into your new home.

GO TO File Manager (aka Homesteader Utilities). (just click on the words to the left it will take your there - but read the rest of this first. There are two blanks there - one asks for your name and the other asks for your password. Type your name and password in the appropriate blanks and then click on SUBMIT.

You are now looking at a weird screen that has several buttons EDIT - COPY - DELETE - RENAME - VIEW HTML FILE - CREATE NEW HTML FILE. There is also a line with the words Choose your Editor beside it. For now choose the option from the editor blank that says Advanced HTML Editor (don't worry, it's not hard). NEXT - you will notice that up and to the left you have only have one file and it is called index.html - click on the little square to the left of the index.html file and then click on EDIT.

This blank area is your first page of your homepage, and it is ready for you to write on it - so type the following

THIS IS (Insert your name here)'s Home Page. Under construction

Now click on SAVE. Now when you go look at your page you will see what you have just written - and now you have "moved in". Oops - well not exactly yet, first you need to replace that "old" Geoguide with the "new" geoguide and you do it by entering a special html tag - okay - here is basically what your editing area should look like in the upper left hand corner

Now Click on SAVE and DON'T forget to click on reload at the top of your screen or you may not see the change
What's that? You want a picture for a background? Okay, substitute the Body tag above with this tag:

That was interesting! Now you have started your homepage and you have used your first HTML language. Wasn't hard was it?

Next you will want to start adding some "stuff" to your page to make it "yours".

But to get you quick started here are a few of the most common html tags used in page construction - hope they help:

You may have noticed when you clicked on Edit to move in that you saw a link called Athens 2090 - click on that link for some great HTML help. There are some great sites for help within geo and I am going to list some of them - just to help (I hope):

Terry's List of Internet Resources - a great source for forms, frames, tables, HTML, Tag Help, List URL on Web Search Engines, GIFs, and JPGs.

Color Chart A listing of over 150 RGB Hex Triplet Colors

Now you want to know how to do more - RIGHT? One way is to look at what other people have done and how they have done it. If you are using Netscape one of the easiest ways is to go to a page and at the top of your screen there are buttons that read FILE - EDIT - View - Go - Bookmarks, - Options, etc. If you click on the word VIEW and then click on Document Source - you can see all of the coding used to create a page.

One of the first things to do is to edit your index.html again. This time start with commands (TAGS). Go to Homesteader Utilities and click on index.html and edit - then go into Athens 2090 and read the instructions on how to put HTML tags into your document.

GOOD LUCK - if you need further help go to either HELP FORUM or HELP CHAT and ask specific questions, and in the FORUM be sure to list your neighborhood address.

If you can think of anything else that will make this even more simple, please mail me at

[email protected]

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