Dynamic Villain's Parallel Universe: Star Wars

What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you could slide into a thousand different worlds, where it's the same year and you're the same person, but everything else is different? And what if you can't find your way home?

Now SLIDE with me through the VORTEX and visit the parallel universe of STAR WARS!!!

I am Darth Sillyname, the Dynamic Villain, and this is my rewrite Star Wars Saga; a continuing work in progress.

Right now only parts 4, 5, 6, are finished: Evil Unleashed, Mystery Of The Clones, and Dark Destiny. Click HERE to read them!

The How and Why
It all started when i wanted to do a rewrite of The Phantom Menace. I ended up rewriting Attack of the Clones first, because that was the latest Star Wars movie.
The idea got into my head to just rewrite the entire Saga! Just for fun!
Obviously that will take some time...
Now, before you start bitching, i decided to do a 9 or 12 part (probably 9) saga instead of just rewriting the prequels. Yes, it's true, I don't think the prequels are as good as the originals, but for my Parallel Universe Saga to make sense (and to be fair), i will also somewhat rewrite the Original Trilogy and create extra episodes. A parallel universe indeed!

Obviously i'm doing this for fun!
I'm not making any money with this and i don't intend to! You can pass this rewrite around (unchanged please), but nobody is allowed to do anything profitable with it!
Star Wars and everything about it (characters and such) are the property of George Lucas and you don't want to mess with him and his lawyers!!

I don't want to claim that these fanscripts are better than the real Star Wars Saga - just DIFFERENT.
Okay, seriously...I do think that my prequel fanscripts/rewrites are actually a bit better, and more fun than the real prequels. But that's just me. And you don't have to agree with me - even when that means that you really suck and that it makes me a much cooler person with better taste than you! ;)
So be it, Jedi!

As long as you remind yourself that this is more or less fan-fiction (Parallel universe, remember!) and not for profit and not meant to insult Lucas, you should be fine - and hopefully have fun reading it!!

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