About Me, This Page, Why The Fuck My Cheap Ass Is Hosting This On GeoCities.

About Me
Name: Enigma Deadsouls
Sex: Male
Age / DOB: 7003 Years Dead / ?-?-5000 B.C.
Blood: ?
Nationality: ?
Location: Hell: The Bondage Planet
Contact: enigmadeadsouls at yahoo.com
              (if you dont know to replace the at with @ then dont bother.
              I would rather not get my address picked up by spam bots
              to be put on their spam list than hear from you anyway.)

Addictions include but are not limited to: DrPepper, Caffeine and Sleeping Pills.

Pictures of me:
Dec 29 2001 - Machine gun shoot
Early Fall 2001 - Target Practice

About This Page
Im bored and have had too many drpepper and way more pills
than recommened on the box. I dont know why Im doing this, maybe
its all the drpeppers, the sleeping pills and blind guardian playing
in the background that have drove me to this. My plans for this page
are simple.... a place for me to rant about my likes and dislikes and
a place to post my wild storys about the drunken bi-curious jesus
and our misadventures. If you know me, one you wish you didnt
and two you know about these storys.
I plan on keeping this site basic.. mostly text and some small images.
This is so you can see it and it loads fast even if your still using a
300baud modem on a 386 with a text web browser. (you wont be able to
see the images on that 386 with a text browser.. but you still will
see everything else and load fast.) With that said.. the site is
best viewed at a resolution of 800x600 or larger.
The white on black background is because I find it easyer on my eyes.

Site Notes:
The site should show up fine on any browser.
Here is a list of well known browsers that Ive
tested the site with.
Browser - Version - OS - Problems
Internet Explorer - 5/5.5/6 - Windows - No problems
Opera - 5/6/7 (3.62 - Be) - GNU/Linux, Windows, BeOS - No problems
Lynx - 2.8.x - GNU/Linux, Windows, Cygwin - No problems
NCSA Mosaic - 3.0 - Windows - Small display problems but still totally usable.
Netscape/Mozilla - 6/7 (netscape) 1.0 through 1.4 Alpha (mozilla) - GNU/Linux, Windows - Small issue
with how it handles javascript. I use no javascript however Geocities does for its spam. Otherwise there
are no problems.

Sorry Mac OS users. I don't have a Mac/PPC to test browsers for Mac OS on.
Im poor/cheap so I have mostly only x86 hardware. However I think you will
find you have no problems viewing this site with any browser from Mac OS.

Sorry other OS/browser/hardware architecture users. You fall in the same
area as the Mac users. However I don't think you will have any problems
viewing this site in any browser.

Why Im Hosting On GeoCities
Well... because Im cheap, and god doesnt pay me enough (or on time)
to pay for a nice host (or buy the hardware and connection and host it
myself). One day I will move this to a better host or host it myself.
Site wrote using Notepad or Pico.. depends on what computer Im on at
the time the feeling to update the site hits me.

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Copyright 2002 Enigma Deadsouls, all right reserved.
Other content is copyright their respected owners.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws