Some of my favorite links.

Tech    |    Humor    |    MIT
Fraud/Scams | Japan/Anime

The Screen Savers - I watch them daily.. and the two re-runs at night.
Tech TV - Great tv channel! (aka, pre sept 18 2000: ZDTV)
Leoville - Leo Laporte of TechTV personal site. - Corporations, we've had enough. Join us to Take back the Net! - Don't let them take YOUR RIGHTS!
Top 500 SuperComputers - A list of the top 500 supercomputers around the world. Testing is done twice a year.
Slashdot - News for Nerds. Stuff that matters.
Mushkin - Best ram on earth!
H.Oda - Maker of WCPUID and SoftFSB (among other great programs).
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy - stong email/file encryption and email/file signature.
GnuPG - GNU Privacy Guard - GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP
Sharky Extreme - Great site for new hardware test/benchmarks and reviews
AnandTech - Great site for new hardware test/benchmarks and reviews
Tom's Hardware - Great site for new hardware test/benchmarks and reviews
Silicon Zoo - Finds easter eggs on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
Molecular Expressions - Molecular Expressions is a place filled with lots of cool small things (my penis is
                                      no where to be found.. its hard to picture its smallness)
Abit - One of my favorite mobo makers.
Asus Tek - Another favorite.
Tyan - And yet another.
Nerds Byte - Great prices, great shiping price.
Plycon - Prices not as good a Nerds Byte... but larger selection.
Frozen CPU - Prices about the same as Plycon... but even larger selection.
The Woz's Site - If you dont know who The Woz is you need to learn more about computer history.
Steve Jobs Info - Info site about Steve Jobs by Frank Tedesco
Cliff Pickover - A physicist who enjoys blending art, science, mathematics and other seemingly-disparate
                        areas of human endeavor.
Michio Kaku - Dr. Michio Kaku is an internationally recognized authority in theoretical physics and etc... see him on
                        The Screen Savers every month or so.
Python - One of the simplest languages to learn. Its syntax is so simple its a joke.
Mac Overclocking - Overclock your Mac.
Google - If you dont know what google is.... then you need to stop living under rocks.
Price Watch - List the prices of various parts from various vendors.
eMachine Upgraders - Best damn resource for emachines info ever.
e4all - eMachines Help/Info Site. Sister site to the above emachine upgraders fourms.
Obsolete Computer Museum - Some people do believe computers become obsolete.. I am not one of those people.
Alias|Wavefront - Special congrats to Alias|Wavefront for droping the price on Maya
More Comming Soon!

UserFriendly - Funnest site on earth. (note: it take a geek to get the humor).. PITR!
Kernel Panic - Another funny geek comic.
Eugene Mirman - His singing baby face is funny (Black Dog is the best). Download the "secret" video.
We made out in a tree and this old guy sat and watched us - You just will have to find out for yourself.
Zombo - Dont ask.
Action Figure Industries - Ever want to know how to jump from a motorcycle into a car? This is your site!
They Rule - Big business is god... check out the map "America the beautiful" which I made.
Fuck Microsoft - Name says it all..
Two Bytes of Ninjas - Ninja stick figures fight it out! Maybe I should scan and post some of The Infected Elfs
                                   stick figure art up here.
Yuck It Up - Lots of jokes among other things.
CIA - for kids! - Too damn funny... you got to see this... learn that aerial spy photography is conducted by a
                           pigeon named Harry.. and more! The message being sent to kids thought is a good one never
                           the less... dont do drugs... and I cant agree more. still is a funny site though.
Kill Frog - Funny site.. but the fuck heads like to spam you to death with lots of popups.
#!/usr/bin/girl - Blog filled with lots of weird/funny stuff that does nothing but kill off a few more seconds of your life!
The Church of Cyantology - Funny site... Cyan is the online winner of the Sexiest Geek Alive Contest - 2000.
Rawr - A site I picked up from Cyans site.. Good site with cool look/personality/overall just cool monsters. Im most
            like Meleekeen (4/16/2k2) as I dont eat food past its sell-by-date... and like Nataleese (4/7/2k2) I hate the
            taste of water.. if it tasted like dr.pepper then I would drink 2x the needed amount of water a day as I drink
            LOTS of dr.pepper. One of my new favs (forgot my old fav and didnt feel like looking for it) is Vampiigi.. the
            info about her is just perfect.. its got humor, personality.. ahh christ im starting to sound like a gay art critic...
            Maybe I am.. all the monsters I was most like were females... blah. - A site that post pics of many improper/weird/? uses of english in japan.
The Syberpunk Engrish Page - Another site that post pics of many improper/weird/? uses of english in japan.
Cruel Site of the Day - Post different strange/fucked up sites daily. Such as Feel Wife's Breasts If You Pay For Boob Job.
Boners Dot Com - From the people who brought you Rotten Dot Com comes Boners Dot Com!
Sexy Losers by Hard - A cool comic strip by Hard (Clay). Very funny.
Ghastly's Ghastly Comic - A very strange comic strip by Ghastly.
Candi - A comic strip by Starline X. Hodge. I am not sure why I like it... I just do.
Celly's Wings - A discontinued comic strip by Starline X. Hodge.
Bad Taste Bears - Home to the world's most disgusting little Teddies, created by the warped mind of Peter Underhill.
Crazy Cards: Gratuitous Flash Intro - Tired of flash intros that just go on and on?
Muted Faith - Some funny quizes and other humor.. like rpg gaming/gamers humor. Ha.. I strike at thee with my
                      +35 Invisible Heavy Halberd
Realistic Internet Simulator - The worlds most Realistic Internet Simulator! My record is 133 kills. New record of 256 kills!
You Are An Idiot - You are an idiot! Click and you will see!
Kiss�? - If you really are an idiot you will click this. Just make sure youre in a room full of people with the speakers turned up. - Harassing homophobes since 1998.
More Comming Soon!

MIT (yes this is the college I would like to go to... but the fact that only 16% who apply get in stacks the odds against me)
Foo Bathroom Display - Send a message to someone taking a poo!
Random Hall Bathroom Server - Inside the Random Hall and need to take a poo? Check here for the nearest free bathroom!
Random Hall Laundry Server - Finally going to wash that pile of beer stained, pizza covered clothes in the corner?
Teddyborg Project - What happens when you combine a Teddy Bear and a Networking Switch? Teddyborg!
Piotr Mitros - Good site for info about MIT, GNU/Linux info/documents hes wrote, he hates spam (check the
                      Sybase Spam page here), has some interesting mindless rants (as I plan to do on this page).
                      Check the "Quotable quotes" and "Disclaimer".. funny stuff there. Overall.. as I know only of
                      him via his site and various mit sites.. he seems like the geek we wish we all could be.
                      Hes in need of a job (Wish my r�sum� looked like that)

Scam Joke Page - (Mirror). These guys are fucking funny.. wish I could be that funny. Just give it a look and you will see.

Japan/Anime (yes Im quite a large fan of japan and its people.. and the women... oh the women.. but thats another story)
Peter Payne - A gaijin living in japan with a wife and two kids.
The J-List - A site ran by Peter Payne that sells japanese toys/food/porn to a horny gaijin like me.
J-Mate - A site that rates Japanese AV and hentai.
How To Get Laid In Japan - Yes!!!!!!! Im finaly going to lose my virginity!! No wait.. women dont like dead rotting guys.
Syberpunk - A large repository of all things strange and uniquely Japanese. Also home of the engrish page. - Gundam.Com, your Gundam community and information source. - AnimeX.Com, A great Anime community and information source. Ran by the same guy who runs
Hobby Link Japan - A site that sells japanese model kits/toys of various anime and other japanese toys and ALL
                                at japanese prices! 4300 yen ($32) for me to buy a Gundam F90 VSBR kit and Gundam
                                F90-II Long Range Type kit and shiping! The F90-II cost 25$ alone in the US from the few
                                stores that even carry it.

Aprilia Fourms - Lots of good info about aprilia bikes and lots of aftermarket parts for sale.

Note: All of these sites are linked to on this page because I liked them or for some other reason I see fit. No one has paid nor will I take money from anyone who wishes to be linked on this site. The rank of the pages in their list are random as I thought of them. If your page is linked from here and you dont like it. Fuck off.. I have the right the link to any page I see fit with-out asking you if I can. I can be a nice guy so if I link to you and you dont wish for me to link to you send me and email with a damn good reason. If I find your reason worth anything I MIGHT remove the link. If I dont.. its not that hard to block people from going to your site via a link on my site. Why you would want to do that I dont know. I will never use banner ads or any form of ads/spam on my site other than the ones that geocities forces on my site. But dont worry.. just block javascript for the time youre on my site.. or just block all javascript from geocities as I dont plan to use javascript on this site. Blocking javascript from all geocities sites may cause problems with other geocities sites that may use javascript. Block javascript at your own risk (not like you cant unblock it if needed).

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