Johnny Arthur Evans and Barbara G. Deaton

Johnny Arthur Evans The son of Willis Franklin Evans Jr and Myrtle Ethel Biesecker was born Aug 26, 1913 in DeWitt Township, DeWitt, IL. and died Nov 29, 1984 in Toledo, Ohio Lucus County. He is buried in  Forest Cemetery, Toledo, Ohio

Barbara G. Deaton the daughter of  Thomas Edward Deaton and Florence Ethel Campbell was born Sept 22, 1917 in Williamson Co, IL. (Between New Burnside & Creal Springs, IL)


John and Barbara had four sons:  

John Jr.,  Frank,  Michael, and Gerald

Johnny was a milkman, a bus driver, and a long distance truck driver.  He was married three times

Wife #1 Gladys Forrest : Their daughter  Thelma Evans Reynolds was born May 22, 1932

Wife # 2 Barbara Deaton : see above     

Wife # 3 Barbara J. Huddleston :  Their children  are   Robert  and   Shawn Evans. Shawn was  born August 9, 1964  died April 23, 1980. He is buried in Forest Cemetery, Toledo, Ohio Shawn was at a rock concert, smoked some marijuana laced with pcp (angel dust). He was running up, or down, the stairs at the concert, fell and struck his head. This caused a blood clot to form on his brain. He had surgery and died 14 days later

John had plaque build up in his carotid artery. He had surgery and had the artery cleaned out, but suffered a stroke a few months later. He was 58 at the time of the stroke. His left side was paralyzed and he never regained his speech. At the time of his death he was being given  tube feedings but the cause of death was still listed as malnutrition and sepsis.

Most of the current family history is private because the family is still living.






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