Peter Shelter

Peter Shelter  was a German and the father of John Shelter. 

Peter was married three times 

1) Agnes Snider          2) Liza Stropp          3) Mary Surabaiger (unsure of spelling).

According to the 1850 census Peter was a cooper and was born about 1801 in Germany.

In 1850 he was married to Elizabeth (Liza ?) and had two children in the household  Sarah age 15 and Martha age 5 or 3.

 1850 Pennsylvania  Cumberland Co. upper Dickson township pg. 109. 

 Peter Shelter 49 cooper born in Germany, Elizabeth Shelter 36 born in Pa., Sarah 15, Martha 5 or 3

Since John Shelter was born in Germany Liza Stropp  was most likely not his mother since she was born in Pa. and if that is true it seems that Agnes Snider might be his mother.



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