

Hello Final Fantasy Fans. This site has been up for nearly 2 years now. It's viewers are loyal, and the board rooms remain true. I am very sorry for not updating the page for as long as I have. However, this page is being discontinued by me. For the viewers sake, I will leave it here as a testamant to what once was a great site. Look for my projects soon, that will be dealing with Final Fantasy. For any questions or comments, contact me at [email protected]. I thank you for your time, and enjoy what we DO have to offer. This site holds alot of memories for me, I did a ton of growing up here. Thank you for your interest.
- Final Legend
Man am I enjoying FF9! Expect complete and full coverage just as soon as I'm done enjoying it myself! You know I can't just play a game, or beat it...I have to master it! I'm going to make sure that you guys get what you have come looking for no doubt! Keep those messages coming on the message board. You'll no doubt get them answered by someone! So many people come here now it's almost scary! See ya later!
Today Everything Final Fantasy is having it's 1 year anniversary! YEAH! Thank's to everybody for visiting over the years and making this site one of the #1 Final Fantasy sites on the net. Also FINAL FANTASY IX IS OUT!!! I'm gonna be playing that until beat the crap out of it a couple of times. Anyway, enjoy the site and when I get through with FF9 I'll post all the info on it. Thanks for coming!
I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwhaahah! And you thought I was gone for good! Well Let's just say Final Fantasy IX resparked my interest. Get ready for a wild ride...cause this sick puppy is ready to rock your world! Make sure you post what you would like to see in the message board. Just plain PUT STUFF IN THE MESSAGE BOARD so I know what's going on. I still get about 100 hits a day on this site so it's time to get serious agian. Look foward to a whole new layout!

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