Link-a-pop Visit our friends & influences!
T Bust Magazine ~The official site for this avant-garde girlie magazine, it's a must-stop for  vanguard articles, shopping & a specialty library of web links providing endless hours of great surfing.

 ESublime Stitching ~Sew Low-Brow.  Stacy uses several images on her various Eye Candy items.

I Kreepy Tiki ~ Strikingly original hand-carved tiki gods, masks & ceramic pieces.  SoFla Locals

 JTiki Freaks ~ Create your tiki atmosphere here- from Grog Logs & mugs to swanky soundtracks.

C Blue at Heart ~Dar is a Blues DJ extraordinaire, local creative force and so much more.

F Bigger Kristy ~Oddball one-of-a-kind stuffed creatures teeming with personality.  Great gifts.

B Vena's Art Lounge ~pour yourself a highball and check out Vena's pulp noir paintings.

K Arion ~He makes cool music, he makes cool web sites, he makes a great little brother (to Vena).

E Crafty Chica & Ready Made Magazine ~DIY projects, vast link library, inspiration for crafters everywhere.

I Taschen Books & Last Gasp Books ~THE best books on Art & Oddities.

S Homestarrunner  & Acts of Gord ~When your workday has taken it's toll, and the world is closing in on you, basically you just need to laugh at something.

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