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THE MONTHLY RANT *news & confessions of a candy maker*

It all started on one of those typical hot & humid days in South Florida. Stacy and I were sitting at the Mexican Cantina bar, I was drinking a Dos Eqis and she sipped, ever so lady-like, on her 46oz Daiquiri.  We discussed boys, clothes and politics.  I popped a salsa-laden chip in my mouth as I bemoaned the fact that I didn't have enough time for exercise in my schedule.  Stacy, meanwhile shared her frustration at trying to find a "cool" gift, in a town that, though offers a plethora of seagull-glued-on-a-shell-magnets and these, does not seem to harbor any Day of The Dead skulls or Shag-like kitty shirts or pin-up jewelry that didn't look like it was bought at Wet Squeal or Hot Myopic.  It's seems that the sub-culture products all share that unifying "Made in Taiwan" label.  And, items that actually are hand-made and are haunting local shelving tends to cost ridiculous amounts of money.  Low-Brow definitely does not stand for Low-Priced!

So what are two hipster crafty girls supposed to do about it? 
"Well..." we thought slowly, the liquor buzz starting to take affect, why not make our own products and give them away?!  We chatted excitedly about this concept, discussing whether we could actually pull it off.  But by the time the check came and we were feeling around for spare change, the concept had changed just a little..."Let's make our own products and SELL them!"

Yep, that's how it all started. 
But, now when we meet up for chips, salsa and Latin libations we discuss business plans, product development, web presence, marketing materials...

Vena & Stacy thank you for your interest in our products. 
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