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Malaysian Moths

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Family Uraniidae

Lyssa zampa

Lyssa zampa is a large moth commonly encountered in primary forests or secondary growth. It may fly into houses at night, attracted by bright lights, especially if they are close to wooded areas. The species is found in the Indo-Australian region. [The food plants are species of Endospermum (Euphorbiaceae) and not Eugenia malaccensis (Myrtaceae) – Shen-Horn]

Acropteris iphiata

This moth has a weak flight, and when it flies, it looks like a small piece of paper fluttering in the wind. It is a species of Acropteris, but not iphiata which has distinguishing chestnut brown apical patches. (Could it be ciniferaria?)

Family Callidulidae

Callidula sumatrensis

The Callies (Callidula sumatrensis) are small moths which can be mistaken for butterflies because they not only fly in the day but also settle with their wings folded. Callidula sumatrensis may be found in well-shaded and damp undergrowth near streams.

C. sumatrensis

This is possibly a female Callidula sumatrensis looking for a mate. It had struck up an unusual pose with abdomen lifted up. I believe the tuft of fine hairs at the posterior was being used to disperse scents (pheromones) to attract males for the purpose of mating.

Family Zygaenidae (Chalcosiinae)

Sabah Moth

I photographed this iridescent blue moth in Tenom, Sabah, in March 1990. A visitor to my website, who is an expert in systematics and biology of oriental lepidoptera, has identified the species as Cyclosia macularis. (Thank you, Shen-Horn.)


 This page revised on 22 May 2005. Copyright © Chin Fah Shin.
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