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Eterusia aedia magnifica
Eterusia aedia magnifica. Photo by © Michel Chantraine.
All rights reserved.

Moths of Thailand

PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3

SOME time ago, Michel Chantraine of Chiangmai, Thailand, emailed to me these two pictures and two other photos of moths that he took in Thailand. They are day-flying moths, and, from their coloration and wing patterns, mimics of butterflies of the family Papilionidae (Birdwings and Clubtails), or Pieridae (Sulphurs and Whites), or the subfamily Danainae (Tigers and Crows).
     I posted the pictures on these pages, and called for help with identification. Shen-Horn, a Taiwanese studying for his Ph. D. in Britain, has responded and supplied the names of nearly all the species shown here. Shen-Horn has previously identified a blue moth that I photographed in Sabah, Malaysia, as Cyclosia macularis.
     Shen-Horn has identifed the moth above as Eterusia aedia magnifica, a species which exhibits a wide variation of form. He says the correct name of the Epicopeva species below should be Epicopeva polydora as "filenora" is a synonym.
     E. polydora, going by its black wing colour marked with pink spots along the wing margins, appears to me to be a mimic of the Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae). You can see a picture of the Common Rose in My Butterfly Website.
     Please turn to Pages 2 & 3 for the names of the other Thai moth species.

Epicopeva polydora
Epicopeva polydora. Photo by © Michel Chantraine. All rights reserved.

 This page revised on 19 October 2004. Copyright © Chin Fah Shin.
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