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Underworld Deities

The gods of the underworld in the Greek, Egyptian, and Norse polytheistic religions varied greatly in attitute and personality. In Greece, the underworld god, Hades, was feared by mortals, yet he was given little respect, as he lost the game of chance that determined his and his siblings' realms--Zeus won, so he was granetd the realm of the sky, and Poseidon came in second, so he was allowed the sea, but Hades lost, so he was left only with the underworld as his realm. And when given the realm, he took it with power and ferocity, so he came to be feared, even though he was not respected. Conversely, Osiris of Egypt was respected and even revered to the point that he was sometimes thought to overshadow Ra as the lead god of the Egyptian pantheon, and Odin of the Norse was strongly respected and worshipped by warriors who sought to die valiantly in battle to be allowed into his kingdom. Continue on to learn about the underworld deities of the Greek, Egyptian, and Norse polytheistic religions.

