Fairies play as much a part in our lives as breathing does. Why?

Because Fairies represent the childlikeness that is contained within the heart and soul of every man and woman

They represent the mystic. The Magic. Play and fun.

They tell us that we don't need to grow up. We just need to grow.

Fairies come in all shapes and forms.

peace and harmony can reign supreme. You don't have to be on a spiritual path to believe in Fairies.

You just need to have a heart that can love.

To have just once in your life wished on a star.

So, where do Fairies come from? Legend has it that when God created the earth, the Angels wept with joy at the beauty of 'His' creation.

And though they all had Angel duties to attend to, some just could not leave this beautiful place. So God made them smaller. More human looking, and sent them down to earth to live.

They no longer had the power of the Angels,

but were given gifts of their own,

to help them lift the hearts of humans and tend to the planet.

They co-existed with mankind in harmonious tranquillity.

But mankind changed with degrees of awareness,

and thought themselves superior to the folk of fairyland.

They created boundaries that the Fairies were not to cross.

They still loved us though,

and tried to sprinkle their magic dust to help make our dreams come true.

But history has shown we began to dream dreams the Fairies could not make come true. Some began to cut down trees, killing the Fairies that lived inside.

They polluted waterways, maiming and disfiguring those who lived there. We lost our belief in things magical. The Fairies, realising they could no longer co-exist with us, separated into different groups.

The Elements and the Nature Spirits. Each helping mankind, but in a more subtle way.

Working mainly with Nature, they moved to secret places,

communicating only with children and the pure of heart.

But Fairies long to walk with us.

Always carrying the remembrance of the joy we bought to each other.

Every soul has a purpose.

Sometimes we get so lost in our daily lives we forget our purpose and our joy.

Through it's connection to God our soul tells us something is missing in our lives. The realm of Fairies reminds us to keep joy and hope alive.

Walk with nature. Smell the perfume of the flowers. Hear bird song.

Walk with God.

And the Fairies.

Let the Magical Mystery Tour begin.

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