the first 3 pages are a creations of my own fantasy and I hope that you enjoy.

This page instead is a little bit of informations; written informations and photographic.

As you can see its talking about the summer solstice in Glastonbury in 1971 when " maharaji" addresses the crowd of people that were there!

the next page is always "maharaj" in the last few years until amaroo (australia) in 2001; some are from India and others several places between europe and america.
make the magical tours and enjoy your life, hope that you listen to your heart, really listen...

His real name is Prem Pal Singh Rawat and He is of noble family, very anctique family.

When he was just a kid he felt the sufferings of the people of this word and decide to leave his life, his family, his friends, his school, his land, to spread the the people that wanted it. THIS WAS 1971.

After more than 30 years a multitude of people ask and received His gift but some of this people didn't fully understood the full potential...

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