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Blitz Ball
Monster Arena
Al Bhed

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Tidus Name: Tidus
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Human

Weapon: Sword
Overdrive: Swordplay
Tidus is a cheerful and lively Blitzball player of the Zanarkand Abes. He, however, does not think too highly of his father, Jecht, who was a star Blitzball player back in his day. Tidus' attacks are swift and he is an all-around balanced character.
Yuna Name: Yuna
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Race: Human

Weapon: Staff
Overdrive: Grand Summon
The daughter of High Summoner Braska, Yuna takes after her father as she is also a summoner. Her near royal blood is admired by Seymore. Honest and determined, Yuna embarks on a pilgrimage to learn the ancient arts of summoning in order to defeat Sin. 
Auron Name: Auron
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Race: Human/Spectral

Weapon: Katana
Overdrive: Bushido
A legendary guardian who defeated Sin alongside High Summoner Braska ten years earlier. A man of few words, he now leads Tidus and Yuna on their mission to defeat Sin once again. He weilds a powerful sword capable of inflicting great damage on enemies.
Kimahri Name: Kimahri
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Race: Ronso

Weapon: Spear
Overdrive: Ronso Rage
A young member of the Ronso tribe who has protected Yuna ever since she lost her parents ten years earlier. Quiet and taciturn, he is deeply devoted to Yuna and serves her loyally as a guardian. Kimahri's Lancet ability allows him to learn enemy skills.
Lulu Name: Lulu
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Race: Human

Weapon: Doll
Overdrive: Fury
One of Yuna's guardians, along with Wakka and Kimahri. Lulu thinks of Yuna as a younger sister. She was in love with Wakka's brother at the time he died, and holds Wakka acountable. Her stoic and composed personality can make her seem aloof at times. Her speciality is black magic. 
Wakka Name: Wakka
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Race: Human

Weapon: Blitzball
Overdrive: Slots
Captain of the Besaid Village Blitzball team, the Besaid Aurochs, Wakka plans to retire from the sport by the end of that year's tournament, so that he can become a full-time guardian to Yuna. He is especially strong against aerial enemies and attacks with his deadly blitzball.
Rikku Name: Rikku
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Race: Al Bhed

Weapon: Gloves
Overdrive: Mix
Rikku is a cute and vibrant member of the Al Bhed tribe. Her personality is upbeat and positive, and she is not afraid to speak her mind. She is good at dealing with mechanical enemies.
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