
Sphere Grid
Blitz Ball
Monster Arena
Al Bhed

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12-17-03 -- It's been long, it's been hard, it's been fun, but I do believe I am done now. If there is anything I don't have that you would like to see put up here, or if I a wrong about something, you want to see something changed, give me a drop on my guestbook. If I've forgotten to give you credit on something that was yours, please don't gripe too much, just tell me, I'll correct that error. With that said, I hope you enjoy the Final Fantasy 10 Archive. Next up: Kingdom Hearts. Woo Hoo!

12-08-03 -- Updates started. Guestbook up. Counter up. Small typographical errors being slowly checked for and corrected. Not much news, so I'll leave you with a quote. "You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you." - Silent Bob, Clerks

12-05-03 -- Well, it's certainly been a while since I've worked on this. But we are finally on the web and ready to roll. Walkthru has been uploaded, though not my own yet. But I'm working on it, I have a new respect for those of you out there that design and write faq pages. It's harder than it looks. But no worries. Really it's coming down to just managing things, updates, etc... Final Fantasy 10 Archive ver1.0 is done. Yay!

10-09-03 -- Well, it's been a while since I have had a chance to work on this. My server is crashing and the work I was assigned to do was postponed, so I'm back on this. I don't remember exactly what I have finished, but I think that the weapons, walkthru, and sphere grid are the only major items left to finish.... (Later) What a pain. Finished the weapons, mostly. A lack of an internet connection leaves me seriously impaired in the accuracy of my information. Tables have been resized. Chaos ensues.

09-28-03 -- Things are flying now, Al Bhed section is finished, bios are finished, overdrives are finished, story is kinda walking on eggshells right now, but for the most part it is done. Aeons will probably be next on my list. Weapons after that. Sphere grid, walkthru, and blitzball are last, 'cause they will take the longest.

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