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New digs, same dialogz...
How is everyone liking the new layout? Eh? I bet you're especially happy that none of the links work as of yet. Isn't that just great? Anyway, i thought I'd get back to my posting schedule dispite the place being as disorganized as it is. I think you all will pull through with a little help from Obvious-man!!

And who is it that we have in the sarcastic frame, aside from all the girls in the Area Op crew? It is our very own David, ninja-assassin-pig-super! He is hanging out with Tera to get the lay of the land.

Yes, this comic does indeed commence sUPER hERO wEEK! Which actually will last more than a week XD it'll be stretched out between a few other comics. I dunno if the others will be so dazzelingly colored as this one, seeing as school starts on the third; I get to go to orientation tommorrow! w00t!

Anyway, I'm happy for no reason. See you Monday.

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