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School begins, comic...something O.o;
So, school is back in session and the first few days of next week are going to expected to be slow. If it is sllow, that wil give me time to create some sketches for the new sketch gallery. If I do, I'll try and get that up by this upcoming weekend.

I entered in a two-team/tag-team competetion at the Megatokyo A&D forums. My partner will draw the lineart, then I color it. then, we go up against another team who did the same, and whoever does better wins. It sounds like it's going to be fun ^ ^

I'm excited about school, but I'm sure it will wear off in a week or so. Heres my schedule:

Enviromental Biology
Lighting for Dance
Humanities ( an english/history mix)
Film 2
Algebra 3-4
Creative Writing
Humanities (again)

Of all of these, the only one I dread attending is Creative Writing. Over the summer I lost all urge/will to write, and can find no good books or inspiration to get me going again. I'd hate to flunk a class just because I'm not feeling artistic in that department that day -.-;

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