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November 01, 2007

A lot of people have left comments on my YouTube account, where I have been promoting this website -- informing me that I am a scam artist and that I should not be begging for money and that I am a good for nothing, lazy person who needs to GET A JOB! Of course, these comments were deleted and the users were blocked -- but, when I first created this website on October 27, 2007 -- I had only lost my job a week earlier. However, it was a terrible time for me to be losing my income because at that time I was already weeks behind in rent and up to my ears in bills that I had fallen behind with even when I had a job. So this website was a knee-jerk reaction. This situation was explained in the original version of this website (which is now archived so that I can create a more elaborate website).

I was pretty upset about my situation, and immediately started looking for work (which I have since found by the way), but one doesn't attend interviews and apply at agencies during the evenings, so I wanted to make use of that time as well and see if I could get some help from people by asking if they'd send their shrapnel to me. I figured that if I could get enough people to send shrapnel, it would all add up. However, and I mean no disrespect towards the many good people who have supported me, but a great majority of people have attacked me like I am some sort of disease that should just be put up against a wall. Morbid analogy, yeah -- but fairly accurate.

All this website, and the associated YouTube channel is intended for is an extra effort -- in hope that enough people might give me a hand. I know it's a long shot. I have been told time and time again between insults and words that I wont repeat here that no one gives hand-outs and that I need to GET A JOB. Yes I know, but there's a saying: The squeaky wheel gets the oil. I am a squeaky wheel in society right now, but I don't have any oil. So maybe enough people could spare a drop.

Other people have said, well why are you deserving? Here's a quote from my YouTube channel:

Now I'm not saying that you aren't in need, but there are many people out there that are deserving of money in far worse conditions just take a look at 9/11 or the katrina victims, some of them are the most deserving of money yet wont receive it so i just want to know why you and not one of those families?

My response:

To be perfectly honest, I am not far behind those Katrina victims. If you read my web page, you'll see that I am [now] 6 weeks behind in rent. If I get evicted, I'll lose everything I own. I have nowhere to put anything. I have no money. I have an empty tank of fuel. All I have going for me is a job WHICH I DID FIND. But it might be all too little too late. If I get an eviction notice OR if my car finally kicks the bucket, I AM on the street and I wont be able to get to work. It will be game over.

My response is entirely accurate. If I don't sort myself out real soon, I WILL be homeless. I WILL lose everything I have. I do not have anywhere to keep my belongings of I am thrown out of this place, and that's the truth.

Now apart from this website, I did immediately start looking for work. I prepared a resume and sent it out to about 24 different job agencies. I have done work for agencies in the past, not for two years or so, but I called them and let them know that I was looking for work. Several of them said that it had been too long so I need to come back in and re-register. So I did. I spent a week filling out forms, visiting agencies, doing their OH&S inductions, etc. I finally got through doing enough of that when one agency told me that they have a "workplace" induction. So I attended that yesterday. A workplace induction is best because that means they want you to work at a place and you need to do the workplace induction to be able to work there.

So, I did that workplace induction and went home hoping that they'd call and ask me to come in the next day (today). They did call last night, but it was not for that workplace. They wanted me to go do some fill-in work at another company, which I did. I spent today in a warehouse full of fumes, bagging fertilizer from a hopper, stacking the pallets with a forklift and shoveling spills of fertilizer from a conveyor belt. Let me tell you, I know why they needed a "fill-in" because NO one in their right mind would do that job for long. The agency sent one other guy to work with me and he was complaining all day. I just gave him the same answer over and over: "It could be worse".

I got home after work today feeling rather frustrated, because I AM about to be evicted. My landlord left a message on my phone asking me to contact them back. I know why they want me to call. I haven't paid the rent for 6 weeks. My Internet IS due to be cut off any day. I have the suspension notice right here next to me. I just spent the day doing the worst job imaginable, ankle deep in mud, and I didn't even get a full day out of it. They asked me to go home after 6 hours. What's the point of that? If I am going to go all that way to work, I want a full day. So I wont get paid a whole lot for todays work.

Anyway, back to what I was saying about work with the agency. So I got home pretty upset. I had no call from the agency after spending days running around jumping their hoops and dealing with their rigamorole. So I called them and explained that I did the induction for the returns center yesterday and I want to know when I am being put on. They put me on hold, which irritated me because I was on a pre-paid mobile phone with LIMITED credit left. Then they came back and said I start Monday. So I HAVE job. Or at the very least, I have ongoing work. It is a casual employment arrangement, through an agency, and the workplace could walk up and say go home at any moment which means I have to basically lick their backsides and "do as I am told" no matter how unfair, hard or ridiculous the tasks I am asked to perform are -- but it is work.

So for all those people that left hundreds of insults saying GET A JOB -- UP YOURS! I HAVE A FRICKIN' JOB! Now what are you going to say? I was unemployed for less than 2 weeks, and I did my utmost best. However, that doesn't change the fact that I am about to be evicted from my home. It doesn't change the fact that when I wake up on the morning, my computer might smile at me and say: "Network Unavailable". It doesn't change the fact that I have about 2 trips to work in my car or the fact that I don't have $1.00 in my wallet OR bank. It doesn't change the fact that by the time I start seeing any pay, I'll be 7 or 8 weeks behind in rent, my Internet WILL be disconnected and I have absolutely NO idea how I am going to get to work mid-next week. But I have pressed on and I am trying and I am doing everything I possibly can.

So, as you might imagine I am doing everything I possibly can to rectify this current life experience. This website is a part of what I am doing to HELP myself. Now you might have noticed, yes I have ADS on the website. I just know, even without spending two seconds thought, I am soon going to get a comment on YouTube something aline the lines of:

Don't go to his website. He has ADS on there. He is trying to fool everyone into visiting his website so that people will click the ads. He is a dirty rotten SCAM artist and he is trying to take advantage of everyone.

Now, any such comments WILL be deleted, and the user will be blocked. But just this one time, here is my response in advance:

I am broke. I am doing EVERYTHING I can to get SOMETHING into my bank account. There is no law against placing ads on a website, and if that's going to help me make some money then so be it! That's what ads are FOR -- They allow the people who display them to make {{{MONEY}}}. Now being as broke as I am right now, what should disclude me from the right of being allowed to make money? Is there some law that says rich people can make all the money they want but as soon as some poor guy (who needs money the most) tries to make a few dollars he's a SCAMMER and not to be trusted?

So there's your answer. If you don't like it -- build a bridge.

Lastly, I have decided to try to turn this website into some sort of income. I might start writing some articles. I might keep posting in my blog as [and IF] I get myself out of this mess, even to when [and IF] I have everything under control again. I am quite sure that the good people who have been supporting me would like to know how things are going. I think that anyone who actually sends me a few dollars might also like to know how I am going, as opposed to just seeing this website go offline.

Lastly, if I can get any amount of traffic to this website so that it can be considered at least semi-popular, I might try to sell advertising from the website. But I don't see anyone actually purchasing anything right now because this website currently has less than 100 visitors per day. However, I am going to put up a page where people can advertise their YouTube Channel or website for five dollars. It might not be worth it, but hey, at least they get some traffic and a bit of recognition for helping a guy out when he's not doing so well. I think that my site and channel visitors might like to see the YouTube channels and websites of people that have decided to give me a hand.

If I can think of any other ways to help myself as opposed to "begging", as some people so eloquently put it, then I'll add it to this page.
Questions Answered As this website has grown from the single page [ see the original ] to an actual website that has a blog, questbook, navigation menu, etc -- I find that more and more people who see my YouTube channel are making the same comments over and over. If you have a question or feel that you can offer me some advice, please see the page where I have logged all advice given as well as the responses to all questions asked. I hope that this helps my YouTube channel from becoming the same comments and responses over and over again: Questions Answers and Responses to Advice.

The Story So far: The best way to get the full story on why I created this website and the YouTube Channel would probably be to start from page one of the comments. I have deleted hundreds of nasty comments, and also dozens of repeat comments, as well as repeat questions. So the comments section on my channel is moderated and kept clean: Comments. You can also read the about page. The services page also offers an explanation into how I got to be in the predicament I am in (under web development).

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