From the istory of John Roberts, scribe to the Emerald Legion of Halifax.
[...] When the Explosion hit, the ranks of the Emerald Legion suddenly swelled with a multitude of new souls. Despite the efforts of the Grim Legion's Anacreon to claim that as they died because of the warships and the War, the majority of these lost souls found their way into either the Emerald Legion's ranks, or else the Emerald Legion's coffers. [...]

[...] year, when the Anacreon of the Necropolis of Halifax was devoured by his Shadow. While the patrols struggled with events in Stygia and with the incursion of these new Heretics, the shadow-ridden Anacreon of the Grim Legion began a deep and insidious plot to bring this city to its shattered knees.
Anacreon Wyatt had become a doppleganger, posing as himself, and bleeding the Heirarchy dry. Whilst maintaining a front of respectable service to the Grim Legion and to Stygia, he first began to stockpile a large amount of Steel weaponry and Pathos, and created a select "strike force" of personally chosen Legionnaires. These Legionnaires were, like Anacreon Wyatt, slaves to their Shadows, spectres hiding amongst us. Anacreon Wyatt's agents uncovered an ancient sorcerous ritual in the Skinlands, a bitter magic of terrible cost and power. With this, he held the keys to the Shroud of Halifax and its environs. [...]

[...] While the Necropolis ground on unawares, Anacreon Wyatt's agents began setting this terrible ritual in motion. Should it be successful, the Shroud would shatter long enough for Wyatt and his associates to force their way back into the Skinlands and rebuild their long-rotted forms. They sought nothing less than to become Risen of dark and abysmal power.
In pursuance of this ritual, they many times over broke the Dictum Mortuum. Not only did they act amongst mortals, driving home their goals; they grasped hold of those forms which would grant them the greatest power during their first forays. They possessed Vampires in the dark of night, borrowing what powers that come with the curse of the Walking Dead. They used those forms to hunt and kill a mortal virgin in the most terrible ways possible, a young soul named Sheldon Cochrane.
They made their efforts to tear Cochrane straight from the womb of the Skinlands and into Oblivion, but his nascent soul held on. His hatred of these Nosferatu, these night-demons was birthed long before his death, and it gave his soul the will to continue.
Through means unknown, these Vampires discovered the substance, if not the nature of Anacreon Wyatt's quest. Perhaps they are more than shadow-animated corpses, perhaps not. I am not the one to say. I believe that they had aid from the Heretics which even now hide in the outskirts of this Necropolis. In any event, they were able to gain the willing assistance of Sheldon Cochrane. Cochrane aided them in corrupting the ritual. [...]

[...] Like the ritual of Anacreon Wyatt and his spectral compatriots, this rite took place upon the Island of Darkness, beyond the reach of the most traveled Heirarchy Patrol. We were, after all, embattled by the arrival of not only these Heretics near the Harbour, but also by one of the largest Tempest-storms I had ever seen. The nihil in the Harbour spewed forth a vast Spectral army, which besieged the battlements of the Necropolis for nights without end. Anacreon Wyatt had intended this distraction to allow his allies to complete their ritual, but in fact if anything it prevented my Lords from destroying the Heretics, and gave them the edge needed to prevent Wyatt's plans from reaching fruition.
I do not have the details of the final events, but as Wyatt out of necessity revealed himself at his "moment of Triumph," no longer able to both hids behind the guide of his own Psyche and complete the rituals, and at that moment his efforts were destroyed, the combined might of two Legions struck against the corruption in our midst and was destroyed. His plasm now arms our troops against others like him. [...]

[...] The Heretic Sheldon Cochrane is yet at large, but has not been seen since shortly after the end of the Maelstrom. The other Heretics have fortified themselves near the Harbour's Nihil, and slowly grow in number, but soon I am sure my Lord Anacreon Montaigne of the Emerald Legion shall put a swift end to them. [...]

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