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Once upon a time there was a girl who lived all alone in a horrible cave, so far from home it made her chest hurt. And every day in that horrible cave, the girl tried to figure out a way to escape. None of her plans ever succeeded, of course, and she'd almost given up hoping, when one day, just like in a fairytale, a handsome man rode up on a horse and saved her, and took her back to his castle. Now, you'd think that was the end, wouldn't you? Dumb old fairytales and their happily ever afters. But see, the minute they got back to the castle, the handsome man went away again. And even though she didn't mean to, didn't want to, high up in that castle the girl just built herself another cave. Hoping he would save her again. But you can't save me this time... can you?
                                                            ~Fred, [Fredless, 3x04]

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