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Disclaimer: this site is not "official" and is not run for profit. It is run by fans and all content herein does NOT come from David Boreanaz, Amy Acker, Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, the WB, Fox or any source affiliated to the show. All characters are owned by the writers and the network. For the official site, see here.
Happily Ever After was launched on 3 February 2004 with the aim of promoting the relationship between Fred and Angel on Angel: the Series, to provide a centre for Frangel 'shippers on the net and a resource for fan fiction writers, and to archive/link to as many stories featuring Angel and Fred as possible. Visit the great big FORUM!!

Happily Ever After is designed, managed and maintained by
Android. All images provided by Android's Wallpaper Factory.

Submissions of writing (particularly), essays and advice on writing (no matter how small), wallpapers, fanart etc are always, always welcome! HEA is not intended to be anti-other Fred or Angel 'ships but is intended to celebrate the potential for Frangel (especially now!) and past cuteness. "Bashing" characters is not welcomed, and flaming authors is extremely un-crickety. Do give feedback though; most authors love it or find it helpful; without it some may even shrivel and die!  All email addresses on the site have FRANGEL after the @ symbol. This should be removed for the address to work!

If you're new to Angel, or the Frangelship, it might be helpful to visit the Frangelguide first. If you have a question or suggestion (or a yay!Frangelmoment) just
email me or use the tagboard on the main menu. Have fun!

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