
Love for me is an emotion what means different things to different people.
Some think of love like sex, others think of love like money, love to some is even a fuckin tool used to get what they want and think they need, for what?
Is it not goin also without love to get what i want?
Why must people use love to get what they think they need, love, should not be used like that.
To me love is a pure and incorrupted yearning for someone, regardless of what others think if its love, u just think that ur significant is smiling, other is beatiful and worth more than all the money in the world, endless nights of sex, and all material things combined.

True love is when u would give anything to just see the other half smile, to hear him laugh, and watch him enjoy all that he have.
Love can be infact, just like that, u got the first love, selfish love, when 1 person got feelings for another, then its just selfish and u cant even do anything against it.
A person only solves his emotions for another by lovin him.
There is the unconditional love, this is also one i like, in this one a person loves another no matter what the condition is, he may have not feelings for another but the person loves him, wherter the other person doesnt love him, this person loves him and this is what is best for him.
The essence of love is surely beyond feelings and emotions and conditions.

True love is all encompassing and absolute, very much in the nature of God, and as some say, love is the expression and beeing of God.
For me, i dont think there is any God outside there, but the idea "GOD" by itself, combines with "LOVE", is great cause u got something to believe on, and think about, the only different is u cannot know if GOD really exist, but u know that Love exist for sure.
Love and God is a topic what humans can always guess what it really means.
As love comes to be manifested in this world, I think the forms it takes will something sometimes be as feelings, emotions and conditions. That the expression of love through me will sometimes be as feeling or emotion and may be subject  to certain conditions.
That doesnt make the love any less, it just give a form that we can share, give and hopefully appreciate.

The word Love is also just a four letter word, pulses of electric comming out of the brain in form of waves, sometimes u feel just like in heaven or like u are flyin, and it takes time to come down from this feeling again.
It is important that u dont think of love like a daily task, or u will become blind, if u not allready, blinded by what is real and fiction.
If u abuse love, be prepared to be abused back.
Love destroyes and yet it creates new life at the same time. The trick is not to catch it, but to grab it by the veins and ride it.
is it really worth risking love to be touched by a stranger?
Damn, how many just dont know about love!?
How do they know if this stranger can handle their love?
And just because someone doesnt love u the way u want them to, it doesnt mean they dont love u with all theyr heart.

to God
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