
I think the most precious thing in life is Friends, all other relationships are based on self-interests.
The moment interests clash, all love, affection vanish but not so in Friendship.
Friendship is not related to age, sex, status, terms or conditions.
No logic, no motive, no plans, no ends.
Just an acceptance of, an admiration for, a best wish for all human being, plant or pet.
I believe that one cannot be a good parent, a good child, a good spouse, a good worker or manager, teacher, pupil, name any relationship, without being able to be first a good friend.
In life nothing is more joy than company of good friends.
And nothing is more strenght than true friends on ur side.
It isnt difficult to make friends, what means difficult is to maintain friendship.

Many of us go through life meeting and loosing friends and then concluding that there arent any true friends in this world.
In my experience it is so cause most of us are I-experts.
I want this, I think this, I believe this, I want u to do this...
It is the fast lane to failure, unhappiness and lonelyness in life.
Its always a dilemma how much truth u should tell a friend , if u always praise and not tell their faults, than we are rather an enemy then a friend.
Cause u are indirectly approving harmful habits, attitudes, and actions.
But on the other side, if u paint out mistaces, it leads to dislike and break of.

I feel the right way is to speak truth but with tact.
It isnt enough that u are sayin the right thing, u have to say it in right time, place and mood of the person.
The way to give constructive critism and friendly feedback, is to appreciate whatever the friend is, or has done, there is certainly some gemine aspect to appreciate.
Also to criticise and finally to encourage.
Miss any step and u may loose a friend.
Change ur ways and ride on the highway of happiness.

to God
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