September 30, 2002 --- After a long break from updated the site should be back
updated regulary, results from our latestest ppv can be found in the ppv section.
More media and a re-vamped site should be up whitin a week or two

August 24th, 2002 --- FtW World CHamp Metal along with the Amazing Zero were spotted at the 3PW show in Philly tonight snap shots
were taken with them and some friends and can be viewed here

August 12th, 2002 --- This past Saturday Night Brawl's results are up and can be found here

august 11th, 2002 --- The FTW's own Jack Hydraulic and Arson(zero) put on what many fans where saying was the
best match of the night at the UWF's brawl at the Hall,pictures should be up soon you can view the rest of the results at
the UWF's offical site

August 6th, 2002 --- FTW Europe's website is up and running and can be reached by clicking here

August 5th, 2002 --- Alright well its been awhile but finally some updates, some video clips are available in the
Media section
also the rumors where true the ftw's Jack Hydraulic will take on Zero (or one of his alter egos)
at the U.W.F. show at Eagles Hall in Fairless Hills, PA on August 11,and finally a gustbook has been added
to the bottom of this page so be sure to leave your feedback.

July 11, 2002 --- The ftw's senior referee Bob Mann has designed some SouthParkesque Characters
of FTW Superstars you can find them here

July 10, 2002 --- i apoligize for the lack of updates, TOK 2002 was an amazing show
with Jack Hydrualic taking the crown, full results will be posted in the PPV section pretty soon.
Rumors are circulating and the ftw locker room that 2 ftw stars may be indeed be on there way to The UWF
no,not the Underground, but infact Moose Marretii's UWF, with Moose making an apperence
at the Lipton Teabag Center, things look to be going that way.
Stay tuned for more info.

June 28th, 2002 --- The ftw will present the 2002 Tournament of Kings this saturday June 29th, for details vist the PPV section
June 25th, 2002 --- The has parted ways with James "The Regulator" Outlaw and wishes
him the best of luck in his future endevors.

June 17th, 2002 --- After a meeting of the majority of the company the order as just been placed the
will have a legitimate ring thanks to our friends at highspots

June 15th, 2002 --The FTW has been shutdown by the wonderful folks at Falls Township in assocation
with the Pennsylvaina State Athletic Commision.
Details to come soon

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